Which plants should you prune before summer for healthy growth and lush flowers?

Gardeners are already excited about the new season and spring is the busiest time of the year. You start with the soil preparation, then comes the sowing and the planting and everything should be done. However, don't forget that many plants need pruning. This is very important for their healthy growth. Proper pruning can also improve the quality of the flowers. WhichPlantYou can find out if you should prune before summer in this article.

Why cut plants in spring?

By pruning in spring you encourage more growth and more flowers and leaves. Some shrubs bloom on old branches and become bushy, so they need pruning to keep them looking neat. Buddleias and fuchsias that bloom in the same year can be cut back almost to the ground. So they will grow even more magnificently and healthily this summer.

Spring pruning allows you to remove dead, weak and diseased shoots and tidy up and make your beloved plants pretty. After you have pruned, your plants still need some care. Mulch the plants with agenerous layer of garden compostor well-rotted manure. How to nourish them and strengthen them for healthy growth. Use sharp pruning tools – secateurs, pruning shears and a folding pruning saw can help.

By pruning before summer you achieve the following:

  • Stimulating new growth in shrubs that flower on new wood.
  • Encourage new growth to rejuvenate old shrubs.
  • Thin out strong growing shrubs.

After winter, shrubs have stored a lot of energy. The more you prune them in the spring, the more they will grow. Therefore, be aware that severe pruning can cause your shrub to grow even larger. If you don't want your shrubs to grow too large, you can trim them back just slightly before summer. And in summer you can cut most of the bush. End of June or July is perfect.

Of course, not all plants need to be pruned. Here are some suggestions on which plants should be pruned in spring so that they develop well and give your garden a beautiful, colorful look. Because summer is near and every gardener wants to enjoy a fabulous flower garden, right? Well, grab the secateurs and get to work!

Prune tender shrubs before summer

You can cut tender shrubs like lavender in spring. Prune the plants only lightly,to get them in good shape. Other tender shrubs that should be pruned in spring include rockrose and rosemary. Here too, proceed carefully.

Prune flowering shrubs in spring

Flowering shrubs, such as B. Fuchsias and Buddleja should be cut back heavily in spring. In this way you stimulate strong new growth at the base of the plant and guarantee an abundance of flowers for the new season. Before summer, also cut the beard flower. Shrubs, such as B. Weigela and forsythia should be planted immediatelybe cut back after floweringto keep them in good shape.

What else you should cut in spring – ornamental grasses

You can cut back deciduous grasses heavily in spring, from March onwards. How to proceed: Remove the old growth and free the new green shoots so that they can grow well. Dogwoods and willows should be cut back heavily in the spring. The same goes for plants valued for their foliage, such as: B. Cotinus.

Prune perennials before summer

Before summer, you can prune any perennials that you didn't trim back in the fall. Now they have a lot of dead leaves that should be removed. This also applies to shrubs with decorative winter heads or stems, such as: B. Holly, sedum and thistles. Remove seed heads, stems and brown leaves.

Deciduous shrubs should be cut now

If you have large shrubs in the garden, you can prune them at any time of the year except late fall. Late spring is the time to prune out dead or weak and diseased branches to get your shrubs into good shape. However, now it is not good to do any major pruning. This means you can wait until the hibernation period.

Which plants should you prune before summer: Sap-bearing trees

Sap-bearing trees should be planted in late spring or inSummer cutting. Why? Because if you cut in winter or early spring, sap will come out of the wounds. This is about trees such as walnut, birch and maple trees. For them, late spring is the best time for cutting. Be careful not to remove more than a third of the growth at a time.

Spring-flowering shrubs and trees for pruning in May or June

Lilac is one of the most popular spring-blooming trees. If you want to keep it in good shape and encourage abundant blooms next year, you should prune it in late spring, just after flowering or when you notice the flower clusters becoming smaller and smaller. When pruning, remove dead wood and old shoots. CutYou old shootsdown to the ground to make room for the new shoots.

Here you will find a list of other spring bloomers that can be pruned in May or June.

  • Amelanchier spp. (Elderberries)
  • Berberis spp. (Berberitze)
  • Chaenomeles spp. (flowering quince)
  • Deutzia spp. (Deutzia)
  • Forsythia spp. (Forsythie)
  • Philadelphus spp. (mock orange)
  • Syringa spp. (Lilac)
  • Viburnum spp. (Viburnum)
  • Wisteria spp. (Glyzinien)