Cut buddleia in February: With these pruning measures in spring, you can ensure that the flowers bloom in the summer

With its large flowers in strong colors that exude a delicate scent, the buddleia attracts attention from May to September. However, to ensure that it blooms profusely, pruning in spring is crucial. We explain how you should cut the buddleia in February so that it forms plenty of buds.

Buddleia in February: That's why spring is the right time of year for pruning

The buddleia is known for its splendid flowers and has enjoyed great popularity in recent years. In contrast to other types of lilac, it does not bloom on old wood, but on this year's wood.

Pruning in spring does not have a negative effect on flower formation. Even on the contrary: it promotes growth, budding and bud formation.

When exactly do you cut the buddleia?

The pruning measures should best be carried out on a frost-free day in February. At this point the bush has not yet started to produce leaves. This means the hobby gardener can identify problem areas more quickly and correct themBuddleia if necessarythin out. However, even if late winter is mild and the plant already has leaves, it can tolerate a cut without any problems.

Even at temperatures down to -5° Celsius you can cut the buddleia in February. It is important that there is no permanent frost, but that the temperatures simply vary during the day and there are colder periods every now and then.

But if the weather is really bad at the moment, you should wait before cutting. According to the Bird Protection Act, severe pruning is only prohibited from the beginning of March, from then on only maintenance thinning and shaping pruning is permitted.

Basically, you should complete this task as early as possible. The shrub needs time to recover from the cut and sprout again. Delayed bud formation also delays or shortens the flowering period.

Cutting butterfly lilac: instructions

The primary purpose of pruning in spring is to remove diseased, inwardly growing, woody and weak shoots. These are cut off close to the ground. Young plants do not need any further pruning in the first 1-2 years. From the third year onwards, the shrub is thinned out and cut back heavily if necessary. This takes place in four steps:

1. Choose a frost-free period in February for pruning. First, the weak and diseased shoots are removed. Always cut the branches at an angle so that rainwater can drain away and the cuts stay dry.

2. Then all old shoots are shortened in the middle to three bud eyes. This involves cutting directly above the third pair of buds. It is best to use pruning shears or a saw for this purpose.

3. Now is also the right time to thin out the bush a little.

4. The shoots at the edge are shortened even more so that the bush retains its hemispherical shape. Since the shoots are usually thinner at the edge, you can also cut them off with sharp secateurs.

The shrub then needs about 1 – 2 months to recover. From the beginning of May it begins to sprout again and form leaves.

Exception case: alternate-leaved buddleia

An exception is the alternate-leaved buddleia. It can cope without pruning, but needs regular rejuvenating pruning measures in early autumn. The tree blooms on the wood from the previous year, so you shouldn't remove too many buds when cutting.

Buddleia in February: care after pruning

After pruning, the bush is thinned out and all that remains is a basic structure that is around 60 cm high. Then the plant needs good care so that it can recover.

  • Frost protection in March:Immediately after pruning, the plant reacts sensitively to frost. You can wrap the garden plants with fleece for the first three weeks to protect them from freezing.
  • Fertilize in April:If the weather is mild, you can start fertilizing as early as March. Work compost into the soil or fertilize the shrub with organic fertilizer to promote its growth.
  • Cut off any flowers that have faded in the summer:To extend the flowering period, you can cut off any dead flowers in the summer. This promotes flower formation.

The most important things summarized:

The buddleia is abeautiful shrub, which looks good in any ornamental garden. Its impressive flowers make it a real eye-catcher in summer. The shrub not only pleases the eyes, but also exudes a gentle aroma into the garden. But to ensure that it blooms lushly all summer long, proper care in spring is crucial. This also includes pruning in February. All shoots are shortened by two thirds. The branches in the middle are left longer so that the shrub can maintain its beautiful semicircular shape. Proper care after cutting is also very important. Protect the bushes from frost with fleece from March onwards, fertilize regularly from April onwards and cut off the dead flowers in the summer. So nothing stands in the way of a long flowering period.

Also read:These four trees receive a pruning in February