Caring for early bloomers in the house and garden: With these tips you can enjoy your spring flowers for a long time

Spring is getting closer and closer and our longing for sunshine and pleasant hours outdoors is increasing. And what can spread the spring mood better than some beautiful early bloomers in the house or garden? No matter if you alreadyPlant your flower bulbs in the fallor you have just brought home some spring bloomers from the supermarket or garden center, proper care is essential so that the flowers please the eye for as long as possible.

The best spring flowers for indoors

The flowers that first bloom at the beginning of spring are called early bloomers. The best-known signs of spring include snowdrops, hyacinths, crocuses, primroses, tulips, ranunculus and daffodils. Some early bloomers also feel comfortable indoors and are therefore wonderful asSpring decoration for the apartmentsuitable. For example, daffodils and hyacinths are a great choice if you want to add a colorful splash of color to the table or windowsill.

The spring bloomers are considered undemanding and are also suitable for garden beginners. Although most species grow wild quickly in the garden and do not require any special care, there are things you can do to extend the flowering period of the plants. When it comes to care in pots, there are also a few points that you should keep in mind in order to look forward to long and lush flowering.

Tips for buying early bloomers in pots

Even if you didn't plant bulbs in the fall, you don't have to miss out on the charm of spring bloomers. From the beginning of February, various flower bulbs such as hyacinths and daffodils can be found in pots in the supermarket. You can also find other early risers such as primroses everywhere. Their beautiful colors immediately invite us to add a few pots to the shopping cart and enjoy their beauty at home. However, there are a few things you should consider when purchasing.

Always look closely to see if the leaves are fresh and green. Yellow-colored leaves often indicate a lack of nutrients or watering errors in early bloomers. You should also take a look at the lower part of the pot. If there are muddy roots sticking out of it, leave the plant alone. The fact that the plant has several protruding roots is by no means bad, in fact it is recommended, but these should be white or beige and look healthy.

When it comes to flowers, choose specimens with several closed buds rather than those with open flowers. This way you will certainly be able to enjoy your spring flowers for longer.

Which location to choose for the early bloomers in the house and in the garden?

If you want to plant the spring flowers you have purchased in the bed, it is best to choose a sunny location. But some spring bloomers such as snowdrops and winter aconites also feel comfortable in partial shade. For lush flowering, the soil must be nutrient-rich and well-drained.

When it comes to the right spot in the house, a sunny windowsill is the best choice. The location should be bright, but not too warm, as most spring flowers prefer it cool.

Do you have to repot the early bloomers?

The flower bulbs you buy from the supermarket or garden center are usually not intended to stay in the existing pots. Specimens that are offered in small plastic pots in particular need to be moved to a larger pot or to the garden.

Before you repot the early bloomers into larger pots, the ball of soil should be watered well. It is best to briefly immerse it in a large container of water until no more air bubbles come out. Then the plant goes into the new planter, which is half filled with fresh potting soil. If necessary, the roots are loosened and the gaps are then further filled with soil.

We recommend using high-quality substrates because they contain enough nutrients so that no fertilization is necessary in the first 4 to 6 weeks. You can then supply the plants with liquid fertilizer.

Unlike flowers in pots and boxes, spring flowers planted in the garden can be supported with fertilizer. Also pay attention to the requirements of the respective plant, as these can differ between the different types of early bloomers.

To support the growth and flowering of spring bloomers, fertilize with a universal fertilizer as soon as the stems reach a height of approx. 10 centimeters. Another good option is to add horn meal, which provides the plants with valuable nutrients for several weeks.

Water early bloomers properly in the house or garden

Spring flowers need enough water to thrive. The following applies: regardless of the location chosen (indoor or outdoor), the early bloomers can also be watered on cold days. The spring flowers feel most comfortable when the soil is always slightly moist. However, you should definitely avoid waterlogging.

In contrast to potted plants, spring bloomers in the bed do not necessarily need to be watered. Many of them can store moisture well, but watering would be recommended during longer dry periods.

What to do with faded flowers?

Most early bloomers will reward you if you regularly remove their spent flowers. Some plants, such as primroses, form new buds in their place and so you can enjoy the plant for longer.

Care for early bloomers after flowering

Sooner or later the blooming period of the beautiful spring flowers is over, and then comes the time to cut them off. Before cutting they have toPlants will be completely wilted, so that they can extract all the recyclables from the leaves and store them. You can then either dig up the flower bulbs and store them in a dry place, or leave them in the ground.

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