How to choose good neighbors when growing mixed crops with leeks? Grow these companion plants in the bed with leeks

Garden plants can benefit from each other, and if you're looking for good neighbors for leeks, there are some varieties that are suitable. Leeks are an easy-care vegetable that can be used in many different ways in the kitchen and get along well with other plants. However, when growing in the garden bed, there are a few factors to consider so that its companion plants can thrive just as healthily in the mixed culture. Here are some examples of suitable neighborhoods and plant care tips that can help you achieve a better harvest.

What should you consider before planting good neighbors next to leeks?

Plants such as garlic and leeks, which belong to the onion family, are ideal for repelling pests in the garden bed. This makes leeks a favorite choice in many herb and vegetable gardens. However, you should limit yourself to only growing leeks when you already have enoughCompanion Planting Optionsbe available. In this way, mixed crops can benefit from numerous advantages and grow healthily without the crops having harmful effects on each other.

In addition, you can use companion plants to create a functioning ecosystem in which they work together with beneficial organisms in a harmonious balance. When choosing good neighbors for leeks, you should make sure that all plant varieties have the same or similar growing conditions. The multiple interactions allow you to increase your yield by keeping competition for nutrients to a minimum. However, since leeks themselves are susceptible to pest infestation, you should also choose neighborhood plants that counteract such pests. Without further ado, here are the best leek companions to consider when growing.

Plant carrots and leeks together

Leek is a type of plant that has stiff and upright shoots, which is why it does not necessarily need supportive companions in the bed when growing. However, when you grow leeks with appropriate garden plants such as carrots, you benefit from improved soil fertility, drainage, pest resistance and flavor. In addition, carrots can be good neighbors for leeks as companion plants. Since, like leeks, they are also an essential part of many dishes, you can use both vegetables at the same time to prepare healthy recipes. Another advantage of this combination is that carrots have a repellent effect against leek moths and onion flies. On the other hand, leeks can keep naked flies away from carrots.

Why are cruciferous vegetables like cabbage good neighbors for leeks?

Vegetables like cauliflower and kale are also perfect for growing together with leeks. Basically, these are plants from the same family. Cruciferous vegetables are also often used in the kitchen and can grow quickly and healthily together with leeks. This also includes kohlrabi, turnips and other representatives of this plant family. Growing leeks with cabbage can also help ward off common pests like whitefly. The strong scent of leeks can deter aphids and cabbage bugs.

Grow beets like beetroot next to leeks in the garden bed

If bed space is limited, consider combining beets and leeks to make the most of the available garden space. As a root vegetable, beetroot, like leeks, prefers well-drained, fertile garden soil, as well as several hours of sunshine and sufficient irrigation. Leeks help keep beets free of pesky pests that feed on foliage, such as aphids and flea beetles. As an interaction, beet taproots help make loamy garden soil more permeable as they grow downward. This allows the leek to thrive better in well-drained and moderately loose soil.

How celery and leeks can become good neighbors

The combination of celery and leek in the vegetable patch is also a beneficial option as both plants have similar growing conditions. They thrive best in well-drained and nutrient-rich garden soil, with plenty of sunlight and can be planted at the same time. In addition, leeks and celery are good neighbors because the latter loosens the soil for the leeks while protecting them from pests such as leaf miners. Additionally, you can alternate growing leeks to achieve better crop rotation. Celery's large taproot allows moisture to penetrate more easily, which also benefits the leek.

Which herb plants can be good neighbors for leeks?

When planting an herb garden, some aromatic herbs can mask the strong scent of leeks and some other vegetable companions. They also keep it free of pests. An example of this is rosemary, which attracts beneficial insects such as bees. This scares away aphids and caterpillars in the garden bed with leeks. The combination of leeks and rosemary also makes the garden more aesthetically diverse. The blue flowers and thin rosemary leaves complement the white stem and thick green shoots of the leek. Additionally, you can also grow lavender or thyme along the edges of your bed as companion herbal plants for leeks.

Which flowers can grow next to leeks?

Flowering plants can also be beneficial for leeks and their plant companions if they grow nearby. Some can help repel, confuse or distract pests, while others can be particularly useful because they attract beneficial predatory insects, keeping pest numbers down. For example, marigolds go perfectly with leeks because their intense smell lacewings andAttracts ladybugs, which eventually feed on pests such as aphids. Additionally, marigold's strong aroma can also keep other garden pests away. Marigolds can also act as ground cover in the garden and inhibit the growth of weeds. Other similar plant varieties to try include chamomile, nasturtium and poppy seeds for their pungent herbal flavor to protect the leeks.

Recognize bad neighbors through good neighbors for leeks

However, there are also certain plants that grow poorly in a mixed culture with leeks. The general rule of thumb is not to combine leeks with legumes such as beans, peas, alfalfa, lentils and asparagus. For example, some of these plant varieties produce biochemicals that could cause leek growth problems. As for asparagus, they require different growing conditions than leeks and can compete for nutrients. There are also other plants that you should not plant with leeks, such as cauliflower and turnips. These also compete with leeks for essential nutrients, causing stunted growth and affecting your harvest.