Fight rose rust with home remedies: This is how you can treat the fungal disease naturally

Small, unsightly, reddish-brown spots on rose petals are a sign of rose rust. If not treated correctly and in a timely manner, it canFungal disease has serious consequencesfor the plants. Fortunately, there are effective methods for combating and preventing it. We explain how you can treat rose rust with home remedies.

1. Fight rose rust with home remedies: The most important thing about the fungal disease

Rose rust is a fungal disease caused by the rust fungi “Phragmidium tuberculatum” or their closely related fungal species from the fungi department. The pathogens only attack roses; the damage is easy to recognize, especially in spring and summer. Themost new rose varietiesare resistant to rose rust and, with proper care, do not get sick at all. These are usually provided with an ADR seal.

1.1. Fight rose rust naturally: Possible causes of fungal infestation

However, even robust varieties are susceptible to the fungal disease if the location is not suitable for them. As true sun children, they feel comfortable in full sun. There are indeed rosestolerate light shade, but they are weakened. Possible causes of fungal infestation include:

  • Too little distancebetween the plants in the bed. If the bushes are too close to each other or to other perennials, their leaves cannot dry. humidityLeaves make the rosessusceptible to fungal diseases.
  • Incorrect watering: The roses should be watered at ground level around their base. The leaves should remain dry when watering.
  • Incorrect watering time: The roses should never be watered in the evening or late in the afternoon. This will keep the moisture in the soil overnight and moist soil will provide food for fungi. It is best to water the perennials early in the morning so that the water can evaporate during the day.
  • Wrong planting partners:Roses are often combined with other sun worshipers such as lavender. The two plants have completely different requirements when it comes to soil conditions. The roses require nutrient-rich soil and must be fertilized regularly. In contrast, lavender prefers nutrient-poor soil.
  • The same location for new roses:Where the old rose bush grew without problems a month ago, the new rose variety is not feeling well? The soil is to blame. A basic rule when caring for roses is: never plant new roses in place of the old ones. Either completely replace the soil 100 cm deep and at least 150 cm wide around the roses or find a new place for the roses.
  • Wrong bucket size:Roses that are grown in pots also have special requirements. Above all, the size of the bucket and the drainage play a crucial role.

The first step in combating onefungal diseaseIn the case of roses, the cause must be identified and the necessary measures taken to prevent a second infestation.

1.2. Fighting rose rust with home remedies: The damage

What does the fungus look like on roses?

The pathogens become noticeable shortly before budding in spring. The shoots are attacked first - this is where spore deposits develop that have a strong orange color. Later they spread and also attack the plant leaves - reddish dots appear on the tops of the leaves, which then turn black at the end of summer. What is typical of rose disease is that the affected leaves fall off in the summer. However, the fungi overwinter on the woody parts of the plant and also attack the new leaves the next spring.

What do sick roses look like?

The damage pattern changes over the course of the summer. In spring, the experienced hobby gardener can already recognize the first signs of infestation. Check the young shoots and the woody parts of the plant for red-brown powder. At the beginning of summer the orange-red dots appear on the leaves and if you turn them over you can find spore deposits on the back. In the middle of summer the affected leaves begin to fall off, and towards the end of summer the orange dots turn black. The affected roses appear weakened, grow more slowly and the flower production decreases.

Powdery mildew, downy mildew and rose rust: These are the differences

Both powdery mildew and downy mildew have one thing in common with rose rust: the pathogens are fungi. But that is the only similarity. The damage patterns of the three plant diseases differ significantly from each other.

Powdery mildew only covers the upper side of the leaves with an ash-gray dust, but does not attack the leaf structure. You can easily recognize an infestation because the fungi can be wiped off by hand.

Downy mildew only covers the lower side of the leaves and also attacks the leaf structure. This means you can't wipe it off easily.

Rose rust also attacks the leaf structure and covers both the lower and upper side of the leaf.

Where does rose rust come from?

The fungi that cause rose rust reproduce through spores. They are spread via fallen leaves. The wind can also spread the spores, often throughout the garden.

What to do if there are rust spots on roses?

If you have discovered rust spots on your roses, you should proceed as follows:

1. Check the entire plant for orange-red dots or spore deposits. Also check out the other nearby rose bushes, ground cover and climbing roses.

2. If there is a light infestation, you can remove and dispose of all affected leaves and thin out the plant so that its leaves can dry more quickly.

3. Regular fertilizer applications can strengthen the plant and make it more resistant to fungi. It is best to use a special fertilizer for roses containing potassium and lime.

When to use remedies against rose rust

In contrast to other fungal diseases of roses, rose rust rarely endangers the entire plant. However, an infestation weakens them and makes them vulnerable to pests. Therefore, you should combat a fungal infestation as quickly as possible. It is often enough if you simply use a home remedy to combat rose disease. A rejuvenating cut and good care (fertilize regularly and water properly) help the plant recover and successfully combat rose rust.

What to do against rose rust: home remedies or chemicals?

The use of chemical agents is not recommended for the first time. Only a few substances are approved and if not used correctly, they can cause damage to the environment. You should therefore only use chemicals after detailed advice from a specialist and only as a last resort.

You can also treat rose rust with some home remedies. We list several home remedies that you can use to fight the fungus.

The following home remedies can help against rose rust. However, its effectiveness has not been scientifically proven. Nevertheless, many hobby gardeners report success. For a good end result, it is very important that you cut off and dispose of all affected parts of the plant beforehand.

2.1. Home remedies for rose rust: milk

Milk has proven to be an effective home remedy against powdery mildew. Some hobby gardeners also use them to combat rose rust. The home remedy has the advantage that it is not harmful to plants, insects, birds and mammals. You can make a spray against rose rust yourself with milk:

Milk spray against rose rust:

  • a spray bottle, 1 liter
  • Whole milk
  • Water

First, make a solution of whole milk and water. To do this, dilute the milk and water in a ratio of 1 to 8. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray the plant leaves and shoots with it every 5 days.

2.2. Make your own spray with field horsetail against rose rust

Next, we will explain to you how you can make a spray with field horsetail yourself. The plant not only helps against rose rust, but also against other fungi such as powdery mildew or sooty mold. You can also use it to get rid of aphids.

Spray with field horsetail against rose rust:

  • 300 g field horsetail, fresh (alternatively several drops of field horsetail extract)
  • 10 garlic cloves, peeled
  • one onion, medium sized
  • 2 liters of water
  • Vegetable oil of your choice

Chop the horsetail and onion into small pieces and halve the garlic cloves. In a large pot, boil 2 liters of water, add 2-3 drops of vegetable oil and add the ingredients. Reduce the heat and simmer for about a quarter of an hour. Then remove from the heat, strain and pour the brew into a bottle. Then dilute 100 ml of the decoction with 500 ml of water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the affected plants early in the morning.

2.3 Nettle manure against rose rust

You can fight rose rust with home remedies. Nettle manure is a popular fertilizer that makes the perennial less susceptible to fungal diseases.

Fertilizers from nettles:

  • 500 g nettle leaves
  • 5 liters of water
  • a plastic bucket with a volume of 10 liters
  • a handful of rock dust

Cut the leaves into small pieces, put them in the plastic bucket and pour lukewarm water over them. Place the plastic bucket in full sun and after 3-4 days stir in a handful of rock dust. Stir the manure every morning. After about two weeks, the nettle manure should be brown in color. When you no longer see foam on the surface, then it is ready and you can use it to fertilize your roses.

2.4. Fight rose rust with baking soda

By the way, you can also use baking soda to make a spray against rose rust. To do this, simply fill 2 liters of warm water into a spray bottle and add 4 teaspoons of baking soda. Stir well until the baking soda dissolves and spray the roses with the solution once a week.

2.5. Other home remedies

There are several home remedies that you can try out. They won't harm the roses, so it's worth a try. For optimal effect, you can treat the plants with milk on Monday and with garlic decoction on Sunday. Before each treatment, remove all affected parts of the plant.

Garlic broth:

  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • a handful of garlic leaves
  • 2 liters of water

Pour the water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the garlic cloves and the chopped garlic leaves and stir. Reduce the heat and let the stock simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the garlic broth and fill it into spray bottles. Spray the plant twice a week.


  • 50 g bracken leaves, chopped
  • 500 ml water

Cut the bracken leaves into small pieces, put them in a pot and pour warm water over them. Bring to the boil briefly and simmer for 20 minutes. Then pour it into a plastic container and let it steep for 24 hours in a shady location in the garden. Then strain the broth and spray the plant with it.

Spray with vegetable oil and dishwashing liquid:

  • 10 drops of dishwashing liquid
  • 50 ml vegetable oil of your choice
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 pack of baking powder

Place all ingredients in a plastic bucket, pour hot water over them and mix well. Pour the spray into a spray bottle and spray only the leaves of the plant. The spray must not get into the ground. It's best to use it sparingly and spray the leaves with it early in the morning. Use every two weeks.

If you are unable to combat rose rust with home remedies, you can cut the roses back and replant them next year.