When the weather is nice, people like to stay outdoors. Whether it's a small green oasis on the balcony or a beautiful garden: flowers create a happy atmosphere and add color accents. It's just a shame that most of them wither quickly. Or not? In today's post we answer the question: "Which perennials bloom all summer?" and list the most beautiful permanent bloomers for the summer months.
Which perennials bloom for a long time? Perennial bloomers for sunny and partially shaded locations
The flowering perennials have to endure a lot in the sunny summer garden. Heat, dryness and the strong afternoon sun are not a problem for the next long-term bloomers. They thrive just as well in sunny and partially shaded locations.
Long-flowering summer perennials: garden daisies
Garden daisies (bush daisies)Bloom profusely from May to autumn. They bear abundant flowers. However, in order for them to form new buds during the flowering period, you shouldBlooms regularlyremove. The bush daisies are true sun worshipers and prefer a full sun location in the garden or on the balcony. They are also insect-friendly plants that provide food for bees and bumblebees. Important care instructions: The daisy needs wind protection and regular watering. During the flowering period you should definitely fertilize them, ideally once a week. It is not hardy and moves into winter quarters from the end of September.
Bush mallows are real permanent bloomers
The first flowers of theBush mallowsappear in June and the flowering period lasts until the first frost, often even after. Bush mallows are actually hybrid plants that, compared to the other permanent bloomers in this list, can reach a height of up to 2 meters. The perennials are sensitive to frost, but can survive the winter outside with the right frost protection.
Magnificent candles bloom all summer long
Beautiful cherriesare undemanding, permanently flowering summer perennials. They grow up to an impressive 140 cm high and feel particularly comfortable in sunny flower beds. It can be combined well with other sun lovers such as lavender, blue rue or spurge. Magnificent candles are also perfect as cut plants.
What blooms from July to October? Finials
Finialsare plants with a bushy habit that bear abundant small purple flowers from April to October. The finials need a place in full sun on the terrace or balcony so that they really thrivebloom profuselycan. Places protected from the wind are best, where the finials can stay even in autumn. However, they tolerate frost poorly and have to be moved to unheated winter quarters at the end of October.
Which perennials bloom in summer? Dipladenia
The Dipladenienare among the most beautiful permanent bloomers in the container garden. They can also cope with little water as long as you fertilize them generously during the flowering period. This begins in April and ends in October, when the frost-sensitive plant with the large, funnel-shaped flowers moves into winter quarters. Caution is advised when planting and cultivating, because Dipladenia are highly poisonous and particularly dangerous for children and animals.
Flowering perennials for the summer garden: girl's eyes
Girl's eyesare beautiful perennials from North America that are also enjoying growing popularity here. The perennial species are hardy and can spend the winter outside. In summer they delight the eye of the hobby gardener with their countless bright yellow flowers.
Perennial flowers that bloom in summer: bluebells
Peach-leaved bluebellsscore points with delicate white flowers that look good both in the natural garden and in the flower bed. The flowers spread quickly and are ideal for planting larger areas. They reach a maximum height of approx. 80 cm and can be perfectly combined in the bed both as soloists and in combination with other grasses, flowers and perennials.
Which perennials bloom in summer? The rose types at a glance
The rose is the queen of summer flowers. Below we list the species (with tips for varieties) that really bloom all summer long.
climbing rosesare a real eye-catcher in the garden and on the balcony. The “Parade” variety is a robust, long-flowering plant with double pink flowers. The “Aloha” variety is a frequent flowering plant with large flowers that exude a strong scent.
MostBeetrosenare more frequent bloomers. However, certain varieties from the USA such as “Absolutely Fabulous” are considered permanent bloomers. Other varieties that score points with a long flowering period include “Belle du Seigneur” and “Avalanche Rose”.
Double hollyhockshave a long flowering period that begins at the end of June and ends at the end of September. They are offered in different colors and set accents in the flower bed with their voluminous, large flowers.
Shrub rosesare a real eye-catcher in every garden. There are numerous varieties to choose from, many of which bloom multiple times during the summer. This means that they first bloom in early summer - May to July and then take a short break before producing flowers for the second time in early August. However, all varieties have one special feature in common: they need to be cut in summer to promote flower formation.