In the middle of summer, we are already enjoying numerous fruits from plants that we have previously planted, as well as a colorful display of flowers. But if you think that all you can do now is rest on your laurels, you are completely wrong. Because spring is by no means the only season for sowing and planting. Take advantage of the last few months, because even now there are numerous vegetables and flowers that will be useful to you in autumn and winter. And as July is coming to an end, today we're answering the question: What to plant in August?
How is the garden prepared and what should be taken into account when sowing and planting?
Summer is characterized by heat and longer dry periods. Therefore, the right time for sowing or pre-growing plants is extremely important, especially if you do not have the time or opportunity to water sufficiently frequently straight away. You can take advantage of the weather forecast or simply act spontaneously if you are able:
The optimal temperature and humidity:
- Choose a day that is not so hot.
- If it has rained before, this is ideal because the ground is pleasantly moist and neither too cool nor too hot.
- If you can't keep waiting for rain, you canoptionDo it yourself and water your garden soil thoroughly the day before so that it can soak up moisture.
What to Plant in August – Preparing the Soil:
- Before you plant the new plants or seeds, you must loosen the soil well.
- Remove weeds.
- Work fertilizer into the soil. It's best to chooseLong-term fertilizer (e.g. horn shavings).
What to plant in August – which plants for midsummer?
They realize that there isn't much time left until the first frost, at least considering the growing season of most plants. Therefore, plant species with a short growing season are now more suitable - so the last few months will be completely sufficient to produce fruit or flowers before the frost season. What do you plant in August? What flowers are blooming?until late autumnand which vegetables can handle the initial heat and subsequent cooler periods?
Which vegetables to grow in August?
In this summer month you can enjoy both some vegetablessow directly into the bed, as well as initially in the house. What vegetables can you plant in August? We have put together two lists of varieties for preference and for direct sowing.
For example, you could prefer in the house:
- Beans
- Endivie
- Lamb's lettuce
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Romana
- Senfe
- Spinach
- Winterblumenkohl
- Winter lettuce
- Wintersalat
- Winterportulak
- Winter postal
- winter onion
You can also sow some of the vegetables mentioned above directly into the bed. These and others are:
- Beans
- Chinakohl
- Oak leaf lettuce
- Endivie
- Lamb's lettuce
- Spring onions
- Kale
- Hirschhornwegerich
- Lettuce
- Mangold
- carrot
- Pak Choi
- radish
- radish
- Rocket
- Senfe
- Spinach
- Stem cabbage
- Winterportulak
- Winter postal
- winter onion
You can already do the following varietiesbefore AugustGrow indoors and then plant the grown plants directly:
- Cauliflower
- Broccoli
- Chinakohl
- Kohlrabi
- Salat
- Senfe
- Winterportulak
- winter onion
Can you plant potatoes in August?If you would like to enjoy typical spring potatoes in autumn, you can definitely consider planting them in August. Make sure that you have grown the seed potatoes early, i.e. that there are enough shoots so that the plant has enough time until autumn. Also ask in storessuitable varieties.
What flowers to plant in August
If you want to sow flowers in August, typical autumn flowers are of course the right choice. You sow these in the designated bed and water them regularly to get them to germinate so that they can present their flowers in time for autumn. But not only that. Now is also the right time to have someFlowers for the coming seasonto plant. Which flowers to plant now? How about:
- Christrosen
- Early bloomers
- Iris
- Autumn crocus
- Autumn crocus
- Lilies
- Madonna lily
- Peonies (and other early-blooming perennials)
- Late winter bloomers
- Daylilies
In the house you can:
- daisy
- Bluebell
- horned violets
- Kokardenblume
- Passionsblume
- Pomponettes
- Pansies
- Stockrosen
- Forget-me-nots
What to plant in August – Delicious strawberries
Good old strawberries, found in almost every garden, are best planted this month so that they can produce fruit in time next year. It is better to use potted plants that you transplant instead of seeds as this increases the chances of success. Then water the strawberry plants well to provide them with all-round moisture. After that, moderate watering is sufficient, otherwise you risk mildew.Strawberries are also a good idea, in case you are still wondering what you can plant in raised beds in August.
Herbs that you can plant or sow in summer
Herbs always work! If you value growing some in your garden, you can nowon the windowsillprefer and then simply transplant after a few weeks. Since herbs generally grow wonderfully under indoor conditions, you are welcome to leave some indoors - whatever you prefer. The following are well suited for August:
- Basil
- Dill
- Goldmelisse
- cress
- Oregano
- Parsley
- peppermint
- chives
- Thymian