Ground cover for shade – 10 plants that work well

Hostas and ferns reign supreme in the shade garden. But also manyGround cover plantsfeel very comfortable there. We have 10 for youGround cover for shadeand partial shade, which are perfect for an easy-care garden.

Ground cover for shade – carpet spars

The carpet spar (Astilbe chinensis var. pumila) is a great oneEye-catcher in the gardenwith its many purple flowers. This carpet-forming perennial prefers a shady location and is ideal as a planting base. It blooms from August to September and reaches a height of up to 20 cm.

Ground cover for shade – Kaugasus forget-me-not

Brunera macrophylla requires a humus-rich, slightly moist garden soil and asunny to shady location. The clump-forming growth reaches a height of up to 40 cm and is characterized by good winter hardiness. The large silvery, green-veined leaves are themselves a highlight in the garden. The small, blue flower umbels appear from April to May.

Vinca Periwinkle

Vinca is very easy to care for and feels comfortable everywhere. The evergreen quickly forms an evergreen natural carpet and blooms from May to September with individual blue flowers.

Sterndolde Astrantia major

The star umbel is a great eye-catcher in the shade garden because it has small star-shaped flower heads, dark on the outside and light on the inside, which can be seen from July to September. The clump-forming, bushy growth reaches a height of up to 60 cm.

Pentecost violets

The peony violet is a wonderful spring bloomer with heart-shaped leaves. It bears purple or white small flowers from May to June. Viola sororia is an undemanding perennial that is suitable as a ground cover for small garden areas and shady locations.

Goldnessel Lamiastrum Galeobdolon

The golden nettle is a yellow-flowering, carpet-forming perennial that spreads quickly and is suitable for leafing large areas. It prefers loose, moderately moist garden soil and grows very well under trees. The flowering period extends from May to June.

Aruncus aethusfolius – dwarf goat's beard

The dwarf goat's beard has elegant white flower spikes that appear from June to July. This perennial also has a great feature - the finely feathered leaves take on a great orange color in autumn. This variety is of course much smaller and more delicate than other Aruncus species and only grows up to 25 cm high.

Mandelwolfsmilch Euphorbia Amygdaloides

Almond spurge is probably the only variety that is suitable for shade and partial shade. The greenish-yellow umbellate flowers appear in spring and provide excellent relief in the shade garden. But be careful that the plant is poisonous.

Elfenblume Epimedium Perralchicum

Leberblümchen Hepatica Nobilis

The liverwort has lobed foliage with reddish shoots and bright blue flowers that bloom from March to April.

Epimedium Perralchicum Elf Flower “Frohnleiten”

Epimedium perralchicum is a beautiful fairy flower that prefers well-drained garden soil in a semi-shady to shady location. The leaves change color several times throughout the year - in spring - copper-colored, early summer - green. In autumn they surprise again with a brownish-red color and turn green until winter.

Ajuga Kriechender Günsel

The creeping Günsel is a fast-growing ground cover with green foliage and spike-shaped, blue inflorescences. It is very suitable for planting under trees and is hardy.