Tomatoes do not grow: what affects the growth of plants and how to fix the problem?

It's fun to enjoy tomatoes grown in your own garden. You planted your seedlings in spring, but now something is wrong with the plants. Are your tomatoes not growing as you expected? However, many gardeners encounter growing problems. We'll help you identify the most common causes, save your tomato plants, and harvest delicious fruit.

Tomatoes don't grow: what are the most common reasons?

DieGrowing tomato plantsis relatively easy and it can take up to 8 weeks until they can finally sprout. But what if you don't continue to grow properly? We'll explain to you what the most common reasons for stunted growth are and how you can get your tomatoes growing again.

Too much or too little water

The most common reason for growth problems in an otherwise healthy plant is improper watering. Tomatoes need water, but they don't like to sit in water.

If you notice that your tomato plants have wilted, yellow leaves and are not growing very quickly or tall, you should check the soil. If it feels dry, you should supply the plants with plenty of water.

Overwatering can also affect the plant's growth. In this case, you should allow the soil to dry out and not water the plant until it recovers. Check the roots and if the tomato plant is affected by root rot, you should remove it from the soil and cut out the affected areas.

Tomatoes do not grow due to lack of sunlight

Tomato plants require at least six hours of direct sunlight per day to grow properly. If they are planted in a location where they do not receive enough sunlight, they will not grow well.

To fix this problem, you can dig up the seedlings and move them to a better location in the garden. Another option is to remove obstacles such as tall plants, trees or branches.

Incorrect soil pH

Tomato plants thrive in soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. If the soil pH is higher or lower, the plant cannot absorb nutrients properly.

You canTest your soiland adjust it with lime or sulfur to ensure the perfect conditions for your tomatoes to grow.

Low temperatures

Tomatoes like warm climates and will not grow in cold conditions. Even if irrigation and soil are perfect, extreme temperatures can ruin the chance of a good harvest.

Temperatures below 13 °C are unbearable for tomatoes because they cannot generate enough energy for growth.

To prevent this, before planting tomatoes outdoors, make sure that the low temperatures have long passed.

A nutrient deficiency affects growth

Tomato plants are heavy feeders and need certain nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to grow properly. If they lack any of these nutrients, it can lead to stunted growth. According to some university studies, phosphorus deficiency is the most common reason for tomato plants not growing tall.

The best solution is to add a layer of organic compost to the soil or add a balanced fertilizer to the soil to properly provide the plants with the necessary nutrients.

Lack of space may be the cause

Tomato plants need a lot of space so that they can grow well without crowding each other out. If they are too close together, they will not receive enough light, nutrients and oxygen and their growth will be stunted.

It's best to keep them 60cm to 90cm apart when growing tomato seedlings so they have plenty of room to grow.

When choosing a tomato plant, find out its maximum height and width. Vining varieties grow tall when you use a trellis, while bushy varieties grow wide.

If your tomatoes are already planted too densely and you notice slow growth, try thinning the plants.

Pests and diseases

If your tomato plants are affected by pests or diseases, it can affect their overall growth.

The most common tomato pests include aphids, whiteflies, slugs, green caterpillars and flea beetles. They weaken the plant and affect growth. So if you notice any of these pests on your tomato plants, look for oneeffective method of combating it.

The most common diseases that can affect your tomatoes are late blight, leaf spot and powdery mildew. If your plants suffer from any of these diseases, you should take immediate action to prevent their spread. Remove the infected parts as quickly as possible to allow the tomato plant to recover.

To prevent fungal diseases, make sure to protect tomato plants from moisture. Avoid splashing water and keep a good distance between plants so that they are well ventilated.