How you can tell if your plants are over-fertilized

Using fertilizer is an important part of plant care, but too much of it causes plants to be overfertilized. This is especially true for houseplants, which are usually more vulnerable and require loving attention. There is no general rule for fertilization because different plant varieties have different needs. However, to avoid overfertilization, which can cause damage, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the guidelines. Below you will find signs that indicate that houseplants have been over-fertilized and some measures to help prevent this.

What to do if plants appear over-fertilized?

A houseplant or two will go a long way in adding greenery, dimension and life to any room. While some require more time and attention than others, there are general care rules to follow,so your potted plants can thrive. Of course, fertilization comes on this list because it is important in allowing you to add nutrients to the potting soil. This allows your plants to feed themselves, which promotes their new growth. However, over-fertilization can be harmful to their health. In fact, this can cause a number of problems that can even kill your plant.

In addition, overdoing it with fertilizers leads to high concentrations of soluble salts in the corresponding container. These salts damage roots by slowing the net flow of water into the roots and indirectly predisposing them to certain plant diseases. This occurs through a process called reverse osmosis, which draws moisture away from the roots. Signs of overfertilization include stunted growth, burnt or dried leaf edges, wilting, and plant collapse or even death. If plants are over-fertilized, they may also exhibit yellowing of the leaves. Here are the main symptoms of overfertilization in houseplants and solutions that will help you feed your green friends the right food.

The most common symptoms of overfertilization

If the salt content in the soil is higher than that contained in the plant, the above-mentioned reverse osmosis occurs and there is a risk of chemical burns and dehydration. However, the most serious damage occurs underground in the roots, where the soil is located. Always pay attention to the correct proportions when feeding houseplants. Seeing the plant grow beautifully is a sign that your fertilizer is doing a good job. However, excess salt in fertilizers can “burn” the roots and limit moisture absorption. Accordingly, if the plant cannot absorb water, it will get into trouble, which brings with it some of the following typical signs.

Appearance of yellowed or brown leaves when plants are overfertilized

Yellow and brown leaves can indicate many problems with your plants, including pests, diseases, and nutrient deficiencies. However, they can also indicate over-fertilization. These symptoms generally go hand in hand with a crust on the soil surface. This is because the plants cannot absorb nutrients due to the high salt content in the fertilizer, which burns the root system.

However, “crunchy” leaves can also be due to disease or heat damage. Therefore, it is important to rule out all other options for proper treatment of the plants. So it would be best to immediately inspect plants with yellow, brown, or falling leaves. Most of the time, this indicates a problem that needs to be addressed. If overfertilization is the problem, you will likely notice yellow leaves in conjunction with the other signs listed below.

Observe impaired growth

Some houseplants, such as the porcelain flower, tend to grow slowly. Of course, growth is also stronger during the growing season in warm weather and humid conditions, so a slow growth period is not unusual. However, if you notice that your houseplant hasn't grown in a while, it may be suffering from overfertilization. This is also a result of the plant's inability to absorb the nutrients necessary for growth. Remember that incorrect watering techniques and a lack of nutrients can also lead to slow growth, so other possibilities should be ruled out.

A crusty soil surface indicates that plants are over-fertilized

A white crust on your houseplant's potting soil can also be the result of overfertilization. The buildup of salt and nutrients prevents the plant from absorbing water and nutrients. To give your houseplant the care it needs, you should rinse the soil with clean water every four to six months. A white layer of mold can appear due to overwatering. So also remember to consider watering frequency.

If no flowers appear and an overgrowth occurs

Abundant but lanky growth can also indicate problems with overfertilization. You may notice lots of stems but very few leaves and, if you expect the plant to bloom, no flowers. Inadequate lighting can also cause houseplants to become leggy. Therefore, consider moving your plants to a new location or opting for a grow light if you notice this problem.

Why wilted plants could be over-fertilized

Leaf wilting is often the result of a damaged root system. This often occurs along with a white crust on the top layer of soil and yellow falling leaves. Aside from that, wilted houseplants could also mean that you have underwatered or overwatered them and that they need more nutrients. Think about how you cared for the plant and what other signs you might notice.

What to do if you notice root rot?

Root rot can also be the result of overwatering or underwatering, but overfertilization can also be to blame. Other signs of overfertilization are also present, such as yellow leaves, wilting and lack of growth. If you check the root system and see mushy brown roots, it's time to take action.

Carefully remove any dead roots and replant, hoping yourSaving houseplant. However, if it no longer appears to have any white roots, it may no longer be salvageable. Once you have determined this for sure, you can propagate healthy cuttings to start over.

How you can prevent overfertilization

If you get carried away with fertilizer or simply have a buildup of fertilizer in your potted plants, there are some steps you can take to save your plants. Because overfertilization can harm your houseplants, it's important to be proactive and generally avoid the problem. Leach the fertilizer from the potting soil by watering long and removing the fertilizer from the root zone or bottom of the pot. If there is a crust on the surface of the earth, carefully remove it. However, do not take more than ¼ of the soil with you. Remove the wilted or burnt leaves. Stop fertilizing and reconsider the amount you use. You have a good chance of saving the plant.

Also, only fertilize when the plants are actively growing. If they are not in the growth phase, they may not consume the salts and nutrients, which could lead to scale buildup. Water your plants thoroughly to remove salt deposits and excess fertilizer when watering. Also reduce the frequency and concentration of fertilizer. This reduces the chance of over-fertilizing while still allowing you to provide your plants with nutrients. Additionally, the signs of overfertilization often resemble the same symptoms of other houseplant problems. This can make the problem difficult to identify. However, if you notice more than one of the signs at the same time and fertilize frequently, there is a good chance the plants are overfertilized.