Which flowers to plant in May: These plants will transform your garden into a paradise!

It's never too early to start gardening, whether you want to grow edible plants or not. If you are new to growing plants, flowers are a great way to start gardening because they grow quickly and require little care. Also, don't worry if you missed the opportunity to plant your spring bulbs - there are still plenty of flowers you can plant in the month of May! This spring month is ideal for adding color to your garden. Plus, this shade maintains its vibrancy throughout the season, so any of these options can be considered. What flowers to plant in May? Find out below!

Pollinator-Friendly Flowers for Spring – Zinnias

Zinnias are an excellent choice for anyone just starting out in gardening. Before planting zinnia seeds, you need to make sure that all frost dates in your area have already passed. Zinnias come in an almost infinite number of varieties, colors and sizes. They thrive best in a place where they get enough sun and a constant breeze, as this allows them to avoid most infections. Plant the seeds in the soil exactly where you want the plant to take root and distribute the young seedlings as they emerge. Planting them near your vegetable garden can help attract pollinators to your plants.

What flowers to plant in May – hardy, perennial peonies

Peonies can be planted throughout May provided temperatures continue to be mild, although this timing depends on where you live. On the other hand, there are so many different types of peonies that you are likely to discover one that thrives in your area. It's important to remember that the peonies you planted in the spring may need another year to become established before they can produce showy blooms. Peonies, on the other hand, are one of the flowers found all over the world that live the longest and produce beautiful blooms for decades.

Sun-loving marigolds to plant in the month of May

Marigolds are easy and plentiful to grow, whether you grow them from seeds or buy them as seedlings. These flowers, which do best in bright sunlight, can be cut back midway through the growing season to encourage more blooms to form. They are also sun worshipers. To prevent powdery mildew from forming on your marigolds, make sure the soil you choose is nutrient-rich and youwater the plants from below, instead of watering them from above.

Beautiful sunflowers for the garden

Sunflowers are attractive annual plants that add a cheerful tone to the environment. If the seeds between mid and late Maysown in the warm groundthey need 4 to 6 days to germinate.The plants developquickly and reach maturity in late August or early September. Each flower has a tall, sturdy stem that supports a large, thick, daisy-like bloom in shades of bronze, yellow or orange. The easy-to-grow flowers thrive in a variety of moist soils when given full light. The planting soil should be enriched with organic compost or manure, and the plants should be watered frequently during dry periods. Sunflowers can reach heights of up to 5 meters under ideal conditions.

Which flowers to plant in May – easy-care decorative baskets (cosmos)

Cosmos are easy-care, versatile flowers. They add vibrant color to the landscape all summer long. Because of their rapid germination at soil temperatures of 20 to 26 degrees, cosms are an excellent choice for planting in May. The drought-resistant and easy-to-cultivate flowers reseed every year. Plant ornamental baskets in a site with good drainage and full sun.

Coneflower (Echinacea) for a colorful outdoor area

Coneflower is a stunning flower that can add a splash of color in the garden that attracts attention. It is a matter ofa perennial plant, which is native to North America and is easy to cultivate. It requires little care and grows again year after year. There are many varieties of Echinacea - you can choose the one that best suits your garden's needs from the many options available. When planting coneflower, be sure to give it plenty of room to grow because once established, it tends to spread quickly. Plant coneflowers in well-draining soil and water regularly until established. If you want your flowers to have larger blooms, cut off spent blooms during the growing season. This stimulates the development of more flower buds, resulting in larger flowers.