A slim and defined stomach – this is without a doubt the highest fitness goal for both women and men. But tight and strong abdominal muscles not only look good, they are also important for our health. They support the core muscles and can helpto relieve back painand to prevent. Do you feel like nothing is happening, no matter how hard you torture yourself with crunches and sit-ups? You are not alone! This is mainly because, alongside the buttocks and thighs, the stomach is the part of the body where we are most likely to accumulate fat deposits. But that is no reason to despair! How should you best train your lower abdominal muscles and which exercises should you choose? You can find all of this as well as great training plans for at home in our article!
Toning and defining your lower abdominal muscles requires an incredible amount of patience and discipline. Maybe you've heard the saying “abs are made in the kitchen”? This means that in addition to regular training, a balanced and healthy diet is essential for a flat stomach. However, most workouts target the upper abdominal muscles, while the lower and oblique muscles are often neglected. Therefore, it is important to incorporate lower abdominal exercises into your workout routine.
Train your lower abdominal muscles – quick abdominal training at home
While it is impossible to lose fat and lose weight only in certain parts of the body, you can strengthen and define every muscle group with targeted exercises. When you train the lower abdominal muscles, also think about the side and upper muscles - this way the fat burning will be stimulated even more. No special equipment is required for the following training plan. And the best part? It is ideal for an effective20 minute workout at home. But before we start with the lower abdominal exercises, here are a few helpful tips:
- Do abdominal training every other day or at least 3 times a week.
- If you are a beginner, start with fewer sets and reps and slowly work your way up.
- To prevent injuries and benefit from the workout, ensure clean and correct technique.
- For faster results, try doing 100 minutes a week of cardio exercise in the form of jogging, running, swimming or cycling.
Lower abdominal exercises
- Warm up -The warm-up phase prepares the body for the stress ahead and helps prevent injuries. Perform 1 set of 10 reps of each of the following exercises: Shoulder Twists, Classic Squats, Lunges, Jumping Jacks. Rest for 30 seconds and then you're ready to go!
- High Kneesis a particularly intensive exercise that not only trains the lower abdominal muscles, but also targets the buttocks and legs. Place your feet hip-width apart and tense your stomach. Then run in place and lift your knees up as far as possible until your upper and lower legs form a 90 degree angle. The arms are also moved in a running style. Try to last 60 seconds.
- Toe Touch Crunches –Anyone who wants to train their abdominal muscles should know the classic crunches and do them correctly. Toe crunches are a wonderful crunch variation to strengthen the lower abdomen. Lie on your back on an exercise mat and raise your legs and arms vertically to the floor. Tense your stomach and lift your shoulder blades and head a few centimeters from the floor. Stretch as far as you can and try to touch your toes with your fingers. Briefly hold the position at the highest point and slowly lower your upper body. It will be easier if you bend your legs slightly at the knees. Do 30 reps.
- High plank with knees to chest –Very strenuous, but incredibly effective - there is hardly any other exercise that uses as many muscle groups at oncethe plank training. By pulling your knees towards your chest in this variation, you primarily work the lower abdominal muscles. Start in the classic high plank position, pull your left knee toward your chest and then kick back. Repeat the movement with the right leg. Try to do as many reps as possible for 1 minute.
- Folding knife exerciseis a variation of the toe touch crunches that really gets those lower abs burning! Lie on your back with your legs and arms extended. Bring your legs up in a controlled and slow manner and at the same time lift your upper body off the floor until you can touch the tips of your feet. Hold the position briefly and lower your body. Perform as many repetitions as possible for 1 minute.
- Reverse plank with leg raisesis probably one of the most difficult and demandingShelf Variantsat all. Not only will you train your lower abdominal muscles, but you will also strengthen your back, triceps and shoulders - a real all-rounder! Sit on the floor and stretch your legs. Place your hands directly under your shoulders with your fingers pointing forward and stretch. Now lift your body until it forms a straight line from head to toe. From this position, alternately lift your legs upwards. Do 15 repetitions per leg.
- Knee Twist –With this exercise you train the oblique and lower abdominal muscles at the same time and improve your endurance and coordination. Lie on your back, keep your legs close together and extend your arms to your sides so your body looks like a “T.” Tense your stomach, stretch your legs upwards and bend them slightly at the knees. Now turn your legs to the left and stop just before you touch the floor. Slowly bring to the center and then lower back to the right - this counts as one repetition. Try to do 10 reps per side to start.
More lower ab exercises to add to your workout routine
The purpose of regular training is, above all, that we are constantly improving and constantly providing our bodies with new stimuli and challenges. Therefore, fitness experts recommend changing your training plan every 6-7 weeks. On the one hand, this ensures that the muscles can continue to grow and the variety ensures that it never gets boring. Below we have many more abdominal exercises for you that you can use to train and tone your lower abdominal muscles.
- Scissorsis one of the most popular lower abdominal exercises and is ideal for all fitness beginners. Lie on your back and either extend your arms close to your body or tuck them under your butt - this makes the movement a little easier. Extend your legs and lift them off the floor. Tense your stomach and make sure that your back stays on the floor and does not form a hollow back. Now alternately raise and lower your legs one after the other without touching the floor. Another variation is to simply cross your legs stretched out over each other.
- Navasana exercise (The Boat)is one of the most popular yoga exercises for the stomach. Not only is it very strenuous, but if done incorrectly it can lead to serious back injuries. Therefore, the exercise is only suitable for advanced users. Sit on a mat and place your hands behind your back. Raise your legs straight up, breathe in deeply and activate your abdominal muscles. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and make sure your back remains straight. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds or as long as possible.
Train your lower stomach with these sit-ups and crunches variations
Easy to do and can be done anywhere - crunches and sit-ups have become an integral part of every abdominal workout. But they're not really that much fun, are they? We'll show you some great crunch variations that you won't hate.
- Reverse Crunchesare nothing more than classic crunches, except that you move your legs instead of your upper body. The exercise is incredibly strenuous and if you want to train your abdominal muscles, then there is no way around reverse crunches. Lie on the floor and stretch your arms out to the sides or place them under the back of your head for more support. Extend your legs and lift them vertically to the floor. Activate your stomach and then lift your pelvis slightly upwards.
- Beetle crunchtrains both the lower and upper stomach as well as the oblique abdominal muscles and is considered a real all-rounder when it comes to abdominal training. Lie on your back and bend your legs at the knees until they form a 90 degree angle. Place your hands behind your head, your back remaining on the floor. Now tense your stomach and lift your upper body slightly. Slowly extend your right leg and left arm while touching your left knee with your right arm. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.
- Bicycle crunchesare so popular for a good reason. They improve your coordination and balance while also training your obliques and lower abdominal muscles. Depending on the intensity, the hips and thighs are also stressed, making the exercise perfect for youAbs-legs-butt workout. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Contract your abdominal muscles and lift your legs a few centimeters off the floor. Then bring your right elbow towards your left knee and vice versa - this counts for one repetition.
- Schmetterling Sit-Ups –Just like crunches, sit-ups are a timeless classic in abdominal training. While the classic version primarily strengthens the upper abdominal muscles, butterfly sit-ups also target the lower abdominal muscles. You start with lying on your back on the floor. Bend your legs and press the soles of your feet together. Tense your stomach and lift your upper body until you are sitting upright and then touch the floor in front of your feet with your hands. Slowly return to the starting position.