Build your own bird feeder – attract birds to the garden

What could be better in spring than experiencing nature at its best! It is precisely in spring that garden birds are looking for nesting opportunities. What can you do to attract birds to your garden? If you want to transform your garden into a bird paradise, you should get to work immediately and create a nesting box or aBird feederset up and hang up. In practice, you have a free hand, but the following design ideas could help you!

Do-it-yourself bird feeder design ideas

Some birds prefer to make their nests on the ground. Dense garden shrubs, climbing plants and hedges also offer safe nesting places. Many birds are already well adapted to human lifestyles. Their settlements are located in gardens, parklands,on buildingsetc. These include song thrushes, sparrows, woodpeckers, swallows, blackbirds, etc. They are really an enrichment for theGarten. Birds contribute significantly to the ecological balance in urban areas. For these reasons, it is not only a good idea, but recommendedBird feederto build in the garden.

Building a bird feeder is recommended

In autumn the birds need a lot of reserves for overwintering or migrating south, but even in summer they find less and less food in urban areas. Garden birds' favorite foods include insects, berries, worms, etcBird feederin the garden, you can feed the garden birds all year round and enjoy lots of “guests”. The bird garden appears friendlier and more lively.

Make a bird feeder out of a fun milk carton

Make a bird feeder out of a plastic bottle

A bird feeder can be built from recycled materials

Plastic bottle as a bird feeder

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Caravan birdhouse

Tips and tricks for bird gardening

Modern bird feeders

Nesting boxes are easy to set up

Make the garden attractive for birds and guests!

Inspiring design ideas for bird feeders

Attract birds in the garden

Attractive bird garden ideas

Attract birds in the garden

Do-it-yourself bird feeder

Enjoy birdsong

Use tea cup as a bird feeder