Plant your balcony all year round: order and tips for plants and flowers

Every hobby gardener knows the problem - in spring and summer there are magnificent flowers on the balcony, in autumn and winter flower pots, tubs and plant boxes remain empty. However, it doesn't have to be that way. With a few tips you can design your mini garden so that it grows and blooms all year round. In today's article we will explain to you which plants are suitable and what you should pay attention to.

Photo: Shutterstock / Lapa Smile

Whether a balcony box, a bucket or a flower pot: there are numerous options for a balcony garden. When choosing plants, you should first adhere to a few basic rules.

The plants in a pot should have similar requirements in terms of location, water and soil. It's best to strictly adhere to the garden center's instructions. Only plant sun lovers together in a pot; they can tolerate heat and drought. Plants for partial shade and shade can also be combined under certain circumstances. The pH value of the soil can also play a significant roleFlowering time and flower formationinfluence. With the species that are described as undemanding, you just have to experiment. Use these as gap fillers in several pots and test where each variety grows best.

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Several planting suggestions

There are a lot of things to consider when planting pots, flower pots and balcony boxes for next year. For example

  • Arrangement for containers and flower pots: A plant is placed in the middle as an accent, upright plants are planted behind it. Perennial flowers fill in the gaps. At the forefront are climbing plants, climbing plants and ground cover plants.
  • Hanging basket arrangement: Climbing plants that extend over the edge.
  • Arrangement for balcony box: ground cover, low flowers and evergreen creepers.

Arrangements with evergreen plants

Foto: Shutterstock / Molly Shannon
  • The spindle bushis a hardy creeper that stands out all year round with its beautiful green leaves. It gets along well with pennywort, tulips, primroses and daffodils.
  • The Japanese flower skimmiahas evergreen leaves and produces numerous small, fiery red flower buds. Surprisingly, the flowers are pinkish-white. Some varieties also produce berries in the fall. Popular planting partners include Japanese azalea, autumn violets and heather.
  • DieFoam blossom or the heart-leaf foamwortis an evergreen plant particularly popular for its heart-shaped grass-green leaves and white flowers. Together with the garden fairy flower, astilbe, hostas and grove ledges, it forms attractive ensembles.
  • With its pink flowers and red leaves theRed Pennisetuma wonderful eye-catcher in the pot garden. A good planting partner is the ornamental onion, but the ornamental grass can also be planted alone in the pot.

Also interesting:Plant balcony boxes in a modern way: Create your own oasis in a small outdoor area!

Flowers and decorative foliage plants for the container garden

Foto: Shutterstock / Sophie McAulay

The first suggestion for a wonderfully flowering container ensures blooms all year round. You need a warm, wind-protected oneSpace on the balcony. A southerly orientation is ideal so that the plants can receive direct sunlight until the afternoon. The focus of the ensemble is the red dogwood. Depending on the season, you can vary the other plants as follows:

1. Cape baskets, zinnias and gerberas are ideal for summer. The sky blue morning glory sets accents and the Japanese mountain grass together with the creeping gunsel are perfect as gap fillers.

2. For the fall, add one or two specimens of Chinese wort.

3. For the winter, Tatar dogwood and primroses provide accents. Two foliage plants – New Zealand “Goldfinger” and sky bamboo – complete the concept.

4. In spring, in addition to the spring flowers, the snake's beard also adorns the balcony.

Insect-friendly ensemble

Foto: Shutterstock / MiViK

Insects need food all year round. The next planting combination consists of bee-friendly species.

1st summer: Pansies have already faded and are being replaced by penstemon, beach fleabane, grindwort, large scabiosis and dahlia.

2. Autumn: A small-format herb garden with sage and rosemary in pots. You can also plant geraniums “Rozanne”, Neubergischer Aster and Chinese leadwort in balcony boxes and pots.

3. Winter: Even in the cold season there are plants that can provide food for bees, bumblebees and butterflies. These include, for example, the snow heather “December Red”, various Lenten rose hybrids and the winter honeysuckle.

4. Spring: The large-flowered garden pansy protects the earth from frost in winter and then reveals its splendor of flowers in spring. Balkan anemones, tulips and blue cushions are also ideal for keeping in containers.

Also interesting:Easy-care flowers for the balcony that everyone can keep alive

Plant your balcony all year round: Useful tips

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1. Plant annual flowers in the pot in autumn. Anemones, daffodils and crocuses can also be layered in the pot.

2. In winter, place the pots on Styrofoam saucers and wrap them with bubble wrap to protect the plants from frost.

3. In the spring, work compost into the potting soil and transplant perennial plants. Remove dead flowers.

4. Water daily in summer and add liquid fertilizer regularly. Shorten the plants at the end of summer.

Also read:Vertical Gardening with Native Plants: Helpful Tips and Beautiful Outdoor Plant Types!