Actually, you know that peonies should, if possible, be cut closed and placed in the vase. Over time they will bloom on their own. But now they have been standing for some time and nothing has happened. You're starting to wonder if maybe you were wrong. Do peonies bloom in the vase or should you have waited for them to bloom? Under what conditions can you get a beautiful bouquet of peonies for the table? If your peonies are not blooming, this could be due to the following reasons:
Buds don't open in the vase - what could be the problem?
Florists sell the flowers at this stage for a reason: on the one hand, they are easier to transport without the flowers being damaged. It also gives you the chance to actually experience the entire flowering phase, which never seems to last long enough anyway. You can also cut off peonies in the garden while they are still in the budding phase.
It seems like it could happen at any moment, but this seems to have been going on for quite a long time now. Is this still normal or why don't the peonies open in the vase?
Does the peony bouquet receive the right care?
The blossoming of a plant is an enormous effort, which is even more impressive in the vase. Therefore, you should make it as easy as possible for the plant to flourish. The peonies in the vase are cared for properly if:
- Cut the peonies correctly, namely diagonally! For this purpose, use a sharp knife to avoid ragged cracks and bruises. Scissors can also crush the soft stems.
- Remove as many leaves as possible. Of course, you don't have to leave a bare stem with a bud, but the fewer leaves the flower stem has in the vase, the better the plant can direct its energy into blooming. Leaves that would stand in water will definitely come off, otherwise they will rot.
- Place the cut flowers in lukewarm, but never hot, water to encourage the plant to bloom more quickly.
Tipp:Even if you pick your peonies from the garden, you should always use suitable pruning tools. Before you put them in the vase, check the cuts again and trim if necessary.
Peonies don't open: sometimes you have to help
It usually takes time for the flower buds to actually open. This is simply because they are stuck together by the natural, sweet plant sap (sameBy the way, it attracts ants, which are always found on the peony bushes). In the wild, this sticky sap is occasionally washed away by rain, but in the vase the plant has to fight it off on its own.
Peonies open with a simple trick
Luckily you're there, because if you're really impatient, you can help things out a little and get the peonies to bloom. Basically, you give the buds a little pampering by gently massaging them. What exactly do we mean?
- Moisten your fingertips (preferably both thumbs).
- Rub them over each individual bud. When doing this, move the outermost leaves gently and only slightly downwards. Try to move the petals underneath a little too. To do this, you can apply a little pressure.
- As you perform these movements, be sure to keep your fingers moistened so they can glide over the outer petals.
- The moisture helps soften the sticky substance and massage to loosen the top petals.
- Push themnotall the way down, just loosen them and then let the bud open on its own.
- If you want, you can repeat the whole thing a few more times after some time.
You can make the flowers last longer in the vaseread here.
Peonies don't grow in the garden
The garden plant is like this in terms of location and, above all, the correct planting depthquite demanding. If it is too deep, it can cause the flower to fail completely. However, if it has formed buds on time during the flowering period, but the peonies do not open, this could also be due to other problems.
Why don't peonies open:
- If the peonies remain closed, you may have planted the shrub too deep.
- The plant does not receive enough sunlight. Too shady a place in the gardenprevents the plant from blooming.
- Insufficient watering prevents the buds from opening. In spring it usually rains enough to provide the flowering shrubs with enough water. However, there are also longer dry periods in which you have to provide water so that the plant can bloom.
- Does the plant get enough nutrients? As already mentioned, the shrub invests enormous energy in the formation of flowers. If the nutrients are not enough, the plant stops this process and takes care of supplying the more important parts of the plant.Therefore, fertilize regularly!
- Is it possible that thePeony bush is sick? Check the leaves, buds and other parts of the plant for signs of this and act as quickly as possible.