Even if the temperatures drop, the prevailingAutumn on the balconystill a splendor of flowers and colors. In the cold season, autumn flowers, grasses and foliage plants provide variety in the flower box and pot. We will show you different ideas for arrangements of autumn flowers for balconies and terraces and explain how to stage them correctly. Set accents and create a harmonious ensemble by combining plants that get along well and have similar soil and location requirements.
Autumn flowers for the balcony: What to consider when planting flower boxes
Summer is already over. But that doesn't mean itin the flower boxshould be boring and monochrome. September is the right time to think about magnificent autumn planting in the flower box. Fortunately, most autumn flowers require little care and have significantly fewer demands on the soil and location compared to summer bloomers. However, the hobby gardener should adhere to a few basic rules when planting.
1. Good drainage is crucial. Because in autumn the rainwater must be able to drain away. For this purpose, experienced hobby gardeners place a layer of gravel or expanded clay on the bottom of the balcony box and drill additional holes in the balcony box.
2. Plant the flowers, grasses and foliage plants at a certain distance from each other. At first the flower box may look a little empty, but within a week the gaps will be filled.
3. Arrange the flowers. Especially when planting a flower box, you should think about what the autumn arrangement will look like. You can plant plants that hang over the edge of the pot or box at the front or on both sides. Low ground cover plants and flowers go in the middle and tall grasses and foliage shrubs are placed in the back.
4. Proper care is crucial in the fall. First, choose a location that is protected from the wind and, if possible, shielded from rain and snow. Water the autumn plants only when necessary, that is, when the soil dries out. Only fertilize when planting the flower box, using a slow-release fertilizer. After that you can do without it. Check the plants regularly for pests and mold.
Autumn flowers for the balcony: A classic arrangement in orange
The first suggestion for aautumnal arrangementshines in orange, yellow and red. It is made up of the following plants:
- The chrysanthemums of the “Marilyn” variety bloom from September until the end of autumn. When it's warm outside, the flowers remain light yellow, but when it's cold they turn orange.
- Ornamental peppers are sold as plants at most garden centers. The peppers are edible as long as they are not treated against pests.
- You can arrange decorative pumpkins on the edge of the flower box as decoration.
- Fox-red New Zealand seaweed is a hardy ornamental grass that is very easy to care for and robust.
Care tips: The autumn plants love the sun, so the south or west balcony is best. They need to be watered even in frost and cold. It is important that no waterlogging occurs. A loamy, sandy and permeable soil is therefore ideal. You should apply fertilizer once when planting the flower box.
Autumn flowers for the balcony: modern arrangement in wine red
The next oneIdea for autumn plantingshines in saturated wine red. Below we list the plants you will need for the arrangement:
- Chrysanthemums of the “Fellbacher Wein” variety in wine red
- Chrysanthemums of the “Nebelrose” variety in pink
- Blood red purple bell
- Blaukohl
- whipweed
Care tips: A location that is in partial shade is best. A fresh to moderately moist, humus-rich soil offers the best conditions for rapid growth and a long flowering period. If there is frost, the flower box should be covered so that the plants do not freeze.
Clear the stage for the stars among the autumn flowers – the chrysanthemums. Together with the croton plant, the sedum and the sweet potato, their strong appearance is guaranteed. The voluminous arrangement looks very natural and looks good in flower boxes made of rattan or wood. If you want, you can arrange several pumpkins around it.
- Croton plant
- sweet potato
- Fetthenne
- Chrysanthemums
Care tips: A south-facing balcony is ideal because the ensemble loves sun. The following applies particularly to the croton plant: the more sun, the more colorful the leaves. The flowers and plants in the arrangement can easily tolerate high humidity, but waterlogging can lead to rot and should be avoided.
- Pink petunias of the variety “Supertunia Vista Bubblegum”
- Geraniums
- Angel's face (Angelonia angustifolia)
- Buntnessel
Care tips: The flowers and perennials love gravelly to loamy soil with a neutral pH value. The hobby gardener should ensure that the soil remains fresh. The substrate should dry out easily; waterlogging can lead to rot and should be avoided at all costs. A layer of expanded clay in the bottom of the flower box protects against this and ensures better and faster water drainage. A wind-protected location in the sun meets all the requirements of the plant combination.
Admittedly, combinations of dried and fresh flowers look great.
- A – Bergenia variety “Pig Squeak”
- B – Fetthenne
- C – Wollhaargras (Rubingras)
- dry hydrangeas
Not only the dried flowers, but also the other plants and ornamental grasses are quite undemanding. They thrive best in humus-rich, fresh soil. Since it rains regularly in autumn, watering can be completely canceled. Fertilization is carried out at the start of the season, directly after the Ice Saints. A sunny location proves to be optimal, but the flowers and plants also feel comfortable in partial shade.
- Sugarloaf spruce
- violet
- Pansies
- Kale
- ivy
Care tips: The flowers and plants from this group thrive best in shady and sunny locations. A sandy alkaline soil offers the best possible conditions for a long flowering period and rapid growth. The ensemble is voluminous, takes up a lot of space and is therefore suitable for larger balconies and roof terraces.
The arrangement of edible plants, autumn flowers and evergreen ground cover looks unusual and traditional at the same time. The marigold flowers shine twice as beautifully against the dark mustard leaves.
- Marigold, variety “Bonanza Harmony”
- Leaf mustard, edible
- Fat Hen, Black “Angelina”
The flowers and plants in this autumnal arrangement require slightly alkaline, humus-rich and well-drained soil. They thrive best in the sun and are perfect for west or south facing balconies. They do most of allin round, tall flower potsor looks good in small flower pots.
The next arrangement for fall is made up of orange zinnias, pansies and red firecrackers. The spotted deadnettle and rosemary provide the perfect background for the flowers, filling in nooks and gaps.
- A – Zinnian, Sort “Magellan Orange”
- B – spotted pigeon nettle
- C – Pansies, variety “Panola Orange”
- D – Rosemary
- E – Brandschopf, variety “Prestige Scarlet”
Care tips: The autumn plants thrive best in a warm, wind-protected and sunny location. They have no special requirements for the soil. Above all, it should be permeable, as the plants cannot tolerate waterlogging well. You can give the flowers compost once at the beginning of autumn to extend their flowering period. The young plants have difficulty withstanding frost, so it is best to plant the ensemble in spring.
Yellow accents from autumn flowers look good when planting for the cold season. The more colorful the arrangement, the simpler the plant pot should be. Wood, ceramics and clay add a natural touch to the ensemble.
- A – Switchgrass, variety “Northwind”
- B – Chrysanthemen
- C – Renewal
- D – Cologne Lily
- E – Hot Stonecrop
Care tips: The plants and flowers thrive best in loamy, permeable and humus-rich soil. The soil surface should be slightly dry before watering. Sunny locations offer the best conditions for a sea of flowers in the plant pot.
Blue fescue, chrysanthemum, strawflower and pennisetum complement each other perfectly in growth and color and the tin planter forms the perfect background for the country house style arrangement.
- A – Blue Fescue
- B – Chrysanthemums of the “Cecilia” variety
- C – Strohblume “Sundaze Golden Yellow”
- D – Pennisetum
Care tips: The autumn flowers for the balcony prefer gravelly, moderately moist and humus-rich soil. They have low nutrient requirements in autumn and can get by completely without fertilizer and with little water.
The berry branches look particularly attractive even when dry - the next autumnal arrangement will impress you with this. Together with other autumn beauties such as the decorative basket and the sedum, they form an effective ensemble. The blue cabbage provides a splash of color and additional dynamism.
- Orange berries
- Fetthenne “Lemon Ball”
- Blaukohl
- ornamental peppers
- Schmuckkörbchen “Cosmic Yellow”
Care tips: The autumn flowers and plants thrive in fresh soil with a neutral pH value. To ensure that they bloom in autumn, they should be provided with slow-release fertilizer at the start of the season.
The next idea for autumn planting for the balcony combines harmony and attractive color contrasts.
- A – Blue Fescue
- B – Riedgras “Frosted Curls”
- Hornveilchen “Bowles Black”
- ornamental peppers
Care tips: The annual and perennial plants prefer sandy, fresh, slightly acidic and humus-rich soil. They feel comfortable in partial shade and are therefore suitable for the east-facing balcony.
Warm purple nuances set the tone in the next arrangement. It is mainly made up of foliage plants, but petunias dominate the plant community.
- Buntnessel
- wire bush
- Garden spurge
- petunias
- Goldfelberich
Care tips: Moderate soil moisture and a humus-rich substrate prove to be optimal for the decorative foliage plants in the arrangement. You will feel most comfortable on the sunny south-facing balcony and will need frost protection from the end of October.
A colorful arrangement of ornamental plants, edibles, exotic and local flowers: the colorful mix in the flower pot automatically attracts attention. It is best displayed in a flower pot made of ceramic or clay in a neutral color, so the plants really stand out.
- Virginian rosemary willow
- Kale
- Blaukohl
- Sacred bamboo
- Garden snapdragons
- Chrysanthemums
Care tips: Moderately moist, acidic and humus-rich soil promotes rapid plant growth. The flowers and foliage plants will feel most comfortable in a sunny location. The plants are hardy and the ornamental plants are evergreen. Be careful with sacred bamboo – its leaves and flowers are poisonous.