5 tips for sowing and simple life hacks for planting flowers and vegetables

It's time again for the garden or your ownGetting your balcony ready for spring. Learn with us how you can create a great garden using simple tricks and little tricks. This means you can sow and plant like a professional - even without a green thumb. We give you 5 important tips for the season so that your garden, terrace or balcony is a small oasis of well-being and relaxation not only in spring, but also all year round. Here are our 5 tips that you, as a garden lover, definitely need to hear about. Because there are simple life hacks and simple DIY solutions for (almost) all garden problems.

Our garden life hacks for sowing seeds and letting them grow

Tip 1 for sowing: grow seeds in eggshells!

Did you know? It doesn't have to be an expensive growing kit to sprout your plants. You can easily make two disposable plant pots out of an empty eggshell. To do this, fill some sowing soil into each egg shell half and add your seeds. Always keep the whole thing nice and moist. When the plants start to sprout, you can even put them in the bed with the eggshell. This is not only a great alternative to save money;brilliant use of leftoversfrom leftover eggshells.

Tip 2: Small DIY greenhouse

The sowing should always be kept warm so that it sprouts well and grows strong. This is easily done under a hood made from the top of an empty PET bottle. The mini greenhouse effect allows roots to form quickly as the plants are kept warm and moist. Two important factors forsuccessful cultivationmust be taken into account. But be careful: please do not leave the lid on the bottle! Otherwise it will be too hot inside and the earth can become moldy.

Tip 3: Seed tapes made from toilet paper

Another gardening tip is a great thing, especially for beginners! Unroll a strip of toilet paper and lightly moisten it. Then the seeds go on the damp paper. Now fold the toilet paper over the seeds along the long edges. Now make a groove in your garden, place the toilet paper in it and cover it with soil. With these seed tapes you can prepare the correct distances between the seeds in peace and quiet and without wind or time pressure.

Tip 4: Large seeds

A reusable hole plate helps when sowing large seeds (which you place individually in holes) or when planting out early plants. All you need are corks and a board. Then drill holes in the wooden board at even intervals. Now screw on the corks - it is best to pre-drill them with a thin drill, then they will sit straight on the board. The plate can now be pressed into the ground

Tip 5: Clear contours

Haven't you ever been desperate to measure the flower bed or the planned shape of the pond? A folding rule doesn't help much, especially when it comes to round shapes. Drawing or marking becomes child's play with this life hack. The trick is: just paint it. Fill light sand - bird sand or sand from a sandbox - into a bottle and you can "draw" the lines on the earth.

The first steps have been taken. Now all you have to do is wait for the flowers, herbs and plants to grow and bloom. All that's missing is the right oneDIY-Gartendekofor your green paradise and the new season can come!

Images: cheeky publishing house © Michael Ruder lichtpunkt Stuttgart