What can you plant in November: these vegetables, herbs and perennials are still coming into the garden

The fall season typically brings cooler temperatures and shorter days, but depending on your location and climate, November may be an ideal time to continue gardening. What can you plant in November?

To get the most out of your garden in November, consider the following planting options. It's not too late for these vegetables, herbs and flowers and if you plant them now you'll enjoy a bountiful harvest in the spring.

Foto: Lazy_Bear / envato elements

It's not late to plant some vegetables in November. Be sure to do the planting before the cold.

Plant garlic outdoors

Garlic is so healthy and has many uses in the kitchen. This is a hardy plant that can be planted in the fall and overwintered. Anyone who plants garlic in November can expect a rich harvest in summer.

Planting winter garlic seems easy: you stick it in the ground and it grows on its own. But it's not that simple. Do not separate the toes from the head in advance. Choose large heads for planting and divide them into cloves on planting day. Otherwise they will wither or rot at the right time. Plant garlic at temperatures above 10°C.

Onions are suitable for planting in November

Photo: mirarahneva / envato elements

We love to enjoy fresh onions from our own garden in spring. Like garlic, onions can also be planted in the fall. During the winter months they develop a strong root system that leads to healthier and more resilient plants in the spring. Plant bulbs in a sunny locationin the November garden.

Soaking the onions is one of the best methods to not only ensure good survival of the onions but also to disinfect them completely. For this purpose, the planting material should be poured with hot water at 45-50 ° C for 10-15 minutes. Then the onions should be cooled by immersing them in cold water.

What can you plant in November: Carrots

In areas with milder winters, planting carrots in November can result in a sweet and tasty harvest in late winter or early spring. Seeds sown before winter germinate early in spring, providing production about a month earlier than spring sowing. After sowing the seeds in the furrows, rotted manure can be sprinkled over them - mulch to retain moisture. Tamp lightly with a board.

What to plant in November: Herbs

Photo: viledevil / envato elements

Some herbs, such as parsley, fennel, lavender and coriander, can be sown in November. These herbs will establish well and be ready to harvest the following spring. Before the ground freezes, sow the herbs in a sunny spot. Spread organic material over it.

Perennials for the garden in autumn

You can plant some flowering perennials in the garden in November before the cold sets in.

Plant chrysanthemums in November

With their beautiful, colorful flowers, chrysanthemums can brighten up the November garden. The chrysanthemum blooms particularly profusely in autumn, between the end of October and the beginning of November. It is a short-lived herbaceous plant that requires little light and rainfall. An easy-care flower that is appreciated by many gardeners. Very suitable as a cut flower in autumn.

Beautify your garden with asters in autumn

Photo: AnatoliySadovskiy /envato elements

Asters can add a beautiful accent to any garden. Growing these flowers usually does not require any special care. You can easily grow asters from seedlings. Although it is considered an undemanding flower, you need to take care of the correct location and the soil in which you plant the asters to ensure long and beautiful flowering. Determine the location and dig. Fertilize with organic fertilizer mixed with sand or peat and sand. This keeps the soil well-drained, fertile and ventilated and the flowers get off to a good start.

Autumn planting of roses

You can plant roses in early spring or autumn. It is better to plan autumn rose planting by mid-November. As the weather gets colder, the roses won't have time to get stronger before the first frost and you could lose them. That is why it is very important that the buds have not yet begun to develop when planting.

After 10-12 days after autumn planting, the roses form small, young roots that have time to get stronger before the first frost. They will do well if you place them under shelter until spring to protect the plants from cold and wind. In spring, the young plants quickly begin to form a strong, robust bush.

Also read:Which fruit trees to plant in autumn? – These delicious types of fruit are perfect to grow in November!