Fertilizing hydrangeas with horn shavings: advantages & application

An important step in hydrangea care lies ahead, namely the supply of nutrients. Organic fertilizer is probably the most popular as a long-term fertilizer, while mineral fertilizer has the advantage of working quickly. If you have chosen the former, you will not only have compost available. You may have heard of horn shavings as a fertilizer and are now wondering: Can you fertilize hydrangeas with horn shavings? We explain what this product does for plants and how to use it.

Fertilizing hydrangeas with horn shavings – why the fertilizer is so good

In case you didn't know: horn fertilizer is the shredded hooves and horns of slaughtered animals. So they are a product from the butchery, but they have really good uses in the garden. Especially the high oneNitrogen content, which ensures vigorous growth of the plants, should be mentioned here.

But not all horn fertilizers are the same. The shavings also contain horn meal, which is ground more finely.Due to their coarser structure, chips only decompose slowly and gradually and thus release nutrients over a longer period of time - making them the perfect long-term fertilizer. Horn meal, on the other hand, decomposes more quickly and is therefore more suitable as an instant fertilizer that has to be applied again every two to three weeks.

When should you fertilize hydrangeas and with what?

It is therefore advisable to apply both variants at the same time in spring (from March). The flour gives the bushes an immediate effect, while the horn shavings for hydrangeas will then provide them with nutrients for several months.

If you fertilize the hydrangeas with horn shavings, there is a second time that you should not forget, namely approx. 3 months after the first fertilization and by the end of July at the latest. The plant then needs the right conditions to go into hibernation. If you continue to fertilize after August, this process will be disrupted.

In summary:

  • Fertilize the hydrangeas for the first time with horn shavingsin the spring, at the earliest in March, often mixed with horn meal.
  • The second fertilization about 3 months later, but only with horn shavings.
  • Apply the second fertilization no later than the end of July.

How to use organic fertilizer correctly

Regardless of whether you choose shavings, flour or a combination of both, the agent must be well incorporated into the soil so that the nutrients can reach the roots of the plant (keep in mind that nitrogen is a gas that, simply scattered on the surface, would simply escape). This means you have to loosen the soil, which runs the risk of injuring the roots. That's why you have to do it carefully. You should follow the following steps when planting hydrangeas in the bed:

  • Loosen the soil around the hydrangeas to a depth of about 10 cm.
  • Then mix the horn shavings into the loosened soil.
  • You should not overdose. It would not harm the plant directly, but would cause excessive growth of the green parts of the plant and disrupt flowering. Collaborate100 bis 150 gChips per square meter of soil or80 gpro Hortensienbusch.
  • When fertilizing for the second time, use about a tablespoon of horn shavings per liter of soil.

A notice:As useful as horn shavings may be, they are not suitable as a sole fertilizer. The nutrients it contains would not be sufficient in the long term. That's why you should always go with itother organic fertilizerscombine. Compost, for example, is ideal. You can also mix horn fertilizer with your compost and then apply it together if necessary.

Supply hydrangeas in the bucket with horn fertilizer - prepare liquid fertilizer!

If you want to fertilize hydrangeas with horn shavings, you have to work them well into the soil. We've already mentioned that. However, this proves to be even more difficult with potted plants, which is why an alternative would be practical here. Homemade liquid fertilizer is the solution! And it's really easy to do (like with eggshells, for example):

  • Take a bottle or other sealable container.
  • Add horn shavings.
  • Top up with lukewarm water (not hot as this could damage the nutrients).
  • Let the whole thing steep for at least a week. During this time, the chips begin to decompose and release nutrients into the water.
  • Use the water like any other liquid fertilizer for watering, after diluting it a little (one capful of fertilizer for the usual amount of watering for the container plant).
  • Water every now and then with the homemade fertilizer (not every watering to avoid overdosing).