Although this method has been around for a long time, the vertical gardening - imagine a vertical plant wall - currently the last cry in the garden world. Are you also interested in vertical gardening with local plants?
With a vertical planting, you can highlight a certain area or cover an undesirable look. Each indoor or outdoor area can benefit from this planting method. Use our tips for vertical gardening as a starting point and choose the best plant species to beautify your garden!
With the possibility of building useful and aesthetically appealing living walls, vertical gardens can contribute a unique and appealing note to their furnishings and indoor and outdoor use. By arranging different plants and flowers, you can create a nice sight that brings structure and color to every garden. If you want to cover an unpleasant view or create a quiet retreat, vertical planting is a good way to achieve both. If they are designed with the right plants and the right architecture, vertical gardens can turn every garden into a showpiece.
Why are the vertical gardens a very good choice?
A higher yield per square meter is possible through the strategic use of the vertical space, which enables the growth of more plants on a lower area. Thanks to the vertical cultivation, the plants also receive more light and air, which has a positive effect on your health and production. If the plants are trained on certain growth patterns, for example through trellis procedures, their earnings potential can be further increased. Support structures such as trellis or piles make this possible.
Successfully plant tight space
Vertical gardening enables you to make the best of tight spaces, regardless of whether you work with a terrace, a balcony or a small garden. Since the plants will make vertically, this horticulture helps to create privacy protection, the aesthetics of your area improves and reduces the risk of pests and diseases. You can optimally use your place by using a variety of plants such as climbing plants, herbs, flowers,Vegetables and much moreAdmitting vertically, provided you have the right equipment and the necessary know-how.
More efficient air movement
Vertical gardens enable better air circulation by enlarging the distances between the plants. Good air circulation helps to prevent fungal diseases and promote healthy development. Another way to reduce the risk of illness is that the plants get more sun, which causes their leaves to dry out and not become too wet. An improved air circulation system increases the likelihood that your plants thrive, which leads to a healthier and more fertile garden.
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How can you design a vertical garden?
If you hide an unsightly wall or fence, ensure seclusion, set limits or block an unpleasant view, a vertical garden is just the thing for you. Some of the most typical supports and vertical gardens are the following:
- Climbing plants can be attached to a gazebo, a trellis or a pergola. A year -old vines that grow quickly can be used as a privacy screen.
- Pots, plant boxes and hanging baskets: Veranden, terraces, roof terraces or evenSmall balconyAre perfect places to grow plants in pots or baskets. Plant boxes can be attached to a fence, a garden house or even a house. Plant shelves, vertical raised beds, flower stands are good ways to present pots.
- Ranking plants can be pulled on any kind of wall. Efeu is one of several plants that can hold on to walls with their air roots. Some plants can be brought up in such a way that they grow on their own while others need a trellis.
Although living green walls are more likely to be seen in commercial and public spaces, they can also be integrated into private garden design. Most of these vertical structures include irrigation systems with which the plants in earth, substrate or hydroculture can grow. A generous greening can be achieved by attaching climbing or cascade plants that cover the available wall surface.
Tipp: For living green outer walls, it is particularly important to select local plants that can defy wind and weather. For example, grasses, moss, perennials and dwarf conifers are recommended for Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Local plants that you can grow
Climbing plants and other plants:
- Blauregen (Wisteria)
- Efeu (Hedera Helix)
- Ordinary Waldrbe (Clematis Vitalba)
- Climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea Petiaolaris)
- Heckenrose (Canine Rose)
- Hops (Humulus Lupulus)
- Head dwarf ginster (Chamaecytisus Supinus)
- Erbsenpflanze (Pisum Identification)
- Fern: For example, rib fern (sheet metal spicant) and worm fern (Dryopteris Filix-Mas)
- Ordinary female mantle (alchemilla xanthochlora)
- Peach -leaved bell flower (Campanula Persicifolia)
- European Pfaffenhütchen (Euonymus Europaea)
- Kleine Traubenhyazinthe (Muscari botryoides)
- Bärlauch (Garlic Ursinum)
- Klebrige Salbei (Glutinosa sage)
- Brown stork beak (Geranium Phaeum)
- Brennnessel (Urtica)
- Yellow bush winds (anemone ranunculoides)
- Evergreen Nieswurz (Helleborus foetidus)
- Creeping cockfoot (ranunculus repens)
- Snowdrops (Galanthus)
- MAIGLöckchen (Convallaria Majalis)
- Waldveilchen (Viola reichenbachiana)
- Acker-Gissmeinnicht (Myosotis Arvensis)
- Echte Arnika (Arnica Montana)
- Blood -red stork beak (geranium sanguineum)
- Real Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla)
- Gänseblümchen (Bellis Perennis)
- Löwenzahn (Taraxacum officinale)
- Wolligs Honiggras (Holms Wool)
- Rasenschmeele (Deschampsia tufted)
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