Why water tomatoes with salt water? These advantages and disadvantages are possible with salty irrigation!

Today, there are sustainable ways for gardeners to maximize their yields, but what happens when you water tomatoes with salt water? Study results back in 2007 showed that seawater can make cherry tomatoes tastier and richer in antioxidants. Such watering with diluted salt water has a stressful effect on tomato plants, causing them to begin producing higher levels of certain compounds. In this way, the plants can cope with the stressful conditions, which also changes the growth process. This can be beneficial for gardeners as it also improves the taste. However, does this irrigation method also pose risks and what else should be taken into account? Below you will find some useful information and gardening tips.

If you water tomatoes with salt water, how would a salt bath affect the plants?

In principle, large amounts of salt actually cause the death of many types of plants by disrupting osmosis at the roots. This prevents the plants from absorbing water, which usually causes them to wither. However, it is also known that many fertilizing products are salt-based, which is why the salt content in the soil is now significantly higher than what garden plants would tolerate. As far as tomato plants are concerned, however, they are somewhat more resistant tosuch fertilizers and salt. This could actually make using brackish water for watering beneficial.

How does this watering method work on tomato plants?

Die im „Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry“ vom April 2007published research resultssuggest that the diluted salt solution with sea water actually has a positive effect on tomato fruits. Thepossible reasonthis is what is known as environmental pollution. The scientists were able to water tomatoes with salt water by irrigating the plants with 10 percent seawater and fresh water. This happened after the seedlings had been growing for three weeks and had passed the stage where solution would have been harmful to them.

The researchers then tested the ripe fruits for taste and nutrients and found significant improvements. However, the irrigation method also caused the tomatoes to grow smaller. In addition, their weight was slightly lower than that of the control group, but they were sweeter and tastier due to the higher sugar and acid content. Another advantage of this method was that the tomatoes contained more ascorbic acid, vitamin E and antioxidants.

So if you water tomatoes with salt water, this would have the effect of drought stress on the plants because less water is absorbed under these conditions.The plant leavesand the fruits grow correspondingly smaller and can produce stress-related biochemical compounds in response. As a result, you get smaller fruits with tastier tomato pulp and a higher concentration of various dissolved nutrients. This makes the method advantageous due to the taste and health benefits, but are there any disadvantages?

Can it be harmful if you water tomatoes with salt water?

The same effect can actually be achieved by watering the tomato plants less during fruit setting. Additionally, reduced irrigation also means smaller fruits and higher concentrations of sugars and other plant compounds, which is also what happens with the method described above. Accordingly, one can skip adding a salt solution and simply reduce watering to induce moderate drought stress after the three-week growth stage.

If you water your tomatoes with salt water instead, it could negatively impact the soil conditions in your garden. There is some concern that this will deteriorate the garden soil and make neighboring garden plants in the bed inedible. Although the study authors claim that plants thrive in balanced soil that contains both macro- and micronutrients, some professional gardeners disagree. According to them, sodium is not a micronutrient for the plants and therefore cannot improve the soil.

Alternative fertilization method with Epsom salt

Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate, contains about 10% magnesium and 13% sulfur. This is a water-soluble crystal that transports calcium to the tops of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. It also makes it easier to absorb essential nutrients that plants need, such as nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus. Here are some ways you can similarly water or fertilize tomatoes with salt water.

  • Treat potted tomatoes with Epsom salt: Dissolve 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt in 4 quarts of water, then water the tomato plants. Wait until the brine begins to flow to the bottom of the pot and do this every 3-4 weeks. This allows you to increase the production of tomatoes and improve their taste.
  • Epsom salt forTomato seedlingsTo use: Pour 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt into the hole where you plan to plant your seedling and cover it with soil. Beforehand, make sure that the roots do not come into contact with the magnesium sulfate. This will prevent the stems and flowers from rotting.
  • Fertilize tomatoes with Epsom salt during the growing season: If you are growing tomatoes outdoors, it is recommended to fertilize the plants every month during the growing season with a solution of 4 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt. This allows you to promote the development of the root system, prevent flowers from rotting and give the fruits a rich color.

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