Fertilizing your lawn in spring: When, how often and before or after scarifying? All important questions answered

Alush green lawnis the dream of many hobby gardeners. To ensure that the lawn is pleasing to the eye all summer long, good care is crucial. When temperatures rise in spring, the grass comes out of winter dormancy and begins to grow again. Now is the right time to provide it with the necessary nutrients. We explain when and how often you should fertilize your lawn.

Fertilizing the lawn: When is the right time in spring?

This begins in spring, when temperatures rise above 5 degrees CelsiusGrowth period of grasses.Accordingly, the nutrient requirement increases, which can only be met with the help of the right fertilizer. In order to determine the right time for fertilization, the soil quality is first checked.

The rule of thumb applies: the airier the soil, the less nutrient-poor it is and the earlier it should be fertilized. Loose soil can also be fertilized in mid-March. An impermeable, loamy soil usually contains more nutrients and can also be fertilized at the end of March.

When to fertilize the lawn? Temperatures should be above 5 degrees Celsius

The weather also plays an important role in the final result. As soon as the permanent frost is over and the temperatures do not fall below 5 degrees Celsius during the day, fertilization can begin. Fertilization is carried out on sunny, frost-free days.

Can the lawn be fertilized when it rains or immediately after watering?

First of all: The lawn is fertilized dry. If you fertilize when it rains, you risk the fertilizer becoming sticky and sticking to the blades of grass. After fertilizing, however, theLawn area wateredbecome. The water washes the fertilizer off the grass blades and loosens the soil. This allows the fertilizer to penetrate into the lower layer of soil. If you want to save yourself the trouble of watering, choose a day with sunny weather in the morning and rain in the afternoon.

How often to fertilize the lawn?

The lawn is only fertilized once in the spring. Depending on whether it is a heavily or lightly used lawn, it can be fertilized for the second time in spring or directly in summer. The lawn is then supplied with long-term fertilizer one last time in autumn.

Fertilizing your lawn: before or after scarifying?

Lawn care in spring traditionally starts with fertilization in March. The lawn is mown several days later. The lawn height should be between three and five centimeters.

The lawn is scarified fourteen days after fertilization. The timing is perfect: on the one hand, the grass is already supplied with nutrients, and on the other hand, it rains frequently in April. This way the lawn can recover well before the dry period comes in May.

Use lawn fertilizer or home remedies?

A suitable fertilizer can supply the garden soil with important nutrients and improve the soil structure. Butwhich fertilizeris most suitable?

The liquid fertilizer is less suitable for the lawn. Unlike fertilizers in powder form, it cannot be distributed evenly over the lawn.

A lawn fertilizer contains nitrogen, humus and other nutrients that the lawn needs to grow quickly.

Should lawn fertilizer contain weed killer? Garden centers sell, among other things, special fertilizers that contain weed killers. But you can do without it. In most cases, it is enough to provide the lawn with nutrients and mow regularly. Healthy grass forms a garden carpet and suppresses weeds. Weeds cannot thrive where the lawn is between 3 and 5 cm high.

Fertilize the lawn with blue grain

Blaukorn is a water-soluble fertilizer that is suitable for soils low in phosphorus. However, the application is only possible once a soil test has been carried out. A soil analysis is carried out in specialized laboratories. Based on the results, certain fertilizers are also recommended.

Does iron fertilizer help against moss?

If the lawn looks bare and unkempt in spring and moss has spread, then you need to act quickly. More and more hobby gardeners are trying to combat moss with iron fertilizer. The fertilizer can help under certain circumstances, but has a short-term effect. Because the fertilizer increases the acidity of the soil. The moss dies, but the lawn is often also affected. The grass is significantly weakened, grows very slowly and cannot form a dense carpet. This gives weeds, pests and moss a chance to spread and infest the grass again in summer.

Fertilize the lawn with coffee grounds

When it comes to onenatural garden fertilizer works, then most hobby gardeners resort to coffee grounds. It supplies the blades of grass with the necessary substances and protects them from fungi. However, you should pay attention to the correct dosage when fertilizing, because the coffee grounds can increase the acidity of the soil.

To avoid this, you can simply add the coffee grounds to the compost and then fertilize the garden soil with them in the spring.