Peat has long been considered an important part of numerous horticultural products. In recent years hisApplication in container gardensand heavily criticized outdoors. Mainly because numerous bogs are drained to extract peat. The alternative – peat-free soil – has been successful for a few years. But is it possible to completely replace the peat and what variants are available for the groove and the ornamental garden?
Why peat-free soil? An overview of the advantages and disadvantages of peat acids
Peat itself is actually a valuable addition to theGarden and potting soil. It stores water well, can supply the plants with oxygen and has a pH value between 3 and 3.5. Depending on the needs of the plants, it can be fertilized or limed. Thanks to its properties, it is primarily used in vegetable cultivation. On the one hand, because there are currently not that many substitutes, and on the other hand, because they are cheaper. There are also significant differences between different peat-free soils.
However, in your own garden it is possible to monitor ornamental and useful plants and to react quickly to possible changes in the soil composition. Garden centers also have a large selection of peat-reduced or peat-free products. Why is it worth it? We list the advantages and the disadvantages:
- Environmentally friendly. Peat is obtained from bogs, which can limit CO₂ emissions more effectively than forests. If fewer moors were drained to produce peat, CO₂ emissions would also be lower.
- The substrates with peat have a high degree of acidity. To compensate for this, the garden soil must be limed. The peat-free alternatives often have a neutral to slightly alkaline pH value.
- The alternatives are cheaper.
- Not all peat-free substrates and fertilizers are high quality.
- The plants need to be monitored.
- The soil should be examined at least once a year, preferably at the beginning of the gardening season.
- Peat-free substrates are more often attacked by pests. They are therefore often treated with insecticides during production.
The variants at a glance
First of all: Organic substrates can, but do not have to, be peat-free. Pay attention to the ingredients when purchasing. Peat-free products also contain peat, even if the amount is significantly reduced.
The possible variants for peat-free soil at a glance:
- Finished green waste compost is sold in garden centers and composting facilities. Mixtures of soil and compost, the so-called mixed soil, are particularly suitable for filling up vegetable beds. They score points with their high volume weight, so they are stable and contain many useful nutrients. A mixed soil with green waste compost does not need any fertilizer in the first few months.
- The potting soil with coconut fibers is permeable and loose. The coconut fibers absorb water well and can store and release it. However, they are poor in nutrients. A substrate with coconut fiber must therefore be fertilized regularly.
- Humus made from spruce bark: Well-ripened bark humus scores with high quality. It can store oxygen, absorb irrigation water well, is stable and contains many microorganisms.
- The soil with wood fibers from local wood: loosens the soil and scores with high stability.
- Soil enriched with clay is loose, contains a lot of oxygen, can store water and release it evenly.
In practice, most substrates are mixed from several peat substitutes.
Is peat-free soil really environmentally friendly?
The peat-free soil is indeed environmentally friendly, but only if it is made from local raw materials. Because transport over long distances can also pollute the environment.
Peat-free soil: which plants is it suitable for?
You can use the peat-free soil for both ornamental and useful plants. Since it is relatively expensive, you can have the garden soil examined first. Together with the results, the laboratories also send recommendations for fertilizer. Based on these recommendations and the information regarding the composition of the soil, you can get detailed advice from the garden center and find the best option for your own garden.
The peat-free soil is also more frequently attacked by fungus gnats and other pests. Therefore it is often treated with pesticides. So pay attention to the content and composition when buying, especially if you want to use the soil for the kitchen garden.
In the flower bed, the peat-free soil is mixed with the garden soil.
You can easily use peat-free soil for potted plants.
For large lawnsA peat replacement is out of the question. On the one hand, because the associated costs would be too high, and on the other hand, because grass is very sensitive to changes in the soil.
The peat-free soil is a good option for smaller plots of land, for pot gardens or private kitchen gardens. There are several variants so that everyone can find something that suits them.