In spring it's time to get the tools from the gazebo and start gardening. But hardly any other task is as annoying as lawn care - we give you 5 helpful tips on how to do itWeeds in the lawnfight it in time and save yourself a lot of effort.
1. Get rid of weeds in the lawn - weeding in spring
Winter is over, the weather is warm again and after the first rain in spring the problem can already be seen -Weeds in the lawn! Now is the right time to weed - when the ground is wet, weeding is much easier and you canRemove weeds in a timely manner.
2. Remove weeds from the lawn - cut off the flowers and dig up the roots
If you find the annoying weeds in the lawn again the next weekend, it means that roots have remained in the ground. It's worth taking the time to dig out the remaining roots. If you don't really have enough free time, you can at least cut off the flowers of the weeds - this will prevent them from spreading further in the garden.
3. Mulch against weeds – that helps!
Mulch is ahelpful natural remedyagainstweedin the lawn. You can buy mulch or make it yourself from leaves. A 1cm thick layer of mulch protects the plants from freezing in autumn. Also inspringand in summer the lawn can be covered with a much thinner layer of mulch - this helps control weeds. In this case, you should seek advice from your local garden center.
4. Good garden planning helpsto eliminate weeds
This fact surprised us too, but this simple method obviously works - if you plant flowers and plants close to the edge of the lawn, you don't leave any free space for weeds in the garden and can therefore save yourself a lot of gardening work.
5. Inhibiting weed growth in the garden
The weeds grow very quickly and if you do not react in time, they can quickly spread not only in the lawn but throughout the garden. To prevent this from happening, you should clean the garden tools thoroughly after each use and of course protect the garden path and lawn edge from weeds.
Enjoy the summer in the garden - remove the weeds in the spring
Fight weeds in the lawn– Plant the edge of the lawn with flowers
Protect the garden path from weeds
Mulch helps against weeds
Densely planted garden leaves no free space for weeds