The usual gardening in autumn is cutting back the perennials. Not only the flowering next year should be stimulated. The garden also looks so neat and well -kept in winter. But there are also good reasons why you shouldn't cut perennials. Which are they? And does that apply to all types of perennials?
Insects, but also some perennials themselves, benefit from being completely omitted in the old season or at least to be delayed as long as possible.
Do not cut perennials: Do not remove the faded immediately
In spring or summer you can use theCutting off the dried flowerscause a second flowering phase. Of course, this is a good reason to include this care measure in the routine. In autumn, however, this is no longer necessary - a flower will no longer exist either due to falling temperatures. And since the plants will gradually die, many do what appears most logical: the dry plant parts on the surface are removed directly.
But why shouldn't you cut perennials?
- On the one hand, the faded perennials offer food to many insects.
- High perennials in particular are an important shelter in winter.
- The dead plant parts on the surface are also a certain winter protection for the roots.
- Remaining seed stands are welcome food for birds.
What compromise can you enter into to do justice?
What can you do for insects and birds?
- Combine your perennials smartly. There are numerousLate flowering varietiesthat you can integrate into your perennial bed. In this way, insects get enough food for a long time, while they can easily cut the blooming.
- You can also deliberately not cut some perennials if, for example, they form pretty seed stands. Then they also appear decorative in winter and do not interfere with the well -groomed look of their beds.
- Flower seeds represent a good source of feed for birds.
- High perennials such as fathenne or reason look pretty and are a shelter for different insects. Such stems, for example, benefit the useful byflies. And the popular ladybugs also hide from the cold.
Try to plant a good variety of perennials in your garden, with which you can make flowering specimens or seeds available from early spring and until late autumn.
Which perennials do not cut: they still look nice in winter
Above allevergreen speciesOf course are a good choice, but not only. The following copies will not disturb the look of your garden even during the winter season, but even add decorative character to it with the help of beautiful leaves or seed stands:
- Bergenie (Bergenia), get red leaves
- Fire herb (Phlomis)
- Feder bristle grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides)
- Daily beard (Aruncus dioic)
- Golderdbeere (Waldsteinia fragarioides)
- High grease henne (Sedum telephium)
- Lantern blume (Physalis alkekengi)
- Purpursonnenhut (Echinacea purpurea)
- Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
- Loop flower (Iberis sempervirens)
- Storchschnabel (Geranium), some species
- Sonnen hat (Echinacea)
Conclusion: cutting off or leaving it better?
However, the fact is that the performance of most perennial species in autumn brings the advantages that:
- Early shortened perennials reduce the risk of later accidentally cutting new shoots and thus disturbing the flower
- the plants can drive out more easily in the spring
- The flower is more lavish in the coming year than if they are not cut
- The autumn cut of the still dry plants is easier than if they are already soft and mushy later
- The garden looks more neat
In the end, it is up to you whether you are cutting perennials in autumn or not and better until spring. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. If you can't make up your mind, it is best to try to find the golden middle and to design a perennial bed that once offers a great variety, with flowering phases throughout the season. At the same time, species that make a difference in winter are also advantageous and therefore do not disturb the look of the garden.