If you don't want to wait long for your first harvest, it's best to choose fast-growing vegetables. There are a number that are ready to harvest in less than 60 days (not including germination time), which will satisfy even the most impatient hobby gardener. Although the greatest pleasure is watching a plant grow from a seed, you can of course save yourself this time or combine the slower growing varieties with a few faster ones. This guarantees fresh fruit even at a time when some others still need time to grow. We have put together a list of fast-growing vegetables for you to choose the best for you.
Which Vegetables Grow Fast – Leafy Vegetables
Leaf salads are without a doubt one of the sprinters among the fast vegetables and at thateasy to maintain. In addition, the selection here is quite large and you can combine a wide variety of variants. These include, for example:
Planting spinach in the garden
Not only does it grow rapidly, but it is also resistant to frostis the spinach(like most leafy greens). So it can be sown already or when the nights are frosty. Cool soil temperatures promote germination, so you can sow spinach either in spring or autumn. Once the seeds have germinated, the plants need around 28 days before you can harvest the first leaves.
Fast-growing vegetables – The aromatic rocket
The leaves are known for their particularly spicy aroma and are not for everyone. However, be one of themAdorers of this leafy vegetable, don't forget it when putting together your list of fast-growing vegetables. Baby rocket, i.e. the small leaves, are ready to harvest after just 28 days. If you don't harvest any leaves right away, simply let them grow to their normal size and then enjoy them. The only difference is the spice, which is not quite as pronounced in the young rocket leaves. The leafy vegetables and spinach can be sown at cool temperatures.
More leafy vegetables for quick harvest
- lettuce (4 weeks); up to 3-4 harvests possible
- Dandelions (baby leaves – 40 days; adults – 52 days); always harvest outer leaves; red-stemmed varieties are recommended
- Chard (baby – 30 days; adult leaves – 55 days), stems are also edible
- You can harvest sorrel as soon as 5 leaves have grown; Always pick individual leaves and never all at once so that the plant can continue to grow
The turnip is a fast-growing vegetable
Beets are very nutrient dense and are always a wonderful idea if you want to grow your own vegetables in the garden. If you're in a hurry, meet uswith the root vegetablesalso a good decision. But not only the underground part is edible, but also the leaves on the surface. Depending on whether you choose baby beet varieties or the normal ones, you can harvest them after 40 to 55 days.
Grow radishes and harvest them at top speed
Perhaps it won't surprise you to learn that the...delicious radishesdo not require much time to mature. You will reach your full size after 28 days at the latest. We would recommend that you try out more unusual varieties instead of the classic variety that you would find in any store. The French breakfast radishes, for example, would be one option. They have an elongated shape and are pink with a white tip. You can continue the harvest throughout the summer by reseeding again and again. In this way you can also harvest the smaller and younger radishes that are not as spicy as the older ones.
Green beans are healthy and easy to care for
You can also get fast-growing vegetables with bush beans, especially if you choose early-growing varieties, as they ripen faster than normal beansa climbing aidneed. And installing them also takes time (which you actually want to save). If you are planting the beans at the end of the season, be sure to allow enough frost-free days for them to ripen, as this is a fast-growing vegetable that does not tolerate frost.
Sowing mini broccoli for beginners
Anyone who loves broccoli will absolutely adore mini broccoli as a fast-growing vegetable! The cabbage is also called broccolini and has a sweet, delicate taste that is reminiscent of asparagus. Each floret grows on a stem, which you can harvest whole. You will receive the first florets after just 30 days, and regular harvesting also promotes the growth of new shoots. However, keep in mind that hot weather slows shoot formation and reduces sweetness.
What Vegetables to Plant – Kale for Garden Growing
For vegetable cultivation for beginners, we also recommend kale, which is known as a superfood. It is an easy-care vegetable for the garden and therefore perfect for beginners because it tolerates cold and can even be grown in a pot on a balcony. Also in relation to thePreparation is the cabbagevery versatile. We have several recipe ideas from kale lasagne to healthy chips. You can pick the baby leaves after just 28 days, while the plants reach the adult stage after around 50 days.
- Kohlrabi (40 days)
- Radicchio (50 Days)
- Zucchini (after 50 days)
- Sugar snap peas (after 51 days)