Planting tulip bulbs in spring: What you should definitely pay attention to and when it is possible

Colorful tulip beds are undoubtedly a wonderful sight. That's why this spring flower is usually not missing from any garden. As you probably know, for flower bulbs theThe perfect planting time is autumnand that also applies to the tulips. But what if you didn't think about it in the fall or simply didn't manage to plant tulip bulbs due to time constraints? If necessary, can you plant tulip bulbs in March or even April? In fact, you don't have to worry because you can also plant tulip bulbs in spring, but not too early. We summarize when it is possible and what you should definitely pay attention to! There are some differences to planting in autumn.

When do you plant tulips?

Most types of tulips thrive best when planted in autumn. The ideal period for this is between September and November. The reason this is such a good time period is because the ground temperatures are already less than 10 degrees. The later coming frost has the advantage that it kills germs and pests and in this way protects the flower bulb. The risk of them rotting is therefore very low. However, it is important that there are a few frost-free weeks after planting so that the bulbs can acclimate and grow.

However, if you would like to plant tulip bulbs in spring, this may also be possible. The difference is that the tulip bulb should already be pre-germinated. Maybe you have already noticed thatin the springit is precisely these types of onions that are sold. So there is a reason for that. If you have pre-germinated bulbs, you can also plant tulip bulbs in spring. The ideal time is mid-May. If not, start preparing the onion in time:

How can you prefer flower bulbs?

You need the onionsstill push forward, you should plan around 5 weeks for this. This means you should start doing this at the end of March/beginning of April. Take a container (e.g. a fruit box), mix sand with potting soil and pour this mixture into the box. Then distribute the flower bulbs on top (notdig in!). Water them well once and then simply let them rest in a cool, dark place. Germination will begin soon. Then you can plant the tulips in May.

Determine the location for tulips

Then find the optimal location. This should be sunny and warm, with soil that is loose and well-drained. Waterlogging causes flower bulbs to rot quickly, so you can add drainage to clayey soils before planting tulip bulbs in spring, for example. Also, provide the soil with nutrients to promote growth. Compost or slow-release fertilizer is ideal. A neutral pH value should also be present. Soils that are too acidic can be balanced by liming.

Planting tulip bulbs in spring – tulips in the garden

First loosen up the chosen spot in the bed where you want to plant tulip bulbs in spring. Now dig a planting hole whose diameter is twice as large as the bulb. Insert the germinated flower bulb into this. The distance between the individual holes and tulips should be 10 to 20 cm, depending on the size of the tulip.

While in autumn many people are not sure how deep they should be planted, in spring this can be clearly seen from the germination: the shoot tip should protrude from the ground. Then cover the bulb with soil and water the bulb.

Plant the flower bulb in the pot

Can I plant tulip bulbs in spring andinto a pot? Yes, of course, tulips in pots are actually very popular! It is important to choose a suitable variety. Small tulips are best and are likely to do better than larger varieties. The multi-flowered wild tulip, for example, is a good variant. Otherwise, the process is the same as in the garden: you fill a suitable pot with soil, dig holes, then plant the tulips - again so that the shoot axis protrudes from the soil. A drainage layer is also recommended for tulip bulbs in the pot so that excess water can drain away easily.

Do you have a large plant or aLittle tree in a bucket? Then it would be a great idea to distribute flower bulbs around the trunk and fill the empty spaces with flowers.

Plant tulip bulbs in spring and care for them properly

After you plant your tulips, you will of course have to care for them properly so that you can soon enjoy the beautiful flowersSpring bloomers delightto be able to. A sufficient amount of fertilizer guarantees lush flowering. The care continues even after the flowers have faded, but it is quite economical, to the delight of those who cannot invest a lot of time. All you have to do is fertilize the beds regularly and water them during long dry periods so that the bulbs do not dry out.