Caring for & Growing Elephant Foot: Everything you need to know about this unique plant can be found here

Elephant foot (Beaucarnea recurvata), also known as the bottle tree, water palm or elephant tree, is originally from Mexico and is one of the most unique and beautiful houseplants. Their uniqueness comes not only from their appearance, but also from the way the plant works. Just when you thought you knew everything about houseplants, this slow-growing succulent will surprise you. And the best part is that it is really easy to care for and can be a wonderful focal point in your home. If you want to learn more about how to care for and grow elephant foot, read on!

What you need to know about the elephant tree

Elephant feet are suitable for thisCultivation in containersand are a great green decoration for home and office. Very little care is required, making elephant feet easy to grow.

What is special about this plant is not only its appearance, but also the fact that it is dormant at one or more times a year. This is called the dormant period and is a time when the plant itself decides that it needs a little break. What's really strange is that the dormancy period for a given elephant's foot plant doesn't seem to depend on the season, growing conditions, or other factors. Even two plants in the same pot can go dormant at different times of the year.

Another strange and unique fact about elephant trees is that they are dioecious, meaning that the male and female flowers appear on different plants. They are slow-growing succulents that live for decades under ideal growing conditions and can be passed down from generation to generation. If you care for elephant foot according to the recommendations in this article, these plants can live up to seventy years or even longer.

How to care for the elephant's foot

Elephant foot plants – location and water requirements: These plants prefer warm climates and temperatures. A minimum temperature of around 18°C ​​is required for good growth.

They love full sun, but can alsoadapt to partial shade. However, like most succulents that prefer lots of light, these plants perform best when placed in bright, direct sun.

We have already mentioned that elephant feet fall asleep once or even several times a year. Before the dormant period begins, you will notice the elephant's foot leaves turning brown or slightly yellow. This is the time when the plant needs to be watered less and fertilized more. When the foliage has completely dried up, it means the plant has officially gone dormant. You should then reduce watering completely and move the elephant feet to a cool location.

Plants with elephant feet generally need water. They are susceptible to root rot and therefore should not be kept wet. To avoid waterlogging, allow the soil to almost dry out before watering again.

Fertilize elephant foot:Elephant's foot trees grow best in well-drained potting soil. If you live in an area with high humidity, it is doubly important to provide the plant with good drainage to keep its root system healthy and prevent root rot.

We recommend using ita balanced fertilizerat a quarter strength about once a month when the plant is not dormant.

How to properly water your water palm

There is no set schedule for when an elephant foot plant needs to be watered. This schedule may depend on the climate you live in, the amount of light it receives, and the time of year. So you can use the “soak and dry” method to figure out when to water your plant again. In other words, allow the soil in the container to dry out almost completely between waterings. Another important point is never to water the plant directly onto the tuber. Pour them around the edges of the pot you are growing them in.

It is important to remember:When the plant goes into dormancy, watering should be reduced completely.

Caring for and propagating elephant feet

Propagating elephant foot plants is not particularly difficult, but it can take some time (six months or more). Elephant foot plants are propagated by seeds. Propagation by cuttings is not possible with these plants. When collecting seeds, make sure the seed capsule is completely dry. After collecting the seeds, sow them a few centimeters deep in seed mix, preferably mixed with sand. Keep the soil constantly moist and place it in a warm place with a temperature of around 25-30°C.

They can take up to six months or longer to germinate. So be patient with your new plant!

Is elephant foot plant poisonous to people and animals?

Elephant feet are poisonous to people and pets. All parts of plants contain saponins. So if eaten by children or pets, they can cause serious poisoning. If you are growing the elephant foot plant indoors, make sure it is out of reach of children or pets.

Which plants are poisonous to cats?can be found here!