Fertilizing peonies: When and with what fertilization should be done so that you can enjoy lush blooms!

With their magnificent flowers and lush foliage, peonies (Paeonia) are the showpieces of many gardens. However, their irresistible appeal depends heavily on the love and attention they receive during planting and then care. That's why, as a hobby gardener, you should know how to fertilize your beautiful, enchanting peonies!

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Proper fertilization of peonies is paramount to the care of these perennial flowers. This not only ensures their survival, but also ensures that they thrive in your garden, which is reflected in a breathtaking display of colors and strong foliage every spring.

When and with what to fertilize and care for peonies? Tips

Photo: Pavlo Baliukh/Shutterstock

Peonies are perennial plants that last a long time and have beautiful, dark green leaves. Proper fertilization of these perennials offers several benefits, regardless of the species you plant.

Peony fertilization and its benefits

Giving your peony plants a balanced diet has several benefits. Although peonies are hardy plants, their delicate, weak stems and lower flower yield can be the result of poor nutrition. However, plants that are adequately supplied with nutrients develop sturdier stems and an abundance of flower buds. Instead of a bright, delicate green, the leaves are shiny.

Peonies are more drought-resistant and less susceptible to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and Botrytis gray mold when fertilized properly. The soil pH should be between 5 and 7.5, which is ideal for peonies, and fertilization can support this.

The right time

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Fertilizer applications are rarely necessary for well-established peonies. Fertilize young plants in spring and fall, starting with soil rich in compost. Fertilize peonies in spring when you notice new shoots (they should already be 30 – 40 cm high) emerging from the soil. After pruning the plants in the fall, it's time to fertilize them again. Both times offer advantages for the plant and although you can fertilize at both times, one fertilization per year is completely sufficient.

Which fertilizer for peonies?

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The organic material surrounding your peony's roots is the best growing medium for it, as with most perennial garden plants. Soil bacteria release a variety of plant nutrients when they decompose organic material. Cover your garden beds with a 2-3 centimeter thick layer of compost every season. This not only enriches the soil with organic matter and improves its structure, but also provides your peony plants with nutrients. If you don't have compost, use an organic fertilizer - horn shavings or horn meal.

Mulching with compost is another strategy some gardeners use to keep weeds at bay around perennials and other plants. Never place compost on the peony plants or tightly around their young stems. Instead, make a circle out of compost.

NPK fertilizer

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Although most garden stores do not carry specific peony fertilizer, you should be able to find effective solutions for flowers and perennials - rose fertilizer, perennial fertilizer and flowering plant fertilizer are suitable. Choose a fertilizer with a balanced nitrogen content or one with slightly less nitrogen. Possible options are 10-20-10 or 10-10-10.

If your peonies are either not blooming at all or are blooming with just a few buds, fertilizer may be to blame. Do not use strong fertilizer with nitrogen. The consequences of this are fewer buds and more leaf growth.

Also interesting:Are your peonies not blooming? Use this trick to get them to bloom

Fertilize the perennials properly

Fertilize peonies by spreading the fertilizer in a circular pattern around the base of the plant. Maintain a distance of 15 to 30 cm from the crown while maintaining a circular shape. If the crown or early growth comes into contact with the fertilizer, burns may occur. To ensure fertilizer reaches your peony's roots, moisten the soil well after application.

Can you fertilize peonies with bone meal?

Foto: Shadow Inspiration/ Shutterstock

Bone meal is an excellent fertilizer for after the end of the growing season when you want to give your plants an extra boost of nutrients. Phosphorus, which is found in bone meal, is for onehealthy root development and flower formationessential. Since the phosphorus contained in bone meal must first be broken down by soil bacteria before it can be used by the plants, it is best to feed the plants in the fall so that they have enough time to absorb the nutrients in the spring.

The problem is that phosphorus is already abundant in many soils and adding more can be harmful. We recommend having a soil test done to determine the current phosphorus levels in your soil before feeding bone meal to your peonies.

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