Grow winter vegetables in raised beds: Choose these varieties that won't get cold feet in winter!

There are a number of vegetables that thrive in colder weather and that you can grow in the fall to ensure a harvest in your garden. So if you enjoy caring for (and eating) your home-grown plants, you don't have to go without them even in the cooler seasons. Some of the best winter vegetables are not only tasty, but also beautiful. Learn more about what winter vegetables can be grown in raised beds, as well as some tips for keeping your winter garden happy and healthy.

Why is raised bed winter planting a good idea?

Raised beds can help extend the growing season. The soil in a raised bed is warmer, especially if you use old car tires to build your raised bed. The black tires absorb the sun's heat, so the vegetables can survive longer in the winter and you can start growing earlier in the spring. It is important to note that some people do not use tires for growing vegetables because they fear chemicalsinto the groundcould reach.

In some parts of the continent, wet weather can severely hamper plant growth, as can low temperatures. Raised beds raise the garden soil above the moist ground and ensure the best possible drainage.

Timing is crucial when planning your winter vegetable garden. It is important that you know the frost forecast for your location. Knowing when to expect the first, hard frost will help you determine how long it will take for your chosen vegetables to ripen. You can usually find this information on the back of your seed packaging. When purchasing seedlings, look for a label that indicates the days to maturity for each variety.

If your chosen vegetable variety takes 90 days to mature, simply calculate the date to be 90 days before the first, hard frost in your location. This period may be extended slightly if you live in a warmer microclimate or if youyour vegetable gardenProtect with season extenders.

Growing winter vegetables in raised beds: What can you plant?

Kale – popular winter vegetable in raised beds

Kale is one of the easiest plants to grow, and cold weather only sweetens its flavor. For a winter harvest, plant a generous amount in slightly alkaline soil starting in mid-May. Kale usually survives frost, but you can protect the leaves from heavy snow if you want to avoid breakage.

Frost-resistant Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are frost-resistant: many varieties taste even better after surviving colder conditions. It is recommended to sow the seeds from early March to early April, under foil or fleece or in a cold frame. You can then move to a sunny location with nutrient-rich,moist groundbe planted.

Delicious Asian salad and its varieties

This leafy lettuce is another plant on the list of best vegetables to grow in winter. Gardeners can find so many great varieties of Asian lettuce in the seed catalogs. You can grow different varieties in spring, summer, fall and winter, but the best cold season varieties are Mizuna and Green in Snow. They grow very quickly and offer a variety of leaf textures, colors and flavors. You can sow them directly in early September or grow the seedlings indoors under grow lights before moving them to the garden beds in mid-September.

Plant lamb's lettuce

Lamb's lettuce is one of the best vegetables for winter growing. The plants form clusters of leaves 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter, which are harvested whole by cutting the stem at ground level. After a quick rinse, the rosettes are poured over with a simple dressing and enjoyed as a salad. Some varieties are sown directly in late summer.

Spinach is hardy and healthy

Spinach is one of our extremely hardy plants that thrives in all climates. Ideally, you should sow in early fall and harvest throughout the winter. If you're lucky, your harvest will last well into next summer.

Pro tip:Remove flowers regularly to prevent your spinach from going to seed.

Carrots for (almost) all dishes

As with kale, beets, leeks and many other plants, their flavor improves after a few late fall frosts. You sow winter carrot seeds from the end of July to the beginning of August and mulch the bed deeply with chopped leaves or straw at the end of November or beginning of December. This insulating layer should be covered to keep it in place. When you're ready to harvest, pull back the fabric and mulch and dig up as many carrots as you need. The best varieties for winter harvest include “Napoli” and “Gonsenheimer Treib”.

Winter planting with onions

Onions are another plant that overwinters well - provided you choose overwintering varieties. As the days get longer, their growth begins in late winter, so they can be harvested in late spring. Plant the seedlings in the garden by the end of August and protect them with straw mulch when temperatures get very low.

Garlic as a winter vegetable in the raised bed

Garlic is one of the easiest plants to grow and is typically planted in mid to late fall and harvested in mid-summer. Plant with plenty of compost and add mulch to protect from weeds and weather.