Overwintering passionflower: This is what you should keep in mind when caring for it

The passion flower is abeautiful exotic, which has crept into the hearts of hobby gardeners. However, most varieties are not frost hardy. So if you want to get the ornamental plant through the cold season, you should definitely overwinter it. In the article we will tell you how you can overwinter your passionflower.

Overwintering passionflower: Hardy varieties can be left outside

Not all passion flower varieties need to be brought into winter quarters. There are also varieties that...are conditionally hardy. They can survive a mild winter. However, the young plants are susceptible to frost and must be housed in a greenhouse, winter garden or room for the first two years. Only then can they be planted in the garden and can easily withstand temperatures down to -10° Celsius.

The right winter protection is essential. A layer of mulch protects the flower roots from freezing. If it snows, you can also cover the flower with fleece. In sub-zero temperatures you should also water the exotic flower less often.

Do not cut back hardy passionflowers before overwintering

Many plants are cut back heavily in autumn and can get through the winter without any problems. But things are different with passionflower. It is only cut back in spring.This cut backpromotes their growth and flower formation. If you cut the passionflower in autumn, after the end of the flowering period, the shoots can easily freeze.

Overwinter passionflowers in pots outside

If you have passion flowers in pots on the balcony or terrace, they can spend the winter there. Locations with a southern or western orientation are best. Place the tubs directly in front of the wall of the house to protect them from the wind and keep them warm. If temperatures are below zero, you can wrap the tubs with fleece. A layer of mulch will protect them from frost.

Conditionally frost-hardy varieties have to go into winter quarters

Most passionflower varieties are partially frost hardy and cannot survive the winter outdoors. You must therefore accommodate them in suitable winter quarters. The right time is crucial: Shortly after the end of the flowering period and before the first frost, you should bring the exotic flower into the house. An unheated south-facing room and a winter garden are ideal. Overwintering in a greenhouse is also possible as long as the temperatures do not fall below 15° Celsius.

There are some varieties that also thrive in shady locations. You should overwinter these in a dark room. The garden house without windows and the garage are ideal for this. The air temperatures between 5 and 12° Celsius prove to be optimal in this case.

Check your passionflower for pests before bringing it into winter quarters.

Overwintering passionflower: You can cut frost-sensitive varieties in autumn

In contrast to the winter-hardy and partially winter-hardy varieties, the frost-sensitive passionflowers tolerate pruning. Remove diseased leaves and cut off woody shoots. However, since the plant dries back in winter, you should keep as many side shoots and all main shoots as possible. In spring you can then cut the plant back heavily.

How to overwinter passionflower properly: Tips for care

During the winter rest, the exotic can also cope with little water. During the cold season, water the flower only when necessary. You can stop fertilizing completely in the fall. Only in spring, after vigorous pruning, can you provide the plant with slow-release fertilizer.

Prepare the passionflower for the new gardening season

After the long break, spring is the right time to prepare the passionflower for the new gardening season. First, check whether the flower pot is big enough. When the soil is rooted, you can repot the climbing plant. Heavy clay pots that won't tip over even in strong winds are best. Good drainage is very important because the plant cannot tolerate waterlogging.

From the end of April, the potted plants can be put back on the balcony, terrace or garden. Before you put them outdoors, you should cut them back vigorously. Cut back woody side shoots to 20 cm and remove dried or diseased shoots and leaves. The flower is fast growing and will sprout again soon. During this growth phase you should water and fertilize them regularly.

The passion flower is a beautiful exotic plant that also feels at home in your home garden in summer. In winter, however, it should be housed in a greenhouse, a winter garden or a bright room. Pruning is not necessary, you can just cut off dead leaves and branches. In spring the climbing plant can go outdoors again.