They are oneInvited to weddingand would you like to prepare a nice saying for the guest book in advance? Then you have landed in the right place. Not everyone has the talent to spontaneously think of the right words. It's perfectly fine to look for a few suggestions that you can then write down in the book. We have prepared some great sayings for your guestbook for you today. There are also short poems and verses as well as quotes about marriage. Find something that appeals to you in our gallery!
Sayings for the guest book – what should they contain?
In principle, you have several options available to you when it comes to choosing the right words for the sayings for the guest book. If you don't have such a close relationship with the bride and groom, it is sufficient if you write down your thanks for the invitation and/or a few congratulations. Let the happy couple know that you had a great time and wish them nothing but the best. A guestbook entry like this doesn't have to be forever long. Just a few words can be enough to put a smile on the faces of the bride and groom.
If you have known the couple for a long time and very well, the sayings for the guest book can also be more personal. Then memories and interesting, romantic or funny incidents can be integrated into the sayings for the guest book. That loosens upthe congratulationsand offers a great change amidst the less personal greetings in the book.
Naturally formulate sayings for the guest book
When you think about a text for the book, don't pretend. The guest book is intended for the bride and groom and is not an official document, so it can also be used colloquially. Smileys, hearts or other pictures are also permitted. It is important that the saying represents you and your relationship with the bride and groom. Just imagine that you are standing in front of the couple and verbally offering the congratulations. What would you say and how would you word it? That’s what it can say in the book too!
Spontaneity is required!
The more you think and ruminate, the more you block. Therefore, it makes more sense to just start writing. Of course, no one wants to have to cross something out in their beautiful guest book, so you can think about it in advance. For example, during the wedding reception, grab a piece of paper and write down what comes to mind while you are still feeling emotional about the wedding reception. Put together a nice text, a draft, which you then just have to copy into the book.
Tip to get the thoughts and ideas flowing:
Find a quote or a ready-made sayingwell-known personalityout that fits the topic. This can then serve as a basis for you to build your own text with congratulations. Maybe you will find some inspiring wedding sayings for the guest book in our gallery. If not, you can also search the Internet.
If you make oneUse a saying or a quoteIf you would like to, we recommend that you combine it with a few words of your own. That seems more personal. And after you've been invited to a nice celebration, you can put a little effort into the sayings for the guest book, right?
Nice sayings for the guest book or would you rather be sarcastic and funny?
Of course, this depends primarily on the bride and groom and your relationship with them. They can best judge whether a sarcastic saying would be well received or not and to what extent it would be understood as a joke. If you are a good friend, you can trust yourself. If you're not that close, it's better not to take any risks. Instead, choose sweet and neutral onesSayings for the guest bookto the wedding.
Take a look at our ideas and examples below and use them to write a personal and individual text for your event. Be creative, but don't make it too difficult for yourself. It is important that theWishes and thankscome from the heart and are sincere!
Ideas for sayings for wedding guest books
Thanks for the magnificent design of the evening
Four legs go to the altar, two little trippers go with them
Now you're away from us again
We ate, we drank
I wish you happiness, strength, love and new life
Sayings for the guest book – suggestions for a nice text
Marriage means giving up small things to have greater values
All the best, health and endless happiness
We congratulate the bride and groom
Thanks without many words
After this wonderful time, one word: gratitude
Poem by Friedrich Morgenroth
You have chosen well
We are so happy for you
Thanks for the invitation, we didn't want to miss this day
Funny sayings for the guest book
Get married, start a family, accept all the children - quote from Franz Kafka
Wilhelm Busch about loyalty and love
Today is a special day – all the happiness in the world for your marriage
Congratulations, happiness and love
May the young couple be surrounded by happiness
Being married means being a team
We are always there for you
Poem by Fallersleben – O happy he who has found a heart
A good marriage depends on two things
We write gratefully, we were happy to be here
Thank you for really nice hours
I thank myself
I was warmly welcomed
Short sayings for the guest book – Thank you for everything
It's hard to believe how well the two fit together
Bridal couple sayings
The short word “Yes” with so much meaning
The wedding brings the words “I love you” to life