Typical of the Mediterranean region are plant species with strange, fine, silver-gray hairs, which are of great importance for their survival as protection against evaporation. The small hairs store moisture and tolerate the high heat in sunny locations. White-silver plants for the garden offer interesting design options and make the outdoor area shine. In addition to the structure of the leaves, the focus is also on the color of the flowers. Contrasts and accents underline and combine the individual touch in the garden design. We offer 11 plant species with typically white-silvery leaves or flowers and an overview of important information about them.
Iris orIris “Low Ho”
Iris “Low Ho” is a very vigorous variety characterized by silvery white,fragrant flowersis characterized. It blooms from mid-May to mid-June and reaches a height of around 50 centimeters. This type of iris was invented by Byers in 1989.
Florentine iris
The traditional iris is still known in Germany as the iris and is often used in cosmetics. The plant species became particularly popular in the royal courts during the 18th century. At that time, it was considered rubbish to wash, which is why body odors were only masked with the help of aromatic scents. What is characteristic of this iris variety is that only ripe roots develop their aroma and resemble the scent of violets. This plant needs a sunny, well-drained, rather dry place in the bed. It blooms delicately light blue,whitishand reaches an average height of 60 centimeters.
Lily of Siberia
Different varieties of lilies have become established in local gardens and are described as unproblematic, flower-friendly and rain-resistant plants. Lilium “Siberia” blooms richly in white and reaches a height of 100 centimeters. Like the other species in the family, they require a sunny to slightly shady location, protected from direct wind. These plants grow to a height of around 50 to 150 centimeters and the size of the flowers is around 6.7 to 5 centimeters. When planting, a deeply loosened, nutrient-rich soil is recommended. Constant wetness and long periods of drought would damage the plant. Planting is planned for spring or autumn.
Agapanthus “Silver Baby”
Agapanthus with the German name “African Lilies” is a low-growing, compact, evergreen plant with an interesting flower color - almost white with a blue edge. However, this comes from South Africa and has become known in Europe in a variety of breeding varieties, mostly as a pot plant. It prefers sunny to semi-shady places and can usually overwinter well.
Rose “Silver Shadows”
“Silver Shadow” is a rose from the tea hybrid genus and delights with a strong scent and an exceptional color. This was described as a light silvery mauve and can be classified as a pale violet. It is hardy and bushy, reaches a height of around 1 meter and is ideal for planting in beds.
Zierlauch Silverspring
ItOrnamental onions provide remarkable charmin the country house garden and not only. The hemispherical flower umbels look forward to sunlight, are hardy and perennial plants that attract butterflies and bees to the garden with their flowers in June - July. The “Silverspring” variety is characterized by creamy white, silvery individual flowers with dark red eyes, which beautify the home as cut and dried flowers.
White sage
White sage is a well-known evergreen, perennial plant - a herbaceous subshrub. It grows up to 1 meter, its leaves are basal and their surface is densely covered with fine hairs, which make the hard leaves appear whitish. Its blue labial flowers contrast beautifully with the silvery-white leaves. White sage can also be easily grown in a pot or garden. The plant is often used in healing practice - it has an antiperspirant effect and keeps water in the body. It also helps with bronchial diseases.
Grauer Bergfenchel/ Seseli gummi ferum
This plant creates a very unusual eye-catcher with its almost succulent effect. The mountain fennel is a rather short-lived - sometimes biennial, stocky plant with typical leaves - short, fine, pinnate and striking with its typical blue-green color. Which can be seen at the base of walls in the sun. It is best to plant it as a partner plant to conceal the resulting gaps.
Silver Brunia
Silver Brunia is an evergreen dwarf shrub, up to 1 meter high, with a rounded shape. Its leaves are alternate with small hairs on the top. The inflorescences form a kind of “grapes” and characteristic white flowers, resembling nuts. This shrub is found outdoors in South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland and can tolerate a minimum temperature of -7 degrees.
Barbed wire plant/ Leucophyta brownii
Leucophyta brownii is known by several names – barbed wire plant, bonanza grass, ghost bush, Calocephalus brownii. It comes from Australia and is related to the edelweiss. Also called a trellis plant or silver basket, it prefers full or partial sun locations and cannot tolerate frost. Permeable soil is required as a substrate because the roots cannot tolerate moisture, but it must not dry out.