Everyone likes to eat fresh, mature tomatoes from their own cultivation. No wonder that they are far most popular in the garden. But tomatoes can grow into large plants, and many gardeners with little space may have inhibitions to grow them in their small garden or on their terrace. But don't worry! With the correct variety of varieties and some creative cultivation techniques, you can grow tomatoes almost everywhere. Whether in the garden or in tubs, on the balcony or terrace - in this article you will find some really clever ideas and tips where you can plant tomatoes.
Despite a lack of space, grow tomatoes
Nothing goes through a freshly picked tomato. Purchased vegetables simply cannot compete with that from the garden. But if you live in an apartment or just have a small garden, you may think that growing your own vegetables is a dream. Fortunately, the cultivation of vegetables can change all of this in a small space. With our garden ideas for small rooms you willHarn your own tomatoes this summer.
Tips for growing tomatoes on the terrace and the balcony
If you want to harvest tomatoes from your own cultivation in summer, you should alreadySowing plants and preferred. After the ice saints (mid -May), the early tomato plants are allowed to outside. Depending on the space, you can decide for yourself whether you put the plants into the bed, in buckets or pots. So what should you pay attention to in a limited place when growing tomatoes?
Find the right location
To find a suitable place in the small garden or on the balcony, you should consider the lighting conditions. The light is one of the most important factors in growing vegetables in a small space. Tomatoes need six to seven hours of sunlight every day to thrive. However, they don't like full sun. A balcony with sun protection, which is oriented south, offers its plants both direct and indirect light and is well suited when theyGrow the tomatoes in a space -saving mannerwant. A narrow bed or narrow planter on the southern house wall would also be well suited.
The selection of the right varieties
If you do not have a garden, but have little space for one or two pots, you should grow dwarf types. Older tomato varieties such as 'Patio Hybrid' are only one meter high, but only bear fruit for a short time. Fortunately, there are newer varieties such as 'Miniboy', 'Lizzano' and 'Window Box', which carry fruits throughout the season without becoming huge plants. So they are perfect for buckets. If you really have a little space, you can try to plant the tomatoes upside down. This works perfectly with dwarf types.
Tomatoes grow vertically
While dwarf types do not need supports to stay upright, this applies to all other types of tomatoes. If you grow the plants in tubs or in a raised bed, you need piles, trellis or special tomato columns. The tomato plants are attached to the supports with plant ties. In this way, space is also saved because the plants remain in, and the fruits stay away from the ground so that they do not rot. If you grow more than one variety, you can use plant binders in different colors to keep an eye on the different varieties.
Which planter select?
If you grow tomatoes in the pot, the selection of the right vessel plays an important role. The pots should not be too large - a capacity of 7 to 12 liters is sufficient. You should still have a good water extraction to avoid waterlogging and thus root sapders.
Plastic pots and large plastic containers with the necessary drainage holes in the soil are perfect. The choice of the vessel also depends on which varieties you want to plant.
- For medium -sized tomatoes (height 40 - 100 cm), a vessel of 7 - 8 liters is sufficient.
- Exercise varieties with growth height of 1.5 - 2 meters need pots with a larger volume - approx. 10 - 12 liters.
- You can plant low -growing tomatoes (height 20 - 40 cm) in wide plastic containers with volume of 7 - 10 liters.
- Hanging varieties need hanging pots and baskets with a volume of 4 - 7 liters. However, it depends on the variety. If the greenery of the plant is large, you need a pretty large container.
The cultivation of mixed culture saves space
To save space in the raised bed, they plant large tomato varieties at a distance of one meter to each other and plant quickly ripening vegetables such as salad and radishes between the tomato plants instead of keeping them in their own bed or bucket. Salads and radishes are ripe in about 30 days long before the tomatoes are large enough to shade the area. In addition, you do not have to weigh the room between the tomatoes because they also grow food there.
Would you like to try to grow your own tomatoes in the city or in your small garden this year? Then choose a suitable place on the balcony or terrace and plant the popular vegetables in buckets, pots or in a small raised bed. Let yourself be inspired by the following ideas. Because tomatoes can also be easily grown with little space!
Grow high -growing tomato varieties in pots on the edge of the garden
Tomatoes save space on the balcony
Plant dwarf tomatoes in flower boxes
Tomatoes hanging in flower lights
Plant tomato plants upside down when there is a lack of space
Low -growing tomato varieties can also be attached to the windowsill