To die for, but incredibly macabre: These are the 10 most legendary deaths in horror films

live from death? if you want to put it a little bit pathetically. But it is also true: without death and the torment that comes with it, there is no life. So we have some of themmost legendary and spectacular death scenes from horror filmspicked out.

From Terrifier to Psycho? These death scenes in horror films have made people almost drop dead just from watching them

You can overand their meaning and purpose will certainly make you shake your head, but the fact that some scenes in which people die are incredibly creative cannot be denied.

Disclaimer: What is described below is not for the faint of heart. So if you have problems with horror film depictions, you shouldn't read any further.

10. Torturous ending in ?Terrifier 2?

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The third part of the legendary horror film series is currently underwaycame to the cinema, so the franchise is on everyone's lips again? especially since it is one of the most brutal in horror film history. It's logical that we can't help but pick out at least one scene, and for us it's the painful sceneTerrifier 2, in which horror clown style tortures poor Allie (Casey Hartnett) to death and ruthlessly mutilates her. Art stabs Allie in the eye, scalps her, breaks off her arm, smashes her hand? it is the only massacre. And because the whole thing not only drags on incredibly long, but also seems incredibly real thanks to the inclusion of digital effects, it's a scene that won't let you go for a long time. Definitely not for the faint of heart!

9. Final scene from ?Night of the Living Dead?

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It's certainly not the bloodiest of all death scenes, but one that stays in your memory? and who ensured that the film was given a socio-political component. Because the main character in George A. Romero's zombie classic is the African American Ben, who? it's the mid-sixties? despite all the racial hatred even of a group of whites against themhelps and therefore keeps the flag for humanity high. But not a group of white people who kill him at the end of the film because they are not sure whether he is a zombie? without having clearly clarified this beforehand. When a sheriff gives the order to hit Ben on the head, right between the eyes, does the last shred of humanity in the film die? together with Ben.

8. Death on the Ceiling from ?Nightmare On Elm Street?

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In the legendary horror film seriesNightmare On Elm StreetThere are a lot of spectacular killing scenes, but one that has made horror film history is without a doubt when Tina Gray (Amanda Wyss) is disemboweled in the first part? namely hanging from the ceiling. Together with her boyfriend, we as an audience have to watch as her sleeping body is dragged from the bed into the air and onto the ceiling while the blood streams out of her? an absolutely crazy horror movie death scene, especially for the time (it was 1984).

7. The opening scene from “Jaws?”

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It is considered one of the best (and most frightening) film beginnings of all time: the opening scene from Steven Spielberg'sJaws. And especially when you consider how much fear it caused in everyone in the world who wanted to go swimming again after the film. The scene is particularly special and particularly perfidious because the drunk man on the shore does not hear the screams of Chrissie Watkins (Susan Backlinie) as she is slowly and painfully submerged by the titular great white shark, which we do not see in the scene Water is drawn. The contrast between her bloodcurdling cries for help and the complete silence as she disappears into the dark water is what makes this beginning of the film and this horror film death so legendary.

6. Anyone who enters other people's houses must die from ?The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

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Tobe Hoopersis one of the most influential horror films of all time, a copy of which is even owned by MoMa. And: The film also contains a legendary death scene, namely the one when Kirk enters the legendary Sawyer farmhouse without being asked to ask for gasoline. Suddenly, Leatherface comes face to face with him, fully dressed in his skin mask and butcher's apron, and hits him over the head with a sledgehammer, causing Kirk to fall to the ground, dead. It all happens so quickly and with such brutality that this horror film death has set new standards for the horror film genre.

5. The murder of a 6-year-old in ?Halloween?

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Without question, John Carpenters also set new standards in the horror film genreHalloween? and in several respects. The film is one of the best slasher films of all time and begins with a murder that you follow meticulously from the murderer's point of view? from the eyes of a child who is the murderer. You follow the murder through the eyes and from the perspective of 6-year-old Michael Myers, who first looks through the window where he sees his sister making out with a boy; sees him grab a knife, put on a mask and then see the knife stab his sister again and again. A death in a horror film can hardly be more frightening than in this classic.

4. The defibrillator in ?The Thing from Another World?

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And John Carpenter again, this time withThe thing from another worldfrom 1982. In this legendary scene, Dr. Copper, performing resuscitation on a frozen body, with the person's chest completely collapsing after the first compression, which is almost comical. Less funny, however, is the circumstance when the chest bursts open, practically comes to life and cuts off the doctor's arms? one of the most gruesome and outlandish stunts in a horror film of that time. Because from the chest cavity grows a head with a set of shark teeth that effortlessly sever entire arms before they open up again like a box devil and reveal some kind of disgusting, spidery centipede-looking monster that is partly made of human intestines. Absolutely disturbing.

3. The twist trap from ?Saw III?

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In theSawseries, there are a lot of gruesome deaths, but one of the most grueling (literally) is the one with the so-called Rack Trap at the end ofSaw III. Timothy Young, who drunk and killed David Dutton's child in an accident, is in exactly this trap? and will be held accountable for it. Young is caught in a trap that twists his body parts in such a nasty way that just watching it tears your limbs apart. Combined with the bloodcurdling screams, this death leaves images in your head that haunt your nightmares for a long time.

2. The chest smasher from ?Alien?

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An absolutely legendary horror movie scene is the famous chest smash from Ridley ScottAlienfrom 1979. It begins with everyone sitting together at dinner and laughing? until laughter gets stuck in their throats. The entire crew of the spaceship is excited, Dennis (Yaphet Kotto) is cracking dirty jokes and Thomas (John Hurt) is gobbling down sleazy food. until he begins to choke and suddenly writhes in pain on the dining table. It's a loud, devastating moment until a second of silence sets in, as from Thomas? Chest red blood splatters through his shirt onto the ceiling and a baby alien appears, which made horror film history with this scene.

1. The shower scene in ?Psycho?

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And of course: The horror movie death scene of all horror movie death scenes is of course the legendary shower scene from Alfred HitchcockPsycho. Hardly any scene has had as much influence on the genre as this one with this terrible and at the same time simple score. Once you've seen this film, you'll never stand in the shower without worrying again. Having a protagonist die in the middle of a film is always a shock, but the fact that Hitchcock managed to combine such a provocative sequence of implied nudity with violence meant he was light years ahead of his time.

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