Did the tomato plant break? It's so easy to recover despite broken shoots!

So much time, effort and care have been invested and suddenly after the last storm you notice that one or even several shoots of a tomato plant have broken off... This is of course very annoying, but there is no reason to panic. What can you do to save not only the plant, but perhaps even the affected shoot?

In any case, the damage will not kill the entire plant, but at most the broken plant shoot and, depending on the degree of ripeness, also the fruit. How do you proceed correctly?

Where is the plant broken?

Regardless of whether it is the main shoot or the side shoot, if the damaged area is in the top third of the plant, you don't need to worry any further because the tomato can continue to grow normally and sprout again. Even with the main shoot, the plant quickly makes up for the loss by simply developing many new side shoots.

What do you do with the shoot that has broken off the tomato plant

What you do first depends largely on how severe the damage is. Generally you can either remove it or splint it.

Cut off broken tomato shoots

If a large part of the stem has already broken off, it is a better idea to remove it completely. Cracked and open areas on the plant always represent an increased risk of infections. This is also an advantage in making it easier for the plant to sprout again.

  • Take a clean pair of pruning shears.
  • Cut the shoot at the break point.
  • Make sure the cut is smooth and clean. This reduces the risk of infection as pathogens find it more difficult to penetrate.

Build a rail if shoots on the tomato plant have broken off

If the main shoot is affected, you can simply try building a rail for support instead. This variant is particularly worth considering if the break is below the upper third. In any case, it is important that the shoot is only partially broken and still overgrown in one place. If it has fallen off completely, the whole thing won't work. How do you splint a tomato plant that is broken?

  • Prepare a piece of wood and string or wire. Alternatively, a shish kebab skewer is also suitable.
  • Simply insert the skewer into the shoot on one side of the break and the other part on top. For additional support, tie string or, better yet, tape around the break point.
  • If you want to attach the rail from the outside, place half of the wood on the shoot that is still completely attached to the plant. Tie the wood down. Now carefully place the broken part on the rail and tie it tightly as well.
  • It is important that you make sure that everything is firmly secured, otherwise the wind can cause the shoot to snap again.
  • Depending on the severity of the damage, the tomato shoot can grow together again in this way.

How to deal with miserlinessfind out here.

Save a broken tomato plant - don't necessarily throw the shoot away!

If part of the tomato plant is broken, you can also take advantage of the misfortune and, with a bit of luck, even get a new plant. Simply use the shoot as a cutting!

It would be best if you planted it in soil immediately after cutting it off. Whether you use the bed directly or a bucket is up to you. In any case, you must now make sure to water regularly so that the soil does not dry out and the cutting can develop roots with the help of the moisture. You should also remove all flowers and leaves from the tomato cutting. So he can invest all his strength and nutrients in it. How to plant the cutting:

  • Choose a location that is protected from direct sun. This can be in the shade of a larger tomato plant in the bed or another place where you can place a container.
  • Poke a hole in the ground. You can use a stick for this, for example. Increase the diameter by turning if necessary to insert the cutting without pressure.
  • Place the tomato cutting in the hole and leave enough shoots sticking out of the ground.
  • Fill the hole and tamp down the soil.
  • Water generously and keep the soil moist in the coming weeks, but without causing waterlogging.

If you don't have the opportunity to plant the broken tomato shoot right away, at least put it in water so that it doesn't dry out until you can plant it.

Damage to your tomato plants is nothing to worry about. The quite robust plants can recover quickly and even more so if you give them a little help.