Anyone who hasn't thought about strawberries and all the delicacies that can be prepared with them will do so now, at the latest, with the beautiful warm weather. Precisely because so many things can be made with the fruits such as smoothies, cakes or jam, the strawberry plant is now found in almost every garden and even on the balcony. But when can you plant strawberries? And is there a difference depending on whether the plants are in the garden or in a pot? We summarize the most important information for you.
The right time depending on the type of strawberry
In principle, there is always time to...Planting strawberriessuitable provided that the danger of frost has passed, the ground is no longer frozen and the plants have been pre-cultivated.
If you want to be precise, the right time will comeVariety of strawberriesto. Depending on whether the strawberry plants are single-bearing, twice-bearing or ever-bearing, it differs a little. Spring is not always the optimal planting time for fruit and vegetable plants. And strawberries are a good example of this.
Single-bearing plants
These varieties form their flower buds the previous year after the summer season. For this reason, July or August is the perfect time to plant the plants in the garden or in raised beds. Then you can count on a rich harvest.
Twice-bearing varieties
You can wait until August for these strawberry varieties. But you should do it by the middle of the month at the latest so that you can still enjoy fresh fruit in time. They can also be planted in raised beds during this period.
When to Plant Strawberries – Everbearing strawberry varieties in spring
In contrast to the variants mentioned above, late summer or autumn is not a good time to plant the everbearing varieties. The reason for this is that in this case the plants firstneed hibernationbefore they can form flowers and fruits. So you would have to be patient until next season. Spring is therefore the better decision here and more precisely after the Ice Saints, when frost is no longer expected. If you buy plants in spring, they have already gone through winter dormancy and are ready to go.
These strawberry varieties are allowed in raised beds as early as April because it is warmer than the garden soil and the roots are protected. However, you then have to protect the above-ground parts of the plant from frost.
When to plant strawberries in a pot or bucket
Once you have got your strawberry plants for the pot, you can plant them directly in the pot or box provided. There are others toosophisticated planting containers for strawberry plants. You can even stand on the balcony from March. However, if there is still a risk of frost, place the pots close to the wall of the house. You can also protect the plants overnight with garden fleece. You can protect the roots by applying a layer of mulch. Expanded clay is well suited for this purpose.
From the Ice Saints onwards, the plants can then be permanently moved to the intended location.
Plant seeds
Would you like to go one step further and even try seeds? Since the everbearing strawberry varieties are particularly easy to care for, we also recommend them for this purpose. In this case you can already plant the seedssow in February. Then give them a place in a bright place (e.g. the windowsill) and keep the soil moist. Healthy plants will then quickly develop, which you can bring outside from May (or even earlier on the balcony with the protection described above).