Fertilizing roses with coffee grounds: What are the pros and cons of using the natural fertilizer in the garden?

Whether you should fertilize your roses with coffee grounds or stay away from them is a sensitive topic among hobby gardeners. We therefore list the most common advantages and disadvantages of natural fertilizer.

Fertilizing roses with coffee grounds: the advantages at a glance

The coffee grounds offer many benefits for roses. The home remedy is a valuable source of nitrogen and can promote the budding and leaf formation of roses. Nitrogen also supports flower formation and also provides the flowers with phosphorus, potassium and copper. The coffee grounds can also lower the pH value of the soil, so that the soil becomes slightly acidic - just right for the lushly flowering shrubs.

Loosen and improve the soil

If you use natural fertilizer, you can loosen the soil and improve its permeability. In addition, the coffee grounds can replace the mulch layer on potted plants and prevent the moisture in the substrate from evaporating. This enables the development of a healthy root system and the absorption of the necessary nutrients through the roots.

Young plants in particular have difficulty rooting through clayey soil. The fine roots of the young plants are also very sensitive and react poorly to waterlogging. Coffee grounds ensure good drainage so that irrigation and rain water can flow away.

Coffee grounds provide food for earthworms

Furthermore, coffee grounds are not only useful for the plants themselves, but also for soil life and can really work wonders. It provides food for earthworms that improve the soil. The worms also loosen the garden soil and make it more airy. The worms' tunnel system is used by the roots of roses. This allows the roots to penetrate deep into the soil. This means the bushes are much more stable and can withstand even a storm. They are also able to absorb water from deeper layers of soil during longer dry periods in summer. All in all, the plants become more robust.

Fertilize roses with coffee grounds and drive away slugs

For many hobby gardeners, coffee grounds also prove to be a good remedy against pests. Slugs in particular are a real danger to roses and can even eat larger bushes. However, the caffeine in coffee grounds is toxic to critters. The caffeine in coffee grounds is not contained in large enough quantities to kill the slugs. Nevertheless, many gardeners report that the reptiles intuitively avoid it. You can therefore prevent an infestation.

The coffee grounds are also said to have antibacterial properties. It is therefore said to kill germs and promote healingsick plantsaccelerate. Scientifically there is no clear evidence for this.

What speaks against using coffee grounds as fertilizer for roses?

The opponents of coffee grounds have their arguments. Above all, the limited scientific evidence for certain effects of coffee grounds is one reason why many hobby gardeners avoid them. These include, among others:

  • Coffee grounds have a limited, primarily deterrent effect on slugs. However, it cannot kill or deter spider mites, aphids, etc.
  • Coffee grounds are said to have antibacterial properties. But it can also kill the beneficial bacteria and fungi in the soil, making the plants more susceptible to germs.
  • You shouldn't just replace mulch with coffee grounds, because over time the latter can form a layer that is impermeable to air and moisture. It is much better to sprinkle coffee grounds around the root area and then cover with compost.
  • The caffeine in coffee grounds can also inhibit plant growth and the high amounts of nitrogen can burn the roots.
  • OneOregon studyis also said to have a negative effect on seed formation and seed germination.

Can you fertilize roses with coffee grounds: In these cases it makes sense

As with all fertilizers, using coffee grounds in moderation is recommended. A little coffee grounds at the right time can speed up growth, but too much of a good thing can kill the plants.

When is the right time to fertilize the roses?

The best time to bring rosesFertilize coffee grounds, is spring when the growth phase of plants begins. This gives the natural fertilizer enough time to penetrate deep into the earth and supply the soil with nitrogen. However, you must use the coffee grounds as an aid - they are certainly not a miracle cure and in high doses can damage the plants. The rule of thumb applies: If in doubt, it is better to use a conventional fertilizer from the garden center. This will at least ensure that your weakened or ailing plants really get all the ingredients they needneed growth.