A fast-growing climbing plant has many practical and aesthetic properties that every garden owner can use to their advantage. For example, you can use it to camouflage a visual imperfection on the facade or balcony of your home. The fast-growing climbing plant is also suitable as a privacy screen for the fence, which you can crown with it to enliven the backdrop a little. Also use such a plant to cover the arch of the garden gate to make it more inviting. The advantageous options are numerous when it comes to a fast-growing climbing plant that also produces pretty and fragrant flowers. With this guide, we welcome you to the world of ornamental vines that are easy to grow and quite magical!
These climbing climbing plants grow particularly quickly!
Hydrangea lovers satisfy their obsession by having this flowering, fast-growing climbing plant in their garden. The vine can reach an enviable height of 15 meters. You will see this beauty in the summer monthspretty white flowers, and produces bright yellow leaves in autumn. Another advantage of the Hydrangea Petiolaris is the many varieties available for all types of climatic conditions.
Everyone from beginners to long-time gardeners is familiar with the American climbing trumpet, also known as the trumpet flower. This unconventional fast-growing climbing plant blooms during the summerstrong red and orange tones. Their flowers are very attractive to bees and birds. You will also love this plant for its versatility as it can grow in both sun and shade. It is also hardy and can survive in heat and drought.
Lonicera Sempervirens
The Lonicera Sempervirens is a type of honeysuckle that can boast a long flowering period. This vibrant annual fast-growing climber has attractively shaped pink flower heads. You can use it to perfume and decorate your entire garden at the same time from June to September. The coral honeysuckle will envelop everything in its path. Adding a trellis to a strategic location of your choice will also allow it to reach from 3 to 5 meters in a single season.
Morning glories
The white morning glories are night bloomers that can grow from mid-summer to early fall. Their fragrant white flowers only open from sunset to sunrise, and you can literally admire them unfurling at dusk. While the moonflower reaches heights of more than 15 feet, you will need to plant several of them to create a lush effect, as pictured above.
You probably already know the magnificent wisteria as a representative of the Wistaria genus, which produces very impressive flowers. On the technical side, these decorative vines are quite rustic. They prefer moist and well-drained soils, as well as sunny locations. Additionally, Chinese wisteria (also called wisteria) does best when it can climb a wall, trellis, or other type of vertical support. This means that this fast-growing climbing plant can grow up to 20 meters high and 10 meters wide.
The five-leaved akebia is another fast-growing climbing plant that can partly be described as an evergreen. Under optimal growing conditions, this plant variety can reach heights of up to 10 meters. However, the size of these vines is not their most impressive feature. In fact, it is the delicate purple flowers and the spicy chocolate scent in particular that fill the eyes and senses.
Mock orange
Although its Latin name “Trachelospermum Jasminoides” is particularly difficult to pronounce, you can easily grow false jasmine. This fast-growing climbing plant does not require any particularly complex care. Thefragrant evergreen grape varietyis mainly planted in Californian gardens. Nevertheless, it is enjoying growing popularity in Europe and is used as a roof for walls and trellises. The plant can also be used as a ground cover.
Self-climbing maiden vine
Another fast-growing climbing plant has the Latin name “Parthenocissus quinquefolia,” but its popular names are numerous. The best known of these are self-climbing maiden vine and wild vine. The beauty of this plant species shows its potential in autumn when its leaves turn heterogeneously from golden yellow to flaming red, while also retaining some of their fresh green. From this point of view, this fast-growing climbing plant is reminiscent of Japanese maple.
The small-flowered clematis remains a plant variety that is ideal for warmer areas where other such clematis do not grow successfully due to occasional heat waves. This pretty decorative vine produces flowers of a modest size, but their colors range from lilac to dark purple. This fast-growing climbing plant is sure to add visual interest to your garden.
We continue with a plant from the same family, but it looks completely different. The so-called panicle-flowered clematis, whose scientific name is Clematis Terniflora, develops not only in height, but also very wide. As a bonus, this fast-growing climber tolerates most conditions in terms of soil and sun exposure. Furthermore, its delicate, small white flowers are trimmed from late summer to early fall.
Beer lovers are probably familiar with real hops, which are also a fast-growing climbing plant. But did you also know that this variety can provide good taste in your garden? In the middle and end of summer, female inflorescences in the form of small cones appear in the leaves. These bring an incomparable chartreuse color. This allows you to give your garden even more pleasant green nuances. Additionally, this useful fast-growing vine can grow at 30 centimeters per day.
Egyptian bean
Our last suggestion is called Egyptian Bean. It is a very useful legume. Although European and American gardeners value this fast-growing vine for purely ornamental reasons, the bean in question is 100% edible. This plant species is of great importance in Africa and parts of Asia. Of course, we can't deny that its purple pods are apparently really great.