Preparations for the coming gardening season are slowly getting into full swing: bushes are being cut,the cold germs are growingand the beds were fertilized and loosened. Time to think about the vegetable plants you want to grow this year. A popular classic that basically no hobby gardener is without is the tomato. On the one hand, this is of course because it tastes wonderful and can be used in a variety of culinary ways. In addition, even beginners have no problems with care. We are therefore dedicating today's article to the tomato plant. If you are trying this vegetable plant for the first time this year, you will find out here how to sow tomatoes and how to care for them until they are transplanted outdoors. Did you also know that you can also grow tomatoes in pots?cultivate on the balconycan?
Sowing tomatoes – when is the best time and what you need
Of course, you could also buy ready-made young plants in mid-spring and save yourself this work, but these also cost significantly more than seeds and the variety of species is then not as great. In addition, the fun of growing your own tomatoes should not be underestimated, as is the pride when you know that you are entirely responsible for the bountiful harvest. We therefore recommend that you sow tomatoes yourself. But when do you have to sow tomatoes?
When to sow tomatoes?
If you would like to grow the plants from tomato seeds, you can buy them in February or at the beginning of March at the latest. The tomatoes are then sown at the end of February at the earliest, but preferably at the beginning of March. And when should you?at latestSow tomatoes?
Set a limit of mid-March when sowing tomatoes. You shouldn't wait any longer so that the plants have enough time to develop and produce fruit later.
Also buy cultivation pots, ormake some yourself, as well as earth. But which soil for tomatoes should you choose? At the beginning, nutrient-poor potting soil is sufficient, as the seeds already provide the seedlings with all the nutrients they need. You can even use it for the tomatoesMix the soil yourselfand thereby save even more money.
Growing tomatoes from seeds – this is how it’s done
No matter when you sow tomatoes, it is advisable to prepare the seeds a little beforehand to promote germination. For example, you can let them soak for half a day in lukewarm chamomile tea or in diluted garlic juice (1:10). By softening the seed coat in this way, germination is not only accelerated and supported, but it also makes the seeds more resistantagainst mold infestation.
Fill the prepared growing pots with the growing soil. You can then sow the tomatoes on top (one seed in each pot), then cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil (approx. 5 mm). You can sow the tomatoeson the windowsillor place them there after you have sown them to provide them with the amount of light they need. Tomatoes are light germinators and need the bright red spectral range of the sun's rays as soon as they germinate. When the first plants appear, they should be moved to a bright place. If there is a lack of light, the tomato seedlings grow too long and brittle and produce leaves that are too small. However, direct sunlight should be avoided as it causes the seeds to spoil quickly.
Then moisten the soil well, but not too much, to avoid waterlogging. A spray bottle is best for this purpose as the stream of water from the watering can is too strong and will wash away the seeds. Now cover the pots with foil or a clear plastic lid. This has the effect of a greenhouse and ensures that the earth does not dry out so quickly and a humid and warm climate is guaranteed. Guarantee the tomato plants a constant temperature of 18 to 24 degrees.
How long do tomatoes take to germinate? If you follow the rules given above, the germination period of the tomato is usually about 10 to 14 days.
Prefer tomato plants - How are the tomato seedlings cared for?
Of course, after you sow the tomatoes, you still need to take care of them. The tomatoes in the apartment are quite easy to care for. It is important that you remove the transparent hood or film for a short time every day so that the old air is replaced with fresh air. Also make sure that the soil is always slightly moist. Continue to use the spray bottle to moisten or place the nursery pots in water to provide the plants with the necessary moisture from below.
Otherwise, all you need to do is wait. As soon as the first tomato seedlings appear and they form the first pair of leaves, you need to repot the tomatoes, for which you need pots with a diameter of 9 cm and potting soil. This step is called “pricking out” and it is especially necessary if you have sown several seeds and now have several plants in one pot. They need to be separated so that they have the space they need to grow and not compete.
The handle of a spoon or fork is ideal for this purpose. Poke it sideways, diagonally and deeply into the soil so that the stem is underneath the plant and you can push it out from below without damaging the delicate roots. Plant them in the prepared pots with potting soil and place them back on the windowsill. Continue caring for them there until they reach a height of around 30 cm.
During this phase, the ideal room temperature is 18 to 20 degrees. It is lower than before because an environment that is too warm encourages the plants to grow faster, for which the current amount of light is not sufficient. The result is tomato plants that are too weak. The pots are no longer covered. Now water each tomato plant moderately.
Sowing tomatoes - time for the garden
If you sow tomatoes indoors (or sow tomatoes in a heated greenhouse), there will come a time when you have to take the plants outside into the garden or onto the balcony. But when can you plant tomatoes outside? The rule is usually after the Ice Saints, i.e. around mid-May.Anyone who has a greenhouse available, can also consider this as it has been proven that the plants become healthier and therefore produce a larger yield.
In this case, you can also grow the tomatoes in April - i.e. temporarily move the plants from the house into the greenhouse and then possibly plant them in the garden from mid-May. A so-called tomato house is also well suited because it...Protects plants from rain. Immediately after planting, water the plants generously. Fertilize for the first time with natural fertilizer one week after planting.
Sow tomatoes outdoors
Do you have the right time for this?Sowing in MarchIf you missed it, you might be wondering whether you could still prefer the tomatoes or sow tomatoes directly in the bed. If you want to grow tomatoes yourself, the house/apartment or a heated greenhouse is clearly the safe option, but if you decide to grow tomatoes outdoors (some of the most popular varietiescan be found here), you should sow your tomatoes at the end of March at the earliest, better still during the first two weeks in April or mid-April. The plants cannot tolerate frost.
Tipp: Your tomatoes aren't growing? This doesn't necessarily have to be a cause for concern. The plants can rest occasionally for up to two weeks. Otherwise, the following things could be the cause:
- Too few nutrients as a result of infrequent fertilizer applications.
- Fake neighbors: Potatoes and similar plants damage tomato plants.
- An unsuitable location with too little light and heat, too much rain and/or drafts and wind; do not plant the plants too close together.
- Lack of care: rotten andbroken stemsyou should remove regularly.
- Root fungus in which the plants can no longer be saved or will not bear fruit.
Find out what else you can do in Februaryin this article.