Laying turf in autumn - Why the season is just as good for grass growth as spring

Most gardeners and homeowners would not install their turf in the fall, as spring is typically a good time for growing plants. It also seems logical to think that this growing season for vegetables also applies to the lawn. However, as it turns out, the fall season is an optimal time to plant new lawns. You can lay sod practically at any time of the year. In fact, fall is even better for certain varieties. If you would like to learn more about when to lay turf, you will find some useful information and tips below.

Why you should lay your turf in autumn

Although you can assume that theLawn in springgrows best, this is not always the case. Cool-season grasses do best when grown from lawns in the fall. Even warm-season grass varieties grow well after being laid in the colder fall months. This makes autumn the best or second best time to lay lawn, depending on the type of grass. Additionally, it may actually be better to lay sod in the fall than in the winter or during the peak summer months.

When temperatures drop in the early fall season, it starts to rain. The colder season therefore allows the new grass roots to develop much faster. Additionally, in cooler temperatures there is less chance of the new lawn overheating or drying out. The increase in rainfall then allows the roots to grow deeper and growth occurs much faster. The rain also brings an added bonus to daily lawn care. You don't have to constantly water your grass area.

Benefits of the colder season

So grass growth starts strong again when the cooler weather brings more rain. However, fall growth is very different from that of spring. The leaves tend not to grow as much, but in the fall the roots develop the most. In preparation for winter, when the grass is normally dormant, the roots extend deep into the soil. This increase in root growth is ideal for establishment when laying turf in the fall. The faster the roots can start to grow, the sooner you will have a lush, beautiful and healthy lawn.

The cooler weather is also good for the lawn because it is a living product. In the height of summer, when it's hot and humid, not only will you get tired and sweat outdoors doing this type of gardening, but the lawn also tends to have a much shorter shelf life. By cooling the grass, the lower temperatures reduce the risk of damaging the grass during transport or storage. It's also much more comfortable to work when the sun isn't beating down on it. However, even in fall conditions, it is recommended to lay the turf pieces within 12 hours of harvest for best results.

The right ground preparation for turf

Do it yourself or have someone test your soil, especially before laying new sod. You'll never have an easier time improving garden soil than when it's bare and tilled for planting. In addition, you can take samples yourself and send them to the advisory service for recommendation or ask a professional to do this for you. Begin this at least 4-6 weeks before the soil is expected to freeze. It takes approximately 5-6 weeks for new grass to develop a strong root system. So make sure you give your sod enough time to strengthen its roots. Once the ground is frozen, it can be very difficult for grass to develop or strengthen its root system.

Additionally, keep in mind that a balanced soil pH and a full supply of nutrients become even more important to establishing a healthy lawn if you plant outside of the season for your grass species. Up to the area you are usingLay turf in autumnIf you want to, you should loosen the soil about 15 minutes and incorporate any recommended amendments. Then smooth the soil surface and water lightly until it is moist but not saturated.

This is how you can lay turf in the fall

To get the most out of your lawn this fall, you need to follow a few simple rules. This ensures that your grass takes root quickly and grows into a healthy lawn. The 3 rules for laying turf are:

  • Scheduling delivery for early fall.
  • Keeping the grass pieces moist so that they can take root quickly.
  • DieFertilizing the lawnwith a starter fertilizer to stimulate growth.

If you use these three tactics, you'll have an established, lush lawn by the time winter arrives. Early fall is perfect for laying sod in areas with freezing winters. So plan to lay sod between mid-September and mid-October when temperatures are between 13 and 18℃. However, it is also okay if they have also reached 24℃. In warm regions where it rarely freezes in winter, you can lay lawn until the end of November. In fact, you can even move warm-season turf patches during the winter in regions where the ground is not frozen, so timing is less critical in such areas.

Tips for caring for your lawn in the fall after laying

Regardless of the time of year, grass should be kept moist for the first two weeks after installation or until it begins to take root. Water twice daily, morning and afternoon, for 10 minutes per watering. It's important to water your lawn throughout the winter, even when it's dormant. However, avoid overwatering and make sure your new sod receives at least an inch of water each week from rain orWatering the lawnreceives. Two waterings per week are ideal. If the lawn appears waterlogged or flooded, consider reducing the length of watering sessions.

Monitor your lawn closely during this first two-week window and ensure it is kept moist without creating boggy conditions in your yard.Lawn that is wet after rainor too dry in the heat will fail. Once the sod has begun to take root and refuse to pull up, gradually reduce the frequency of watering until your yard is on a standard watering schedule. Grass needs a fertilizer high in phosphorus to promote rapid and healthy root formation, followed by a healthy amount of nitrogen to promote overall growth. Standard mature grass fertilizer does not provide what lawns need.

Spread fertilizer on the ground before laying the sod or immediately afterward. You can also sprinkle your starter fertilizer on the bare ground beforehand. This makes the fertilizer available to the turf as soon as it begins to root. Alternatively, you can add the fertilizer immediately after laying the sod. Watering helps draw the fertilizer into the soil.