A garden that is green and blooming is the dream of all hobby gardeners and property owners, regardless of whether it is an orchard or a full flower. The prerequisite for a visually pleasant and densely green garden area is the correct selection of plants, as well as appropriate soil preparation and care. The tree slices can be planted specifically. Suitable plants under fruit trees support and have a positive effect on the growth of the cultivated species.
What to plant under fruit trees – tips and suitable underplanting
In principle, shallow roots can hardly be planted under. Other plants find it difficult to grow in their root area because the topsoil is intensively rooted. On the other hand, deep-rooted and heart-rooted plants only form a few main roots that are more branched at the ends. This offers favorable conditions for some perennials, ornamental grasses andGround cover. The tree can also benefit from them as they have a beneficial effect against diseases and bacteria.
Grow apple tree
The apple tree often suffers from scab and garlic and chives planted on the tree slice help against this. The nasturtium is effective against apple leaf suckers.
Underplanting for apple trees – monkshood
The apple likes the neighborhood of monkshood and violets. Dandelions drive away leaf chlorosis from the fruit.
Experienced gardeners know that apricot trees tolerate other fruit trees well as long as they are at least six meters apart. In addition, planting sage on the tree disc has a negative effect.
Marigold attracts insects for pollination
Marigold, lemon balm, nasturtium and peppermint are ideal partners for the apricot.
Melissa can also be used in healing practice
Certain plant combinations promote pollination and thus the health of the trees, which is why they are specifically planted underFruit trees planted. Others, in contrast, have a growth-inhibiting effect because they have similar nutrient requirements.
The neighborhood with sage, juniper and raspberries can be unfavorable for the pear. It benefits from geranium, dandelion, dead nettle and foxglove.
Geranium – as a pot plant or dream partner for the pear
Geraniums and other spring flowers attract insects for pollination and thrive in partial shade.
Dandelion on the pear tree slice
Dandelion inhibits foliar chlorosis of apples, although it is classified as a weed.
Cherry tree in the orchard
The cherry trees often suffer from fool's disease and pocket disease on stone fruits and garlic is used as a defense as a defense.
Red foxglove against gum flow on the cherry trees
The red foxglove has a positive effect against gum flow and the lily of the valley prevents monila.
Lily of the valley can be poisonous to humans, but it defends against disease among cherry trees
Periwinkle has an unfavorable effect on cherries, so proximity to it should be avoided.
Mirabelle plums and cherries don't get along well
Mirabelle plums do not tolerate being in close proximity to cherries. These trees like the neighborhood of onion, garlic, clover, geranium and also mustard.
Onion as a shrub underplanting Mirabelle plums
The peach suffers from curl disease and the non-climbing nasturtium and garlic work particularly well against it.
Garlic attracts bees for pollination and thereby promotes the health of various fruit trees
Plum and plum – popular fruit trees in the garden
Plums and plums can be placed in a group and phacelia, orach, lamb's lettuce, garlic, celandine, larkspur and garlic are suitable as underplants.
Phacelia is a dream partner for the plum in the orchard
Larkspur as a suitable neighbor plant for plums and plums
Quince needs a special position in the garden
The quince does not tolerate the neighborhood of berry bushes, sage, as well as conifers and wormwood. In contrast, dead nettle, phacelia, dandelion and orach have a particularly positive effect.
Deadnettle is also used in traditional medicine
Orach is an ancient crop
As a general pest deterrent, fruit trees can be planted with garlic, peppermint, nasturtium, germander, scabious, sedum and star umbel.
Mark the healthy underplanting in the tree bed
As naturalRemedy against volesand other rodents, daffodils are grown in the tree disc. These have a narcotic effect and are avoided by the pests.
Sage is a taboo as a neighboring plant for most fruit trees
Sage is widely known for its healing properties. But it is not recommended as an underplant or near some fruit trees, such as pear and apricot.
Plant spring flowers
In spring, when your trees don't yet have leaves, you can plant pretty spring flowers under fruit trees. Then there will be enough sun on the ground to wake the flowers from hibernation.
Fruit trees in planters
Some fruit trees, especially those from southern areas, can also be grown in planters and then stored in a warm house in winter. You can decorate around it with ground cover or other plants and change it at any time.
Ground cover and plants with colorful leaves
Once the leaves have grown again, there will be at least partial shade in which not all plants will feel comfortable. Hostas are shade-loving plants and can be used wonderfully for planting under fruit trees.