Fertilize roses after summer pruning: This will encourage a lush second bloom in mid-summer

Roses are one of the most popular flowers because of their beauty and fragrant aroma and they deserve regular care. The famous heavy feeders put a lot of energy into the first flowering and they should be fertilized again after the summer cut. Find out in this article what you should fertilize your roses with in order to be rewarded with lush blooms again.

Roses have used up their most important nutrients to produce early season growth and blooms. However, if properly cared for after the first bloom, some types of roses can bloom profusely again.

Roses that bloom several times not only benefit from a summer pruning after the first bloom, but also from some natural fertilizers to replenish the nutrients they have used up.

How can you encourage a second bloom?

If you trimmed your roses in June after their first bloom, now is the time to fertilize them properly to encourage the plants to bloom a second time. Be sure to water the roses before fertilizing and keep the soil moist afterward. This allows the flowering plants to absorb nutrients better and prevents the roots and leaves from burning.

Fertilize roses with banana peels

Banana peels are the best organic source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and phosphorus. Their use in the rose garden promotes flowering and enriches the soil, contributing to healthy and happy plants.

You can simply bury the banana peels 3cm deep into the soil around the roses, or chop them up first so that they decompose more quickly and the nutrients are absorbed more easily.

But remember that too much potassium can be harmful to plants. Therefore, you should not use more than three banana peels per plant.

You can also add the banana peels to the compost along with other organic materials such as eggshells and coffee grounds to create a rich natural fertilizer.

Use horn shavings as fertilizer

Horn shavings are a versatile product that is perfect as a rose fertilizer. They do not affect the pH of the soil and provide roses with nitrogen naturally.

Since the horn shavings are a long-term fertilizer, it is best to use the horn meal after the summer cut. It contains the same nutrients, but because it is crushed, it is absorbed more quickly by the roots.

To use horn shavings or horn meal correctly, you should first moisten the soil and then work 80 g of the natural fertilizer into the soil for each rose bush. Fertilization is only necessary after three months.

To increase the nitrogen content after the first flowering, you can also fertilize the roses with coffee grounds.Find out herehow you can use the home remedy correctly.

Add horse manure to the soil

When you incorporate horse manure into the soil, you receive a large amount of nutrients that are important for the growth and flowering of all types of roses. Horse manure is not only considered an excellent nitrogen fertilizer, but also contributes to improved soil structure.

Be careful not to use fresh horse manure to avoid damaging the roses. You should first let it dry and mature.

Remove all old leaves, weeds and seeds from the soil after summer pruning and water the roses thoroughly before spreading a layer of horse manure 2 inches deep into the soil around the roses.

Fertilize roses with blue corn after summer pruning

Around the second flower afterthe summer cut quicklyTo promote this, you can also use a mineral fertilizer such as blue grain. It is therefore important to ensure that the dosage of this second fertilization is not too high.

Use no more than 20g to 30g of blue grain per square meter, watering the soil adequately before and after fertilization.

You can also grind the blue seed into a fine powder and add it to the irrigation water. Mix a tablespoon of blue seed powder with 10 liters of water and water the plants regularly to avoid overfertilization.