A flowering, lavish garden can be a real eye -catcher, not true! Sometimes, however, some plants can get out of control and transform the outdoor area into a jungle. What do you do when heavily overgrown plants take the lead? It may be annoying and sometimes you don't have the time to constantly struggle with an overgrown garden. Fortunately, there are some simple methods on how you can contain rapidly rising plants in the garden. And it is best if you take preventive measures. Learn from this article how you act correctly so that you can enjoy a decent and beautiful outdoor area for years!
Like overgrown plants, contain the outdoor area
If your garden is overgrown, you must take more drastic measures. How can you contain a wildly growing plant? NaturallyShould you natural meansAnd use methods so that you take into account the health of plants and people and support nature. Here we explain how you can save an overgrown garden in a natural way and put it in order again. Follow our tips and you will stay satisfied with the result!
Control heavily rampant plants in the garden by sharing
As a rule, perennials grow quickly and maintain large garden areas. If your shrubs are overgrown, you can simply share them. Grab perennials in autumn after the leaves have died and share them. Use a shovel or a sharp knife to caterpill the shrub carefully and with as few cuts as possible, make sure that one or more sticks and a nice root ball are preserved with each division.
Bring overgrown hedges in order
Many hedge plants grow quickly and can spread uncontrollably if they do not take measures in good time. Just bring them in order by cutting them and giving them a good shape that they like. Then provide the hedge well with nutrients and water so that the plants develop properly.
Rejuvenate overgrown shrubs and trees
Overgrown perennials are a main reason for the messy appearance of a garden. If your shrubs have become too big, rejuvenate them by cutting off the thickest and oldest shoots from the base with a tree saw or a prudent. Remove the oldest wood every winter up to a third of the shoots and leave the rest. You can shorten the remaining wood by half after flowering. This is how you get the shrubs in order. There are various cutting techniques that can be used when designing an overgrown garden. The rejuvenation cut is particularly useful if you have large trees and neglected shrubs that are overgrown with messy branches growing in all directions.
Weed control with natural methods
Weeds are one of the most common problems in the garden. Gardeners are often desperate when they have to constantly fight weeds. Well, it is time -consuming and tedious. Now by hand, weed control is a safe method, but there are also other methods to get overgrown gardens in order.
First you can cut the weeds with a trimmer. So you can see what you are dealing with. Cut weeds to a few centimeters above the floor. Then you can have a harmless and environmentally friendlyMethod for weed controlUse by covering the area with black film. This method is called solarization and kills all weeds and seeds within a few weeks. The film prevents weeds from making roots. Place the seams with landscape clips at a distance of about one meter.
Din it against rumbling plants in the garden
You can use stones as locks in the garden so that the plants do not get out of control. As a rule, conventional root barriers are made of plastic, but they can become creative and use other materials that do not decompose and that are durable. The root lock is placed vertically on the walls of the plant hole. Foils with a width of between 20 and 80 centimeters are sufficient for most plants. In this way you can maintain your garden more easily and contain rampant plants.
Use mulch to avoid overgrown plants
Gardeners know that they should mulch to suppress weeds and save water, but mulch also serves an aesthetic purpose. If you mulch your garden, give it a nicer and decent view and elegance. Pine bark or wood chips are the best mulch types. They also enrich the ground as they break down. A mulch layer of approx. 15 cm depth is well suited.
Do not choose any invasive garden plants
Choose your plants carefully if you want to save yourself excessive work in the garden. Avoid invasive plants or combine them with local species so that you can create a balanced environment. Here is a list of plants that are marked as invasive for Germany:
- Götterbaum (Ailanthus altissima)
- Co -foot leafy grape cabbage (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)
- Oriental jacks (Bunias Orientalis)
- Japanese perennial Knöterich (Fallopia Japonica)
- Sachalin-Studenknöterich (Fallopia Sachaleinensis)
- Bastard wing knotweed (Fallopia x bohemica)
- Giant-bulk clap (heracleum mantygazzzizing)
- Drüsiges Springkraut (Impatiens glandulifera)
- Vielblättrige Lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus)
- Ordinary robinia (Robinia pseudoacacia)
- Kartoffel-Rose (rough rose)
- Narrow -leafed old man (Senecio Inaequids)