Which trees should be cut in winter: January is the best time for pruning the following perennials

Pruning the branches of woody plants in the garden in winter serves to form a full and healthy plant that can bear fruit much better in warm weather. Pruning is a useful activity in the garden because it can promote larger plants, is a good start for newly planted trees and shrubs, encourages flowering, shapes plants, removes diseased wood and promotes growth. With a few exceptions, all of this can happen in the winter months when the work is much easier because of the exposed trunks. Winter pruning allows you to optimally regulate growth and fruit formation and maintain strong plants. We will show you which trees you should cut in winter.

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Pruning elderberries in winter

You can cut back the elderberry after harvesting in winter, before budding. This keeps the height in check and encourages new, vigorous growth of healthy plants. Be careful not to cut in temperatures below freezing.

Foto: Nastyaofly / shutterstock

You can decide the shape of your elderberry yourself. You can train your young elderberry to take on a single-trunk tree form, or you can encourage a multi-trunk shrub-like form by not cutting off the strongest trunks.

For a rejuvenation pruning or if you want to reduce the overall size of your forsythia,you should do the cutIt is best to do this in winter when the plant is still in its dormant phase.

To get your plant into good shape, trim any branches that are crossing, rubbing against each other, or growing in a direction that is not aesthetically pleasing.

Pruning apple and pear trees in winter

Photo: agrofruti / shutterstock

Prune your apple and pear trees in winter to improve their shape, reduce their size, promote better fruit quality and prevent apple tree diseases. Winter pruning of fruit trees also serves to cut out broken, weak branches and to promote the formation of strong, vital new growth.

Pruning red raspberries

Photo: Radovan1 / shutterstock

You also have to prune raspberries in winter. A hard thinning in theWinter is the secretfor healthier plants and larger, sweeter berries. Uncut red raspberries become bushy and when the vines are crowded, they compete for sunlight, including nutrients and water, resulting in small, poor-tasting fruit.

Pruning is the most effective way to avoid these problems. Annual pruning allows plenty of sunlight and air to penetrate, meaning you have larger, healthier plants.

Roses benefit from winter pruning

Photo: OlesyaPogosskaya / shutterstock

Rose bushes require regular pruning for their overall well-being. Removing dead or diseased branches in winter improves air circulation and promotes consistent bloom production the following season. With winter pruning you can also get the plants into good shape so that they meet your aesthetic expectations and create a beautiful view in the garden.

How to properly prune trees in winter

  • First, remove all thin or damaged shoots and branches. Cut them back to the point where they sprout from the branch or main trunk. If the branches are bare, it is very easy to cut them into a good shape.
  • Next, prune last season's growth. Shorten last season's side shoots to four to six buds from the base. The younger shoots are silvery-gray in color, making them easy to distinguish from the older, brown branches.
  • Cut the main stem at the top of the tree to about half its length, just above the outward-facing bud, using a diagonal cut to encourage water release. If you follow these tips for pruning woody plants, your plants will thank you.

Winter pruning of mature trees

Cutting back branches and shoots during the dormant season concentrates the sap flow on fewer buds in the spring, resulting in more vigorous growth. Medium-sized and large trees benefit from cutting back strong young shoots in winter and thinning out branches that are too close together. Open the center of the tree to allow air to circulate well and allow the sun to reach the developing fruit in summer.

How to prune young trees in winter

Foto: EsfilPla / shutterstock

You can also prune freshly planted trees and trees up to four years old in winter. This gives them a good framework of branches. Shorten the main shoot and cut back the side branches.

Also read:Overwintering and cutting oleanders: step by step to the perfect winter quarters