How often to fertilize hydrangeas so that they bloom several times in the summer: tips for an extra long bloom time!

The flowering time of hydrangeas can vary depending on the variety. However, if you care for the plants properly, they will thank you with a long flowering period and produce new flowers several times in the summer. We explain how often you should fertilize your hydrangeas and what you should pay attention to.

How often to fertilize hydrangeas: When can you start fertilizing?

The hydrangeas fascinate with their large flower umbels, which adorn the bush from the beginning of May to October. The plants are easy to care for and very adaptable. The location plays a crucial role in ensuring that they bloom profusely. In order for them to bloom for a long time or to keep producing new flowers, fertilization is an absolute must.

In spring: promote the growth of hydrangeas with slow-release fertilizer

The right time to start fertilizing is spring. You should fertilize it in March and April, shortly before the hydrangea comes out of winter dormancy and starts its active phase. This is important because snow and rain have washed away the nutrients in the soil in winter and there is a loss of important microelements, vitamins and minerals that accelerate growth. For this purpose you need either a home remedy with a long-term effect or long-term fertilizer from the garden center:

  • Home remedies:Certain home remedies canhave long-term effects. It is most effective if you work compost into the root area at the start of the gardening season. You can also use cow manure - this has a quick effect. Also check the pH value of the garden soil at the start of the gardening season. It may be that this has changed. If necessary, you can work coffee grounds into the soil.
  • Long-term fertilizer from the garden center:Fertilizer sticks are a good option. They are inserted into the soil in the root area and are gradually decomposed and supply the plant with valuable organic and mineral substances over the next three months. Granules are also suitable as long-term fertilizers. But instead of dissolving them in the irrigation water, work them into the soil around the roots.

How often to fertilize hydrangeas? Fertilizer application in summer

Once the hydrangea has received the necessary nutrients for rapid growth and flowering, the question now arises: “How often should I fertilize my shrub in the summer?” The hydrangeas are given long-term fertilizer once at the start of the season; the second fertilizer application depends on the flowering period. In the early-flowering varieties, the flowers open at the beginning of May. In mid to late June, these first flowers begin to wilt (in some varieties the flowers last significantly longer). Then is the right time to start regular fertilization. Apply liquid fertilizer so that the hydrangea gets enough nutrients for second blooms. Then wait two weeks until these flowers wilt and then fertilize them again with liquid fertilizer. Repeat the process until October - from the beginning of October you can stop fertilizing so that the plant can prepare for winter rest.

The process is similar for late-flowering varieties - you wait until the first flowers open and wilt and then add liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water every 2 - 3 weeks. They pay attention to what has faded and always fertilize when they see many withered flowers on the hydrangeas.

Tips that will help the hydrangeas bloom several times in the summer

  • In order for the hydrangeas to produce flowers tirelessly, it is not just the fertilization in summer that is important. You also have to regularly remove the dead flowers. This will encourage re-blooming.
  • In nutrient-poor soils there is oneFertilization in summerevery two weeks makes sense. This can extend the flowering period and encourage flower formation.
  • Also pay attention not only to the timing but also to the composition of the fertilizer. Too much nitrogen can weaken the hydrangea instead of strengthening it.
  • You can combine home remedies and fertilizers from the garden center, but be careful not to over-fertilize the hydrangeas.