The advantage of radishes is that they grow quickly and are not difficult to care for. For this reason, they are also a great choice if you have yourschildrenwant to teach gardening. They also taste very good in salads both cooked and raw. Today we would like to explain to you in a few steps how you canPlant radishes, cultivate and harvest in order to enjoy success.
Plant radishes with an elongated shape
Radishes come in different colors and even patterns. They can be pink, white, red, hot pink, black or yellow and even have a striped pattern. And they also differ in their shape and size. Apart from the well-known small and round versions, there are also elongated shapes that resemble a carrot. Some varieties can also grow very large. This includes the Japanese radish, but also the daikon, which also has an elongated shape. Because of their delicious taste, it's worth waiting a little longer for themharvestto wait. This usually doesn't happen until five months after planting the radishes.
Planting radishes – at what time?
You can plant radishes in both spring and autumn. In spring this happens about two to three weeks before the last expected frost. In late summer, the best time for sowing is four to six weeks before the first frost in autumn. This applies to common radishes. These can also be cultivated in winter in regions with a milder climate. The daikon, in turn, should be sown at least two months before the first frost.
Caring for and planting radishes
When choosing a location to plant radishes, you should choose a sunny spot. The radishes like this one the most. If necessary, a location in partial shade can also be chosen. Either way, it is important that the soil is loose and that backwater is avoided. Furthermore, when preparing the soil, you should remove all stones and clods of earth so as not to hinder the growth of the roots. Depending on the radish variety, you should leave about an inch or more between plants. You can also create the distance after germination by thinning out. Do not forget to water adequately throughout the growth, without overdoing it, and remove weeds regularly. Root maggots and beetles can cause problems after planting radishes. However, this only happens in rare cases.
Plant radishes– The well-deserved harvest
Now that you're with the radishplant and care forare finished, the best part comes and that is the harvest. The interesting thing about radishes is that their taste depends on when they are harvested. The earlier you harvest the radishes, the milder their taste. You shouldn't wait too long or you risk the radishes becoming very hard. To harvest, simply pull the radishes out of the ground. However, for varieties that grow larger, you will most likely have to dig to get them out of the ground.
Black radishes
Large Japanese radish
Daikon radishes with an elongated shape
Typical pink radishes with a round shape
Planting radishes with a striped pattern