Saving water in your landscape doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. Many of the most effective steps you can take to reduce your water bills and protect your community's water supply are simple and easy. Here are some suggestions, which are either one-time investments in water-saving devices that you can make yourself or that someone else can install for you, or simple habit changes. We'll tell you how you can save water in the garden!
The ideal oneTime to wateris early morning. Temperatures are cooler and there is usually less wind, reducing evaporation. This also gives the plants the opportunity to dry out quickly. Leaves that stay wet all night are more susceptible to disease.
Reduce water consumption in the garden – care for the soil
Take care of your garden soil so you can save water. You can take the following measures: For example, adding organic matter improves the soil structure and helps retain moisture in the soil. Add water-retaining granules or gel to the compost oruse compost, which is already mixed with it for use in hanging baskets and containers.
A thick layer of mulch helps keep the root zone cool and moisture in the soil. Organic mulches such as wood chips and shredded bark also help enrich the soil with organic matter over time. Some types of mulch are better suited to certain applications than others, so choose carefully.
Avoid using lawn sprinklers
Water in the root zone to minimize evaporation. Keeping water away from your plants' leaves also helps fight fungal diseases and prevent sunburn. A professionally designed irrigation system - such as drip irrigation - is far better at delivering proper water delivery than the simple lawn sprinklers you can buy at the hardware store. An investment that pays for itself over time in lower water bills and healthier plants.
Save water in the garden – mow it high
Keeping your lawn at the recommended upper limit (about 2 inches for most species) will shade the soil and prevent excessive evaporation.
Grow water-saving plants
Choose drought-tolerant plants. Careful plant selection can make a big difference in water usage. Many plants, such as silver fir, yarrow and sage, are naturally adapted to thrive even when water levels are low. Consult a local landscape gardener for advice on which species will thrive in your area and on your property.
Species that require little water will save you time and money in the garden. This includes:
- Established or slow growing plants
- Small plants
- Varieties with small or narrow leaves – narrow leaves lose less moisture through transpiration
- Gray or silver foliage
- Leathery, hairy or wavy leaves that typically require less moisture
For example, herbs likeRosemary and thymeWith its small, fine leaves, it requires less water than basil with its large ones. Native plants and succulents may be more suitable than some of the more common landscape plants, so you should examine your garden and make water-efficient choices.
Combine plants with similar water needs in groups
Find out about the characteristics of your planting location, such as sunny and shady sides, soil type and wind conditions. Make a plan to group plants with similar needs as the drought-tolerant plants.
Another tip for a drought-tolerant garden: Plants with higher water needs should be planted toward the house where they can be easily watered. Group more drought-tolerant plants along the outer edges of the garden area.
Rain barrel to save water in the garden
By using rain barrels to collect the rain that flows down your home's downspouts, you can save a lot of water over the summer. While there are many models available to purchase, you can also build a rain barrel yourself and use the water for your garden and lawn.
Ways to save and reuse water
- Save your cooking water
When steaming or boiling vegetables, save the water instead of pouring it down the sink. It contains many nutrients and, when cooled, is a free fertilizer for watering your plants.
- Reusing aquarium water
When you clean your aquarium, use the “old” water rich in nitrogen and phosphorus for your plants.
Do not overwater
It sounds simple, but more water is wasted through overwatering than any other reason. If you water too much, you're not just wasting a valuable resource. It is also very bad for your plants. Too much moisture in the soil stresses your plants' root systems and contributes to root rot and fungal and bacterial diseases.
Save water in the garden with a pearl hose
Pearl hoses bring the water exactly where it is needed without it being lost through evaporation or wind. It connects to a regular garden hose and the water seeps through thousands of tiny holes. The placement of the hose is important: Normally the pearl hose is placed directly next to the plants. You just have to make sure the water seeps into the plant's established root zone.
Some people run the hose over the ground when necessary, others bury it under the mulch and leave it there. Either is fine, but if you bury the hose, you should know where it is so you don't accidentally damage it while digging or chopping.