Angel trumpets are impressive. These large shrubs, which easily grow into small trees, tower over other plants in the garden. Their height, width and masses of fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers never fail to impress – both the eye and the nose. However, because all parts of the plant are poisonous if consumed, angel trumpet is not suitable for landscapes where there are children and pets. If you provide the angel's trumpet with its basic growing needs - including plenty of sun, water and nutrients - you will be rewarded with abundant, trumpet-shaped blooms in summer and fall. But every now and then we hear the following: “My angel’s trumpet isn’t blooming!” Yes, unfortunately this can happen: We will tell you the possible causes and give you helpful tips for the proper care of this beautiful plant.
My angel trumpet doesn't bloom: causes
Wait patiently
If you have a new plant, don't be too impatient, give it some time to bloom. Sometimes these plants don't bloom so well in the first year of their flowering. The following year they will be twice as many and more lush.
When does the angel's trumpet bloom?
The adult angel's trumpet produces large, strongly fragrant, downward-hanging, trumpet-shaped flowers in summer and autumn that are 15 - 25 cm long.
Caring for angel trumpet: Find the right location
The angel's trumpet can be planted in a suitable location, reducing the number of problems it faces. Plants will bloom faster and stay healthy if they receive at least six hours of direct sunlight per day in a south-facing bed. The more sun it gets, the more it will bloom. Night is the best time to enjoy the tropical scent of the flowers. So plant them where the tropical scent comes into its own best.
The plant should be planted in a sheltered location with fertile, well-drained soil if one wishes to grow it in the garden. As mentioned, it is best planted in full sun, but it thrives tooin hot, dry climates, especially in areas with high temperatures.
Angel trumpet does not bloom and has yellow leaves due to improper watering
Water the angel's trumpet frequently to keep the soil slightly moist from spring to fall. The plant wilts and does not thrive as well in dry conditions as it does in moist soil. These shrubs can turn yellow if not watered properly. They use a lot of water during the growing season to develop their bright flowers and if the water is lacking, they willthe signs of droughtnotice.
When the plant needs to be watered, the leaves droop and recover quickly.On the hot summer daysyou may need to water your plant 2 – 3 times a day.
Angel trumpet – diseases and pests on the plant
Pests are attracted to these plants in large numbers. If not dealt with properly, they wreak havocthese peststhe plants, including aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies and especially spider mites. Plant viruses can cause stunted plant growth and irregular streaks or spots on angel trumpets.
Angel trumpet doesn't bloom because it needs fertilizer
- Before planting
If you want to plant an angel's trumpet, make sure the soil is rich and well-drained, so add compost or other organic matter before planting.
- liquid fertilizer
The lack of fertilizer may be the reason why your angel's trumpet is not producing flowers. A slow-release fertilizer may not provide the plant with enough nutrients to produce flowers. If you want to keep your shrub healthy, you should use liquid fertilizer two to three times a week.
- Organic, water-soluble all-purpose fertilizers
Fertilize the angel's trumpet in the spring when it begins to grow again. Fertilize again in early summer and mid-summer to ensure the plant blooms optimally. Use a water-soluble, general-purpose fertilizer and stick to the dosage listed on the label. After applying the fertilizer, water the soil with 1.5 – 2.5 cm of water.
- Epsom salt
During the active growth period, from spring to late summer, the angel's trumpet requires a constant supply of nutrients. To increase the plant's magnesium content, in addition to your routine feeding, you should dissolve 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt in 4 liters of water. This means the nutrients can be absorbed better.
Angel trumpet does not bloom - pruning done incorrectly
Pruning is not necessary for angel trumpets, but it ensures a well-groomed appearance of the plant. You should only prune your shrub in the fall or immediately after flowering to avoid cutting off the new flowers. Be careful not to cut your plant too deeply. The most important aspect of pruning is identifying the “Y” spot. Unlike normal branching, the Y is where new growth occurs, and these shrubs only develop flowers at these nodes.
If possible, cut above these Y-branches, leaving 6 to 10 nodes. You can also cut below the Y, but this will result in the already slow-growing angel's trumpet taking a year before it produces more flowers. Since all parts of the plant are poisonous, you should wear gloves when pruning your plant.