Gardening in November: Before winter, follow these important tips for a well-prepared garden

Shortly before the end of the year, the work in the garden becomes less. But there is still something to do and today we would like to summarize for you what important gardening work awaits you in November so that you don't forget anything and can start your short winter break with a clear conscience. Follow the following gardening tips for a well-maintained garden that is well prepared for winter and the new season.

What can you plant in November?

Yes, it's getting colder and there are a few frosts now. However, there are a lot of things you could still plant in the colder November. So planting new specimens is a potential gardening activity you can consider that will benefit you in the spring! What do you plant in November?

Gardening in November – flower bulbs go into the beds

It does frost quite often, but the ground itself is not yet frozen. So before the ground frost prevents you from planting new plants, you can do this quickly.The spring flowers, which grow from onions, can now be planted. This is important because the flowers need the cold phase in order to develop well and produce flowers in spring. So if you want daffodils, tulips and crocuses to decorate your garden in a few months, plan this gardening work in November.

Speaking of flower bulbs: Some go into the ground, others come out again. This applies at least to dahlias, which are not hardy. You can consider the first frost as a good time to do this. And that may well not be the case until November.

You can also sow some hardy potted plants now.These include the Christmas rose, the Bleeding Heart and the Pasque Flower. They can easily survive the winter in the pot.

You can plant perennials in the garden

If you plant new plants in the beds before winter, you guarantee that they will grow much stronger and healthier next year. The cold winter is anything but debilitating, as some believe. The reason for this is that the plants can concentrate on developing the roots instead of putting their energy into the above-ground parts of the plant. It is important, however, that this only applies to hardy specimens, which nevertheless benefit from winter protection in the first winter, as the plants do not have enough time to get used to the cold.

Exceptions to this tip for gardening in Novemberform grasses: These only come into the bed in spring.

Gardening in November – time for new trees and bushes

And more specifically forfruit-bearing plants: Raspberries, blackberries, apple trees, cherries and, and, and! The reason why this is just the right season for planting in the garden is the same as for perennials. They give the plants the opportunity to develop their roots and this can even be so beneficial that you can expect the first flowers as early as next spring. So that means one or two fruits!

What about vegetables?

The selection isn't big, but there are actually varieties that you can plant in the bed despite the cold and add to your list of important gardening tasks in November. For example, sow sea kale or winter purslane as well as carrots, chervil, root parsley and parsnips for next year.

Important gardening work in November – Pruning is done diligently

While there is a ban on radical cuts between autumn and October to protect birds, you can now boldly cut what needs to be cut. And these are mainly trees and bushes and, if necessary, the hedge. Pruning is important gardening work in November because, on the one hand, it protects the plants from the heavy load of snow. The branches could break off and these “wounds” then turn into weak points into which diseases such as fungal diseases can penetrate. This also encourages the formation of new shoots in spring. However, keep in mind that some shrubs prefer late winter or spring for such pruning (the hibiscus, for example).

Protect everything that needs winter protection!

Now is the time to provide more sensitive plants in the garden with winter protection. This also applies to anything you planted in the fall. And for this purpose you can even use cut branches from your conifers or hedge plants so that they will continue to be useful. Garden fleece is also well suited. Check with the garden center about options.

Properly protect potted plants

You now also have to think about the more robust potted plants that have previously been able to stay outside. Some absolutely need winter quarters, others prefer this but can also do with the right oneWinter protection outsideremain. It is important not only to wrap the above-ground parts with fleece or another suitable material. Above all, the pot, i.e. the root ball, must be protected. For this it needs insulation from below and from the sides. There are suitable accessories in hardware stores and garden centers.

Use the last garden waste in an animal-friendly manner and do more gardening work in November

We have already mentioned that you can and should cut the trees and bushes. In addition, there are always fallen leaves that you should rake up to avoid diseases in the garden. And you can use all this waste for a popular garden resident:the hedgehog! Build him a nice winter quarters out of twigs and leaves.

Last but not least, be sure to protect your water pipes. To prevent the water from freezing, turn it off. Also, empty other containers like the rain barrel, winterize the lawn mower, and clean and store all the garden tools that have done such a good job for you.